
The Odd Weapons Meister

Who is Sheen? What is he? After getting hit by a truck so hard he ends up in another world, Sheen is forced into the unusual, to interact with the unusual, unusually. With an odd past and an uncertain future, he must remember what was forgotten, survive the other world, and decide his future. First weapon? A shovel. only doing this for a hobby open to ideas and helpful suggestions.

Someone13 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Climbing and falling


A toe that was as big as my body came sliding towards me at high speeds. My reaction was focus my mana into my feet and jump onto its foot. It sounds easy but it was like telling a guy to jump over a car. Meaning it's possible but easy to look stupid.


I just looked stupid.

As I was rolling on its foot I stored my shovel while taking something out of my inventory and stabbing it into the skin.


I'll tell you this, I felt like it should have been "Clang" instead. Like, talk about thick.

I took out my to weapons and check their condition. They were two sharpened horns from the horned rabbits. I told you they were dangerous right?

Welp, no time for that. They seemed to be fine so I ran up to the Cyclops' leg and started stabbing it with one horn at a time and moving upwards. Yep, I was climbing it. Since I can't run then what can I do?

After a rushing up a few metres, a huge hand came swinging at me. What am I? A bug?

I stabbed a horn hard and used it as a foot hold. It was basically a repeat with its foot where I focus my mana and jump.


Just the force from the smack was enough to boost me up. I ended up reaching its thigh in one go. What I was thinking about though, wasn't about how I nearly died again or how I was tired to the point of nearly passing out. All I could think about was not looking down. That was when I saw something vulnerable and had a evil thought.

"If I'm going to die then I'm taking your kids!"

Saying that I brought out my shovel and put a foot on the rabbit horn. The Cyclops shivered and immediately tried to swing reach at me. But it was too late.

Weapon Art: Blade




Meanwhile, in the Hermits Cave...



Victor had dropped his drink and his face paled.

"...This guy is ruthless."


Back to the forest...

The huge cyclops fell to its knees and collapsed. I was falling from a pretty bad height so my only thought was "ah... I'm dead, so so dead. I don't even know why I was fighting so hard."

Even without dying once, my life was already empty in my first life. But, I did have fun I guess. Yeah, it was fun. Hmm? What was fun? Why, fighting of course! Not knowing when you're going to die, not knowing when or how it ends but knowing that it would eventually. Not needing to think about anything but living or dying.



F**k you fate!

While having my mind twist and turn I thought about ways of living. This was my conclusion to cheating death.

I was running on fumes but I wasn't dead yet. As a last ditch effort, I threw a bit of wind at myself while dumping the corpses in my inventory. After a moment of falling, I landed in a meat pile. It hurt like hell but it was better than dying.

The earth rumbled from the fall of the cyclops. Is it dead yet? Don't care, that took all I had. I can't feel my legs or arms anymore but I suppose that it's better that way. I just barely managed to avoid getting crushed by landing between its legs so I wasn't exactly feeling great.

But I might as well check. While having that thought struggled to get up and walk around to its face. Since it was so huge it took me a while and I was only half conscious. It wasn't exactly awake either though since it just passed out from the pain so I was lucky it wouldn't bite me out of nowhere.

I went to its eye and took out my shovel. A while later, the body started glowing...

666 words lol. Awesome.

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