

enjoy xx


The birds chippered around her happily, singing their songs. The air warped around her giddily, telling its tails and the flowers bloomed brightly making laine happy too.  The music flowed effortlessly through her mouth singing to the lyrics of the songs playing from her phone.

Laine sat with her face angled upward with a bright smile on her face. She was just enjoying her petty get away from her hell of a mother.

It had been two weeks since the damn tea party and laine was pissed. She couldn't handle Doris insulting her like that. And it wasn't just that, the rest of the tea party was followed with whispering and chuckling behind laine's back.

So out of spite, laine snapped back. Not by opening her mouth then and there, no. But by applying to the University of Toronto.

And she got accepted.

So, of course, she had to inform Doris about it. And Doris being the Great mother she is, rejected.

"You aren't going anywhere, you piece of shit!" Doris sneered at laine, spitting some of the words on her face. "You are going to stay here and marry Sid, you got that?" she continued smirking when laine was kind of taken back.

"I never asked your permission mother," laine sneered back.

"Neither did I" Doris' smirk getting wider by the second. And then there's was silence. Laine was trying to control her breath, fumbling for a response that would shut Doris the fuck up while Doris stood there, her smirk still intact, and then laine dropped the bombshell.

"Well, I don't think Father would be too happy to hear that now would he?" and now it was laine's turn to smirk. so she leaned on one foot and cris-crossed her arms, smirking at Doris's horrified expression.

"GET OUT, YOU WRATH OF A CHILD" Doris screamed at top of her voice, trying to show that she still had power over the situation but the hyperventilating sound of her breathing told laine otherwise.

So laine just took the keys to her black porch and bolted out the door but not before turning back and smirking a "gladly" at her mother.

And before she knew her feet were racing up to the garden. To make herself feel better

As the name suggests, Kensington Palace Gardens, it has a lot of small gardens. A few acres Behind the Lancaster's  mansion, there was a huge mess of dead plants mosses, and leaves, and a bunch of dead twigs and trees. So, laine and Dylan being the 'adventurers' they were, or rather, tried to be, made it their mission to find where this dead place ended.

So when thirteen-year-old Laine and Dylan set off on their little adventure, what they didn't expect was to find a garden. The dead mosses were replaced by fresh green grass dressed with lilacs, and the trees surrounding the garden formed a thick canopy only allowing little rays of sunshine to fall through it, creating 4 thick bands of sunshine amidst the gorgeous garden. On one corner of the garden, there was a small pond where little tadpoles and goldfish swam. Making the little garden look euphoric. Her little getaway from the world.

And it did make her feel better and she wanted to drown in that feeling. Laine didn't want to go home now. Not now, not ever.

And to answer her pleads, Dylan's message popped up.

Dylan- wanna party? x

Me- oh yeah!!!

Dylan- great I'll pick you up at 7,where you at? x

Me- the lake xx

Dylan- so you want me to come there or meet at your place?

Me- I'll meet you at the party, text me the address. xx

Dylan- cool, cool:)

So, with a sigh laine got up from her position on the grass and picked up her car keys.


Laine quickly changed into light blue denim shorts and a leather top that fit her snugly with a black jacket on top that hung low on her shoulders. Then she took out her leather boots/heels.

But before she could wear them, a loud knock on the door startled laine. She quickly wore the boots and turned towards the door, unlocking it. But the second she saw the person on the door laine's expression turned sour.

There stood Doris with a mortifying expression on her face. But laine just stood there arm cris-crossed and a stone-cold look on her face.

"Yes, Mother?" Laine broke the silence, her stone-cold expression still intact. But Doris just stood there,  her eyes lowered down, checking laine out. And before laine could open her mouth, to tell Doris off-

"Where  are you going?" Doris asked, the bitchiness and strength showing in her tone.

, "Out" Laine smirked and shut the door in her face causing Doris to flinch back.

But the smirk soon wiped off and laine let out a sigh, tired of these fights, but bloody hell, she wasn't backing off.

So with that, laine quickly put on some makeup which consisted of mascara, eyeliner, and a lip gloss. She decided to let her down.

With one last look, laine left her room, stuffing her phone and car keys in her back pocket while grabbing a chewing gum from the kitchen.

Laine's phone dinged off as she was about to sit in the car.

Dylan - 1a Kensington High St, London W8 5NP (Author~  I don't live in London, so ik nothing abt the address but this is what it showed when I googled the address)


Jako London.

laine reads the golden sign put up in front of the bar. She quickly gives her car to the valet and makes her way inside, trying to make her way through the drunken sweaty bodies grinding onto each other on the dance floor or any floor, for that matter.  Laine shakes her head, hanging it down while pushing the bodies aside.

Soon she sees the VIP section and pushes the door open only to be crashed into a  bouncer.

"What the fuck?" she snarls "step away" and orders, not caring if she sounds like a bitch. The bouncer doesn't side away, just narrows his eyes at laine and looks up again.

"What an ass" laine comments and takes out her phone to call Dylan. It rings and rings and rings but there's no answer. Laine groans and tries to look past the bloody big bouncer. She makes out three people sitting on the round sofa. One guy in the middle and two girls at the side. It doesn't take long for her to figure out that the guy is Dylan.

"Dylan!!!" she yells, trying to catch his attention but he doesn't notice.

"Dyla-" she gasps as she feels a hand groping on her bum. she whips around and takes the hand on her ass in her hands and twists it.

"Easy baby girl, I was just helping you let in" he lifts his hand in Dylan's direction who is shoving his tongue down one of the chicks while the other girl kisses down his neck. Laine takes her gaze from them and shifts it to sid and a girl who is latched onto him.

Sid smirks and steps forward giving the bouncer a pass. She then sees the bouncer stepping aside and bowing his head a bit.

Laine narrows her eyes to slits and walks away, swaying her ass a bit, for no reason at all.

"Hey dickhead" laine acknowledges Dylan, who is now making out with the other girl who is straddling him, whereas the other one is sucking on his neck. No doubt, leaving a mark.

Dylan just leans away from the girls, and gives laine a middle finger, greeting her. Dylan quickly flicks his fingers calling for the waiter to get their drinks.

"Make me the strongest thing you have" laine demands quickly. The waiter nods while sid chuckles shaking his head, him too than getting tangled with the girl on his side.

She wrinkles her nose, why did Dylan invite Sid anyways? she wonders to herself.

When the waiter doesn't arrive, laine gets up to the bar to get her drink.

Unfortunately, the bar is outside the VIP section, so laine has to go through that bouncer again.

She quickly makes her way through the bouncer, and opens the door, but turns back to see Dylan and Sid still engaged. So she decided to just roam around and dance.

She darts towards the counter, where drinks are served, and finds the same waiter with her drink in his hands. She takes the drink and gulps half of it in a go. the drink makes her head fuzzy so she gulps the other half it too, liking the fuzzy feeling.

After 3 or so drinks later, laine is absolutely drunk out of her mind. After gulping down her 5 the drink, laine quickly takes out 5 grand and throws it on the table, not caring for the change.

She then stumbles her way to the drunken bodies, whom she was disgusted by a mere hour ago. She walks funnily, looking down at her feet while chuckling, to the center of the stage. When she reaches there, she just starts jumping up an down with her wrists banging in the air while yelling cheers and some other words. Laine grows out of it after a while and starts swaying her hips left to right sexily while biting her lips and closing her eyes.

Liane then notices a pair of black, or what it seems from far away, eyes ogling at her from afar. She raises her eyebrow and shamelessly checks the nameless boy. He's sporting a white tee under a black leather jacket and leather and black jeans.

His face has a bit of stubble which makes him look hot and intimidating. His lips are red from biting on them for so long. Laine has a funny feeling in her stomach which makes her laugh. she doubles over laughter while still staring at that guy, who now has an amused smile too.

But soon laine's laughter dies down but now she's horny and drunk. So she bites her lips, pokes her hips a bit, and starts swaying from left to right while her hand gets tangled in her hair, leaving them messy. She thinks about the features of the nameless boy and soon starts thinking about how that boy's lips would feel against her neck and lips. The thought makes her moan and she starts grinding into thin air, while staring a hole in the guy while he's doing the same, staring at her.

Laine doesn't realize how long she's been doing that until someone knocks her over. "Watch it dick" she mutters and focuses her gaze on the boy again, she notices his semi-hard and bites down on her lip a little harshly.

I need to be touched. This is her last thought before she starts stumbling towards the guy. But before she can make her way through to him a hand pulls at her wrist tugging her back. Laine is smashed into a big chest. She whines and looks above only to see sid.

Laine had never been so close to Sid, now the sober laine would instantly take a step back and wrinkle her nose but the drunk laine, who not to mention is very horny, can't help but notice sid's nicotine breath fanning over her lips. But before she can react, sid drags her to his car, saying it's getting very late and whatnot.

"M- my ca-car" she mumbles weakly. "Don't worry I'll drop it later." She hears sid as he opens the door to his car that laine didn't realize they had reached.

Laine doesn't know what came up in her mind, but she runs for the bar yelling that she wants to dance some more. But before she can go into the bar, sid's hand stops her and pushes her back to his chest. This time laine looks back and looks into sid's deep blue eyes. Sid's breath starts getting heavier and laine notices it, so to of nowhere, without thinking. Laine keeps her hand on Sid's chest, feeling the beating of his heart quicken and she looks up to his eyes again.

Sid's eyes dart to laine's lips, and laine bites her lips, clearly horny and not thinking clearly.

And it doesn't take long for Sid to smash his tongue down laine's throat. Sid pushes her back to the wall, gripping her thighs while roughly kissing her.

Laine quickly jumps onto sid as he holds her thighs, lifting her up.

They make out for a while when sid carries her to the backseat of the car. Still kissing.

"My house" Laine whispers while sucking harshly onto Sid's neck.


I know I am so sorry!! please don't hate me for it lol.

Also no, the Lancaster's don't know about the garden behind their mansion since it's a lot of land away.

Also, some of the phrases in this chapter are written in bold/italic but Webnovel doesn't have those features. So yeah, lmao I didn't know why I wrote that anyways, if you like the chapter then maybe vote?and comment?

Ps. Sorry for the long author note, I'll try to keep them short:)


Tell me if you liked it or not xx