
The Omniversal Dragon: Chronicles of an Ancient Evil

DevoureringDragon · Cómic
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6 Chs

The Emergence


Far away from the unfolding events onboard the Argo, the atmosphere was heavy with tension as the gathered experts discussed the baffling events that had unfolded.

"The oxygen destroyer, why wasn't Monster Zero affected?" Colonel Diane Foster's voice cut through the somber mood, her concern evident.

Jackson Barnes shrugged slightly. "I mean, I'm no scientist, but I think it has something to do with his goddamn head growing back."

The room fell into a momentary silence before Dr. Rick Stanton interjected, "Well, I've never seen anything like it. It violates everything we know about the natural order."

Dr. Chen, deep in thought, examined a cave painting she had uncovered. "Unless he's not part of the natural order."

Dr. Serizawa leaned forward, intrigued. "What do you mean?"

Dr. Chen held up the cave painting, showing a depiction of Godzilla and Monster Zero. "It tells of a great dragon who fell from the stars. A hydra whose storm swallowed both men and gods alike."

Mark raised an eyebrow. "What, you mean an alien?"

Dr. Chen nodded. "Yes. He's not part of our natural order. And he's not meant to be here."

Dr. Serizawa pondered this revelation. "A false king."

Dr. Stanton added, "An invasive species. That could explain how he's creating these massive storms. It's almost like he's reshaping the planet to his own liking."

Dr. Serizawa turned to Dr. Chen, curiosity in his eyes. "These legends, what did they call him?"

Dr. Chen spoke with determination, "Ghidorah. 'The one who is many.'"

As the discussion unfolded, Colonel Diane Foster redirected the conversation. "Then what is happening right now?"

Dr. Stanton furrowed his brow, examining the data. "It appears to be some sort of cocoon."

"A cocoon? Is it something like the cocoon which Mothra is in?" Diane inquired "that would mean he is evolving " she added her eyes widening with realization.

Dr. Stanton glanced at the screens before him, his expression one of shock and disbelief. "I... I can't believe it. The preliminary readings on the cocoon are astounding. They're unlike anything we've encountered before, and they're escalating rapidly."

As he monitored the data, Dr. Stanton's eyes widened with each passing second. "The energy levels are off the charts. We're dealing with something beyond our understanding."

The ship's alarms blared, signaling increased activity around the cocoon. The crew members rushed to their stations, tension thick in the air as they braced for what was to come.

Outside the Argo, the ocean churned with unnatural energy, a dark aura enveloping the area where Ghidorah's cocoon lay. The skies above Isla de Mara grew darker, as if the very atmosphere resonated with the impending threat.

Dr. Stanton continued to analyze the data, his fingers flying across the control panels. "The cocoon's energy readings are becoming more erratic. It's as if the very fabric of reality is being distorted."

Just as Dr. Serizawa was about to address the growing concern, 

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR," a deafening roar echoed through the ship, sending a chill down everyone's spine.