
The Omniversal Dragon: Chronicles of an Ancient Evil

DevoureringDragon · Cómic
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6 Chs

Reign of Chaos

Ghidorah, cloaked in the darkness of the night sky, descended upon Washington with a catastrophic storm in tow. Lightning crackled ominously around his colossal form as he approached, heralding the impending destruction that would soon follow.

The humans, with their advanced surveillance systems, detected Ghidorah's approach from afar. As soon as they spotted the colossal dragon heading their way, they launched a full-scale aerial assault. Fighter jets streaked across the sky, launching volleys of missiles aimed at the massive threat looming overhead. The air crackled with the roar of engines and the explosive impact of munitions. Despite their coordinated efforts and advanced weaponry, the military's assault barely made a dent in Ghidorah's formidable defenses. His scales seemed impervious to their attacks, deflecting missiles and gunfire with ease.

As the onslaught continued, Ghidorah's rage grew exponentially. With a deafening roar that shook the heavens, he unleashed a torrent of purple lightning from his three colossal maws. The lightning bolts homed in on their targets with uncanny precision, bypassing all tactics and maneuvers the humans attempted. Explosions rocked the sky as aircraft after aircraft was struck down, turning into burning balls of fire that plummeted towards the city below.

Descending from the clouds, Ghidorah brought his wrath directly upon Washington. His breath attacks ravaged the city, tearing through buildings and infrastructure with ease. The storm he conjured intensified, unleashing torrents of rain that quickly turned the streets into raging rivers.

The sounds of chaos filled the air—the roar of Ghidorah, the screams of the wounded, and the incessant crashing of buildings as they succumbed to the dragon's fury. Smoke and ash billowed into the sky, casting a dark veil over the once vibrant city.

As Ghidorah continued his onslaught, the military's efforts grew more desperate. They called in reinforcements, deploying advanced weaponry and aerial maneuvers in a last-ditch attempt to subdue the colossal beast. Yet, each attempt was met with failure as Ghidorah shrugged off their attacks with disdain.

The city below became a battlefield of devastation. Skyscrapers crumbled like paper, vehicles were tossed aside like toys, and flames engulfed entire blocks, turning the night into an inferno. The once bustling streets were now deserted, save for the chaos and destruction wrought by Ghidorah's wrath.

The dragons assault on Washington reached its devastating climax as the city lay in ruins, engulfed in flames and battered by the storm he had conjured. Buildings that had once stood tall and proud now crumbled into heaps of rubble, their shattered remains scattered across the flooded streets.

The relentless rain poured down, adding to the chaos as the floodwaters rose, swallowing everything in their path. Cars floated like debris in the murky waters, streetlights flickered ominously amidst the chaos, and the cries of the wounded echoed through the night.

As the rampage subsided, what remained of the vibrant city was transformed into a surreal underwater landscape. The once bustling streets were now submerged, the water reflecting the eerie glow of fires that still burned amidst the wreckage.

Ghidorah surveyed the devastation below with a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. The city lay in ruins, a testament to his unstoppable power. Satisfied with the carnage he had wrought, Ghidorah turned away from the smoldering wreckage, his gaze scanning for new prey to satiate his hunger for destruction.