
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 21: Trail vs Road

[9 Gates of Wrath: 3rd Gate opened]

Golden aura bursted forth from within me. My eyes started to shine gold and my ivory armor was forming itself to have spikes that are pointed in an angle around my body. The spikes on my forearms and legs formed more spikes, that looks like a blade, beside them. The unkempt ivory spikes on my head also started to turn and point away from my head.

I then stared at Trail. He had a smirk on his face and a maniacal expression.

"Hahaha! That's it! Show me more of your power!! Show me you are worthy of your power!"

I used my ability <Growth and Shrink> to enlarge myself for up to 50 meters in height. I then immediately dashed towards to Trail to throw a punch.


Road, or rather Philip, dashed towards Trail to throw a punch at him. Philip's fist is now the same size as Trail.

To Philip's surprise, Trail also enlarged himself to match Philip. Trail managed to block Philip's incoming fist and countered with a punch.

"Eraser Punch!"

Red lightning crackled as Trail pulled his right bionic arm back and stroke Philip. Philip dodged as he tilted his head to the right.

"Omega Punch!"

Philip's left arm glowed golden as he pulled it back and threw it at Trail. He managed to land a blow on Trail's right cheek as he did a left hook.

Trail stumbled backwards as the white metallic armor on his cheek began to crack. Only to repair itself a few second later.

"Impressive, you managed to land a hit on me."

"Just a lucky blow."

Philip then grabbed <Shi-Kama Tamashī-Kiru> from his inventory and prepared to launch an attack on Trail once again.

Instead of waiting for Philip, Trail blurred and a fast bolt of red light aimed towards Philip's stomach.

"Eradication Punch."

Philip was hit in the stomach and he was launch a few hundred thousands of kilometers away. Trail began to chase him as Philip haven't recovered yet from the blow.

Once Philip reached the orbit of Mars, he managed to collect himself. He place the death scythe back in his inventory as he realized that the scythe will not help in this fight. He then immediately formed a ki blast on his right hand and collected energy from around him.

He then saw Trail flying towards him in a distance. He unleashed the ki blast and threw it on Trail.

Trail knew that the ki blast will be weak as he will try to deflect it with the bionic arm. But what he don't know is that Philip formed the ki blast using the variable of energy and collected as much energy as he can on the ki blast.

As the ki blast approached Trail, the ki blast stopped midway. Trail then decided to ignore it and pass by it. But before he pass by it, the ki blast exploded into a million energy balls and started to bombard Trail with it.

This is the power of the variable of energy on top of the 3rd gate of wrath. Imagine if Philip activated his <Overload> ability.

After the smoke dissipated from the bombardment of energy balls, Trail was revealed with crumbling white metallic armor. He guarded himself by curling himself and tucking his head between his knees and enveloped his body with red lighting from the bionic arm.

Philip took this chance to scan the bionic arm because the power of it is mysterious as it survived the energy bombardment.


Arm of the Dark Vengeful True Sun God (Right)

Class: Divine

Power: Destruction


No wonder Trail survived the energy bombardment, the red lightning destroyed the energy balls before it could hit Trail. Granted that some has hit Trail as his white metallic armor is crumbling, but this just shows that Trail hasn't fully controlled the arm yet.


Trail exclaimed as he was amazed by the power of the energy balls. He then straightened his body as his white metallic armor began to regenerate. He then looked at Philip as his eyes started to glow red.

Philip noticed the glow on Trail's eyes. He prepared himself as he expected for Trail to launch a surprise attack. To his expectation, Trail did launch an instantaneous attack.

[Bullet Time has activated]

The color of the world turned grayscale as time slowed down. The glow on Philip and Trail's eyes did not lose color.

Philip dodged the attack by a hair's width. He then twisted his body to launch a roundhouse kick, to Philip's surprise, Trail also dodged it with a hair's width even though <Bullet Time> is still activated.

Philip and Trail exchanged blows when bullet time has expired. Both has dodged a significant amount of blows and both received a few amount of blows. With their exchange of blows, they unwillingly arrived at the asteroid belt.

Asteroids began to explode as the both of them flew past by the asteroids. Other asteroids was ejected out of the orbit due to force. Then, both of them landed on the dwarf planet of the asteroid belt, Ceres.

"I had enough!"

Philip had enough, he opened his arms to reveal the glowing spark of light in the center of his chest. He decided to unleash his signature move, the <Omega Laser>.

Truth be told, both Philip and Trail had their armors shattered into pieces. The regenerative effect of their armors cannot keep up with the damage that they are receiving.

Trail then stared at Philip with slit eyes. He had a bad feeling about this.

Philip then gathered energy and condensed it in front of his chest. The usual omega laser is colored blue, but this time, the energy ball is colored gold.

After a few seconds, Philip unleashed the beam.

"Omega Laser!!!"

A beam of gold roared throughout space. The target is Trail who was standing absent mindedly. The beam engulfed Trail as well as a portion of Ceres. A chunk of the asteroid belt also did not escape from the devastation of the golden beam.

After the beam dissipated, there was a space in the asteroid belt that is devoid of asteroids and half of Ceres has disappeared.

Philip did not want to say the accursed sentence if he did it. He looked around to see where Trail is now. He didn't know if the omega laser worked against Trail or Trail survived it.

A few kilometers away, Trail has received a significant amount of damage from the beam. He was angry at this point.

"*Cough* I didn't know he was this strong. Is he growing stronger as we fight? I can't let him get stronger as we will not be able to control him. I need to go all out."

Trail drifted in space as he clenched his bionic arm. Red lightning crackled around him and healed his injuries and his left leg has regrew.

As his injuries has fully healed, the red lightning became black with a glow of red. He then muttered in his voice,

"Annihilation Punch."

He then darted towards Philip's direction faster than the speed of light.

As Philip was looking around for Trail, three glowing objects and a distorted object is headed straight for him. He noticed the objects and hesitated to let it come near him or run away.

To his surprise, the objects entered him, or rather, in his inventory.

Along with the Philippium crystal; a yellow double terminated crystal, a sharp silvery blade, a pitch black block, and a needle with two rings of energy surrounding the needle is displayed. He decided to scan all unknown objects in his inventory starting from yhe familiar yellow crystal.


Ylium Crystal

Color: Yellow

Power: Force Application

Applies force to anything it touches with a galactic amount of force. Exponentially increases the force as time goes by.


Agium Blade

Color: Silver

Power: Projectile Absorption

Absorbs any and all kinds of projectiles, whether its physical or non-physical. Increases the sharpness depending on the amouny of projectiles it absorbed. Maximum sharpness is <Infinite Sharpness>.


Willium Block

Color: Black

Power: Millenium Decay

Decays anything it touches by 1,000 years per second unconditionally. Can be changed into range mode thay decays anything that is aimed to by 10 years per second unconditionally.


Kurtnium Needle

Color: Blue

Power: Space Manipulation

Bends the fabric of space by absurd amounts depending on the power received. Can match the event horizon and singularity in terms of space bending.


Philip was surprise and confused about the objects. Surprised because of the overpowered abilities of each objects. Confused because of the Ylium crystal and the other names of the objects. Why would Eduardo's crystal be here? And why does the Willium and Kurtnium named after William and Kurt if he deduced correctly.

As he was contemplating about the reasons, a display showed up.

[You have collected all required materials]

[Would you like to form them into swords?]


Before Philip could process what he just read, bullet time suddenly activated and he saw Trail in front of his face with purple glowing eyes with his bionic fist glowing with red, purple, and black lightning aimed for his head.

"Omega+ Punch."

Philip eyes opened wide and his eyes flashed with golden, he then unconsciously threw a counter punch on the bionic fist to mitigate the impact.

Annihilation Punch and Omega+ Punch collided with each other. A shockwave formed that pushed the surrounding asteroids away and can be felt from Earth.

The omega ones from Earth looked up worringly and resumed whatever they are doing, except for Ysabelle.

The collision form the fists then formed white cracks from the space surrounding them. Then the space surrounding them shattered into tiny shards and pieces. Philip and Trail was then blown away from each other from the equal impact of the punches.

A display then appeared in front of Philip.

[You have entered, the 5th Dimension]

[Requirements have met: Reach any dimensions]

[You obtained the variable of Dimension]

[You can now travel to places that you have been before in an instant with additional conditions]

'That's so vague!!'

Philip screamed in his mind because of the second half of the explanation.


National Capital Region - Luzon - Philippines

"Hahahahaha! Come and get me!"

Jacob was having fun destroying squadrons upon squadron of spaceship and warships that have invaded Earth. When the omega ones closed in on Earth, Jacob claimed the most number of spaceships that are invading a country, the Philippines.

So far, Jacob has destroyed thousands of warships and half of the spaceships in total singlehandedly. Jacob ignored the fact or as to why there are the most number of invaders in the Philippines, he just wanted to destroy.

After a few minutes, Eduardo has reached Jacob and warned him.

"Jacob! There's a giant meteor up above!"

"Oh shit! You're right! That's a pretty huge meteor. So, what do you want me to do? You're a saiyan. You can destroy it by just looking at it."

"Do you think the debris after I destroy it will just fly away and not hit Earth? You are the only one who can destroy it with one punch without letting the debris fall to Earth."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm stronger than you.



By this time, William has also arrived along with Sean. They can also see the moon shifting about in the sky, even though it's 10 in the morning.

"Those couple can sure control the moon, huh?"

Jacob exclaimed as he was impressed by the Myst couples. The four of them on the ground then began to talk to each other on how to destroy the giant meteor without harming the Earth.

"Where's Kurt?"

Asked Sean as he couldn't detect Kurt on Earth or in Space.

"Now that you mention it, I also can't detect him for some reason." William exclaimed.

"Where's Ysabelle?"

This time, Eduardo asked as he remembered that she went the same way as the Myst couples and went in another direction halfway to the moon.

"I don't know, I can't sense her either." Said Jacob.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Exclaimed Eduardo.

What will Philip do now as they are in the 5th Dimension?

Will Jacob be able to stop the meteor?

Find out next chapter!


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