
The Omniversal Dragon: Chronicles of an Ancient Evil

DevoureringDragon · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The Awakening of Chaos

[On top of Isla De Mara volcano]

The pulsating cocoon atop the volcano grew erratic, its energy pulsing within like a heartbeat of impending doom.

Suddenly, "CRACK CRACK CRACK", the crisp sound of cracking echoed through the air as cracks spiderwebbed across the cocoon's surface.

Then, with a startling revelation, a portion of the cocoon broke apart, revealing the abyssal darkness within. From this abyss, three pairs of eerie purple-red eyes flickered open, sending shivers down the spines of all who beheld them. In an instant, three massive dragon heads burst forth from the crack, unleashing a renewed storm of chaos upon the world.

As the heads emerged, the storm surrounding the collapsed Ghidorah restarted with renewed vigor, now imbued with purple streaks of lightning crackling like ravenous serpents through the air.

The remainder of the cocoon dissipated, unveiling the monstrosity that lay within. The creature that emerged was a terrifying sight, towering at approximately 1042 feet, double the size of the original Ghidorah. Its body was adorned with glistening black scales, and it possessed a set of new frontal limbs and jet-black wings. Purple lightning crackled around its colossal form, and atop each head sat a crown of horns, exuding an aura of dread. Its massive jaws were lined with razor-sharp teeth, crackling with purple energy.

The creature spread its colossal black wings, raised its three heads high, and unleashed a guttural roar that reverberated across the world, declaring its return as "the destroyer."

After declaring its return, the dragon astonishingly opened its middle maw and spoke in an ancient, indecipherable language. "Ahhh... how long has it been since I breathed fresh air," it mused, seemingly to itself.

The monstrous being surveyed its surroundings with a mix of curiosity and disdain. Its eyes, glowing with an otherworldly intensity, scanned the landscape below, taking in the feeble structures and feeble beings scurrying about. The creature's aura exuded an overwhelming sense of power and dominance, as if it were a force of nature unleashed upon the world once more.

After focusing its senses to its body, examining its new form thoroughly, the creature spoke again, its voice carrying a thoughtful tone. "Hmm... This body is not half bad. My primordial energy has corrupted it thoroughly, though it might take a bit of time to stabilize."

"According to the original host's memory, this should be a sub-reality of the primordial plane, considering all the weak energy in the surroundings," it remarked disdainfully. "At least I have this power," the dragon said, while looking at one of its raised paws which was covered in purple energy. "With this, returning to my peak and going even beyond that would be a breeze... after all, I would have never lost that war if they hadn't sealed this away first," it growled, recalling a distant memory of its sealing.

The power it referred to was the power of absorption and adaptation, a core ability that had once made it unrivaled in the primordial plane.

With an extremely cruel smile on its maws, the creature continued, "Now that I am back, it won't be long. But in the meantime, let's cause some chaos and have some fun." With that, it spread its colossal black wings, a shockwave rippled through the air, causing the very ground to tremble beneath its colossal form. The skies above Isla de Mara darkened further, as if the heavens themselves recoiled from the creature's presence.

The unleashed storm surged in response to the creature's actions, its purplish lightning crackling with an intensity that threatened to tear the fabric of reality itself. Thunder boomed like an ominous drumbeat, echoing across the land as a harbinger of impending chaos.

With a flick of its colossal wings, the creature launched itself into the air, its massive form casting a shadow that engulfed the land below. The ground quaked as it ascended, leaving behind a trail of destruction in its wake.

As it soared through the sky, the creature unleashed another deafening roar, a primal sound that reverberated across the Monsterverse. It was a declaration of supremacy, a challenge to any who dared oppose its reign.