
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 18: Sister vs Brother

Avenue swooped towards me. The way that she swooped was groovy, it was like he is moving by a rythym.

She then pulled back her right arm and steam was released from the neon batteries on her right forearm. She then swung into my head.

Her movements are very obvious as I moved backwards to dodge the punch. Then another strike was thrown to my side while I dodged it cleanly. Her movements seem amateurish becaue she couldn't hit me at all and I can see through her movements.

Moments later, my face distorted into confusion as I hear something that I shouldn't hear in outer space. There was music playing, an intense music, the one that is used when an intense battle will commence. I only wished that it's Megalovania so I can jam with it while fighting.

Thinking a while back, I wondered how me and the others can hear each other in space. Is it some sort of telepathy or neural link? Perhaps it's because that our bodies are ultimately enhanced that we can hear and breath in space. Or perhaps it's because of my body which became an alien species.

I don't even know if I should fight with this woman who claim to be my sister. Her movements are so obvious, it's like a baby punching against a professional boxer.

I tried to block another one of her straight punch with my right hand. Once I grabbed her fist, I suddenly moved backwards with a significant distance. Apparently her punches are slow, but pack a massive punch, literally.

I then countered with martial arts that I learned from Kurt back during our training. I dodge Avenue's strikes while she blocks mine and surprisingly, he dodge quite fast despite her slow punches.

I secretly used my evolved <Property> called <Scan> and used it on Avenue.


Avenue Big

Race: Big Family

Power: Avenue


Adaptive Music (Passive) - plays music depending on situation and increases stats depending on the music.

Combo Strike - increase damage and speed for every miss and hit. Max capacity is 10,000 misses or hits.


She is no threat at all! Why would I even fight against her? For freedom? But that's what I really don't focus on, I just want to protect Earth.

That's it! Now I have the proper reason to fight her and drive the invasion away.

As I was in my own thoughts, I instinctively dodged a punch from Avenue that nearly scratched my face. That last attack was different from before.

After a while, I have observed that every punch of hers increases her speed for every miss. Things will get out of hand if I let her be. If I let her be, she will go ora ora ora on me and throw hundreds of punches per second. I need to finish this.

"Hey, Avenue. Before I get serious and drive you away, would you guys leave in your own accord and leave us on Earth alone?"

"No! You have to come with us! It's the patriarch's orders!"

"As I said a while ago, I don't want to go!"

"You don't get to say anything about that! You belong to us and you belong to the patriarch alone! You only need to follow the patriarch!"

"What?!" I was slightly annoyed at that statement. I belong to the patriarch? What's that about?! I am me and myself only! I don't belong to someone!

[9 Gates of Wrath: 2nd Gate opened]

"That's right! You belong to the patriarch and you get to only follow his orders like the rest of us! So if you be a good boy... and..."

Avenue didn't continue her sentence as I saw fear in her eyes when my 2nd gate of wrath suddenly opened. Truth be told, I am genuinely annoyed right now. One of my virtue is that no one belongs to someone like they are their servants who do their bidding.

I hate that.

"Now, my "dear" sister, what are you saying a while ago??" There was a hint of sarcasm and anger in my voice as I asked my proclaimed alien sister a question, to which she steeled herself in order to reply.

"Ehem, you belong to the patriarch and--"


I immediately expanded myself to ten times of my original size using my ability <Growth and Shrink> and punched her while her body is literally the size of my fist.

She flew back several meters away and she immediately collected herself and faced me again only to find out that my face is directly in front of her face.

I returned back to my original size and instantly moved in front of her.

"What I hate the most is that someone says to me that I belong to someone which isn't the truth at all. I am my own self and I do whatever I want." My eyes shone with a brighter yellow and a golden aura emanated from my body. I am looking at straight into her eyes with utter coldness as if I am looking at dog shit.

Avenue was terrified. Cold sweat trickled from her forehead. But then, she did something that made all the neon batteries loose their colors and shouted,

"Thousand Consecutive Punches!!"

She then went ham on me as she threw faster-than-light punches straight at me at point blank range. There was too many to count as it was so fast that even <Bullet Time> can't slow it down significantly. It's like I am being bombarded by a minigun even if time slowed down.

I immediately raised my right hand and made a closed open palm gesture that mimick a sword and used one of my sword arts that deals against a barrage of attacks like this.

"Swordless Technique: Combo Breaker!"


There was a clang sound as both Avenue and I was blown aback by the shockwave and Avenue's skill was broken. Her arms are broken and was twisted and turned in the wrong way and it's bleeding. While my right hand broke, specifically the ivory armor, and bled. The ivory armor then immediately closed my wounds and repaired itself.

The sword skill combo breaker was originally meant to be used using a sword as it will break both weapons when the skill is used anda condition is met. I gambled on this sword skill because I know that my arm will repair itself while Avenue's won't.

I then immediately followed up a sword skill that may or may not kill her, but I need to incapacitate her as she will become trouble in the future.

"Swordless Technique: Ascending Stab!"

My body flickered out as I rushed towards Avenue's chest as I formed my hand that looked like a needle and aimed straight for her heart. I didn't know what I'm doing at this point as I try to kill a living being. The usual me will think twice before dealing the final blow.


I felt that my sword technique connected and successful as shockwaves blasted from my arms. But her body should be dangling on my arm as I pierced through her heart and yet, there's no body on my arm or in front of me.

"You've done enough, Avenue. It's time for big brother to teach little brother a lesson for hurting you." A male voice spoke from behind me. I instinctively turned at the source.

"Look at what you did, little brother. You messed up Avenue's arms and almost pierced through her chest. There's even blood dripping from it." Avenue was unconscious after my <Combo Break> as the man carried her with his arm under her back.

"Who are you this time?" I asked the man.

"I am your big brother. My name is Trail, nice to finally meet you, Road."

"Nice to meet you too. My name is Philip, not Road." I corrected the man named Trail as I was confused as why are the three of us are named after a kind of pathway; Avenue, Trail, and Road? Is there someone named Street or Highway?

"Hmmm, I see. Then if you wouldn't mind, would you like to come with us to meet our patriarch?" The man then held Avenue with his bionic right arm and disappeared. A red light then emerged and it shot through the mothership. Maybe he just sent Avenue back in the ship.

"How about I say no?"

"You don't get to say anything." Trail's expression became serious.

"You're just the same as Avenue, she already said that to me so it will never work on me again."

"I see, then I gotta take you by force then."

"Before we start, can I ask you why you needed to take me to the patriach except for the reason of because of his orders?"

Trail then showed a sadistic smile that sent me shivers down my spine. "To incarcerate and control you."

"What?! Oomph--"

Before I could process what he just said, I was punched in the gut by his bionic hand. The ivory armor on my stomach cracked as I vomitted out blood.

"So fast!"

Trail then kicked me towards the Earth and punched me once again.

I managed to stop myself mid flight and looked back at Trail. He was standing in front of me while he raised his bionic arm. Red thunder flowed out from the arm and he gestured as if he pulled something down.

Moments later, a giant meteorite, half the size of the mothership materialize at the other side of the Earth. It seemed that the gigantic meteorite will head straight to Earth.

I immediately flew towards the meteorite to intercept it but,

"Where are you going?!"

Trail grabbed my leg and pulled me back and threw me on the mothership.

"Why do you always go for Earth?! At least leave it alone!"

"Why you say?! HAHAHA! Because that planet is so disgusting that it makes me wanna puke. I want to erase it because it makes my eyes sore."

"What?! No!" I reached towards Earth as I expected that something will happen but to my expectation, nothing happened.

Trail then flew towards me while I lay down on the roof of the mothership.

"Eraser Punch!" Red lightning surged from the bionic arm and he punched towards me.


I was blown away straight through the mothership as the whole mothership imploded and exploded from within giving me maximum damage. My ivory armor cracked and snapped as it tried hard to recover itself while taking damage.

Where is Kurt? Isn't he supposed to be here? Trail disregarded the life of his crew in this ship along with Avenue? He is a dangerous person! He is ruthless!

I emerged from the flaming debris of the what the mothership is left and stared straight at sadistically smiling Trail. I then felt a click from deep within my body as my golden aura bursted brighter than before and my ivory armor emanates a tint of gold.

[You have unlocked the 3rd Gate of Wrath]

[9 Gates of Wrath (3/9)]

[Gate 3: Anger]

[Boosts all skills and abilities by 20 times. Decreases life force and humanity by 0.1%]