
The Odd Weapons Meister

Who is Sheen? What is he? After getting hit by a truck so hard he ends up in another world, Sheen is forced into the unusual, to interact with the unusual, unusually. With an odd past and an uncertain future, he must remember what was forgotten, survive the other world, and decide his future. First weapon? A shovel. only doing this for a hobby open to ideas and helpful suggestions.

Someone13 · Fantasía
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17 Chs

The bigger they are...

What greeted me was a huge waterfall.

"Woah... that's big."

Yeah, it was huge but...

"Where is it coming from?"

The water seemed to be falling from some kind of portal. When I looked into it I saw nothing but a pitch black space. While I was standing on a rock near the falls, the bushes seemed to rustle. I quickly hid behind a boulder and took a peak. That was when I saw something like a zebra come out. It looked around before staring at the water.

Ah, I heard that zebras only drink crystal clear water. That's nice. Drink it. Come on and drink it. I'm thirsty here.

It finally put its head down to drink but the second I was about to cheer, the bushes rustled again. The zebra pricked its ears and started running away.

I look for the cause of the rustling only to hear trees falling and feel the ground shaking.

They rustled to an earthquake? No this isn't a earthquake. These are-

That was when it entered my view. A hulking giant that challenged the trees. The trees were already as high as skyscrapers but this... this was huge. Let's see... blue skin, a club, one eye, a horn... A cyclops? Hmm... we're trapped.

The falls were to big to swim through, I'd be crushed. I can't go through the river since it would see me. I can't climb to the other side of the river through the rocks because it would still see me and I'd be a sitting duck. I guess I should just wait? It should leave soon enough.

"Sniff Sniff, I smell a tasty human somewhere..."

He spoke

Oi! Why are you saying that out loud! Trying to get me to run for you? Hell nah! I'm not on the menu!

While think those kind of thought at the speed of light, I tried looking for an escape route.

no way am I going through an obvious way , too easy to get spotted. Unfortunately, like I said before, I was trapped.

River? No.

Rocks? No.

Falls? No way.

Sigh... I guess I'm stuck...

I sit down and lean on my shovel.

Its not like it can dig through anything like rocks... hmm?

That's when it hit me.

IT CAN! If it can cut through a rabbit, then why not rocks? Because that was due to magic. But what makes a spell or art? Imagination and mana. So...

Thinking that I hold my shovel firmly, pointing it at the rock I was hiding behind. I was hoping to make a small pocket to hide myself in while I dug down. I tensed my muscles and thrust.

"Shovel ART: Rock Breaker"

The result? Hahaha... It worked all right.


Craack Crack

Crumble Crack Crack!

Crumble Crumble Crumble!!!

A bit too much...

"haah... haah..."


We stared at each other.


The giant cyclops shook the ground with nothing but his voice.

Damn! My ears!

Blood began dripping from my nose and ears due to it screaming so loudly. That wasn't all either. Braking a huge boulder took a lot out of me so I would say that I on my last legs, which is funny since I was the one who did it.

I looked around for an escape route but I still couldn't find one. The giant was nearly here so I could only make a desperate attempt.

"Ah, hell!"

I started to run to it instead. I had a stupidly crazy idea but it was my only chance, and that was to...

Sorry if it feels a bit lazy. I've been feeling a bit tired lately.

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