
The NightBlade

Arcania, a world where magic dominates, different races are fighting for the peak of the Holy Mountain where the you can receive the blessings of the Gods. The most Dominant of the races, which are the Undead is slowly becoming more and more dangerous with their dark magic. Thus to prevent this, the races formed alliances in order to stop the Undead. The Alliance, which consists of Humans, High Elves and the dwarves. The Marsh, which consists of the remnants of the beast race. The Sentinels, which consists of the Night Elves and the Dark Elves. These alliances had managed to win against the Undead. Because of this the Undead have been forced to live in the shadows for them to continue to exist. The remaining races formed a contract, in which they will no longer kill for the right to climb the Holy Mountains. They will hold competitions every decade for all the races in Arcadia in which each race will choose it's young generations to compete, the elders are not allowed because they have great battle experience in the Great War. The race that wins 100 matches shall have the right to ascend the Holy Mountains. Arcania, city of Varsandra, Human Race. There has been a revolution against the Empire because of the discrimination against the people who have low or zero affinity of magic, a few of the elders of the Magic Court had joined this revolution. There is a rumor that tells about a mysterious person that kills the generals of the Empire that is against the revolution, thus he was called the "Spark" of the revolution. There happens to be another rumor in which that mysterious person also kills the leaders of the revolution and that person was entitled by the Empire, the Imperial Justice. But there is another title in which he is famous, the NightBlade. He kills his targets during the night, with his unparalleled strength and speed and his swift and destructive magic. What is this man's aim? Whose side is he on? Is he the "Spark" of the Revolution? Or is he the "Justice" of the Empire?, or is he the Doom Bringer sent by the Undead?

NeMeSis_ChAoS · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Chapter 1: The Academy of Magic

Since the contract of peace with the races except the Undead, the Humans has built the "The Academy of Magic " in their cities to train people with mid-high affinities of magic. Magic is everything in this world, it defines who you are. If you have low affinity for magic, you are considered trash, not even human. The opposite comes to those who have high affinities, they are considered as precious gems and some are even treated as gods. The Tower of Magic, is an organization of magicians who have even high authority than of a city's ruler.

Even though they let the commoners to enroll in the Academy because of the Revolution, the Nobles, which has a high affinity for magic looks down on the commoners. The weak shall remain the weak, and the strong shall become stronger. This is the unbreakable law in the Magic Academy.

Inside the Academy of Magic. People are lively and excited because of the upcoming Holy Competition, the Human race have won 41 matches and lost 20 and is currently on the third place. The second place belongs to the Island Trolls that is the representative of the Beast race, they won 49 matches, lost 12.The first place belongs to the High Elves, winning 55 matches and lost 6. The Academy is holding a school competition to find students that can compete in the next Magic Competition. Inside the Academy Library, people are currently gathering and trying their best to borrow magic books to increase their chances of being picked as one of the school's representatives.

Inside one of the classrooms:

The rooms have desks for the students to use. Every desk has a unused magic circle, students use this during class to try using magic. These magic circles are special, they would activate if the sequence is correct while they will remain the same if the student failed. Even if they are activated, they will not actually use magic, instead they will just produce light depending on what element used. Teachers usually teach magic in the Academy. Although some teaches the students some techniques to fight if they run out of mana.

A woman dressed in black uniform with a Lion Insignia enters, the insignia indicates that she is a Noble.

"From now on, we have a new student at our class, he is Kaito." the teacher said as she pointed at the door. A student appears from the door, he has black hair, a pair of blue eyes and a fair body. From one look from a expert, he would already be considered as trash.

"Hello I am Kaito, I am from the Red Tree village, in the east of the Empire". The student said.

Many of the students at this class were Nobles, resulting in many of them being annoyed as another commoner was accepted.

"You may now take an empty seat Kaito" the teacher.

"Tsk, another commoner" a student said as he saw Kaito.

"When will they learn that they have no place in the Academy?" another one said.

The new student took a sit in the back of the class, and started listening to the teacher. Kairi, the top student of this Academy, stared at the new student but it seems he is not suppressing his aura or anything.

"It seems he really is a commoner" Kairi said to herself. The class started, the teacher re-discussed about the elements. Fire beats Earth, Wind beats fire, Earth beats wind. Fire, Ice and Water are tied in strength. The Sacred or Holy magic is mainly used for buffs or healing, while some are used for attacking. Darkness, which dominates all of the elements are forbidden not because of it's destructive power but also because this is the main element of the Undead.

"As you know, the Academy is holding a school competion, as my students I want you guys to at least place in the top 10. The first battle will be a 2v2 Magic Duel, the second will be a 1v1 Magic Duel. Your partners in the 2v2 Magic Duel will be selected tommorow morning. Those who won can join the second part of the contest. After that, you shall be ranked among the other classes, those who showed great potential in the Physical or Magical field will have a chance to be selected. That is for today, I hope you all good luck in your battles". Soon, the students started to mind their own businesses and a group of students wearing different insignias walked up to the new student, Kaito.

"Hey you, can you go to the library and grab us some magic books?, while your at it, why don't you also bring us food?" The student with a red hair said with a threatening tone. Kaito stood up and said,

"Why do you have to ask a commoner to do those things for you? Can't the strong Nobles like you do it yourselves?" This angered the red boy,

"Hey mind what you are saying, you ought to know your place, you filth." the red haired student said with an angered tone.

"Hello to those who are reading this"

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