

Enjoy x


"Ugh" Zayn groaned as he was slowly brought into consciousness. He slowly sat up, his hands massaging his head that was aching badly from the consuming of so much alcohol last night. He rubbed his eyes slightly and rose a bit of the blanket that was covering his legs.

He peeked inside the blanket and yep, he was naked. He looked towards his right and found two girls sleeping naked, their lips plump and their necks covered with new forming bruises.

Zayn turned towards his left and found 3 used condoms lying on the floor, Woah, that was a wild night I had, he thought to himself. He quietly rose from the bed leaning down and picking up his boxers and shorts and searched for the white tank top that he was wearing yesterday, he found it lying on the left corner of his room, but it had pink lip marks on it so he picked it up and went to keep it on the laundry basket, reminding himself to do the laundry later.

He made his way to the kitchen to make a cuppa for him.

while making the tea was boiling, his phone lit up, notifying that he had a message, from Alize,

"Fuck" he muttered. He quickly opened her message.

Hey babe, Gm!

I am coming over in 10. x

"oh god," he rubbed his head again and ran over to his room, forgetting the boiling tea in the process.

"Get the fuck up" he yelled at the girls whose names he didn't know. They both rose quickly covering their bruised chests with the bedsheet. They looked at the topless Zayn and bit down on their lower lip, making It even redder.

"Wanna go another round, champ?" The girl with curly black hair and brown fiery eyes asked. Zayn just shook his head and yelled "NO!! My fucking girlfriend's gonna be here in 10. Bloody hell, Get up!!!" zayn tugged at his hair biting his own lip, scared Alize's gonna be here any second.

And to answer his thoughts, there was a knock on the door. "Babee, open up!!" Alize said from the there side of the door. He swiftly turned his head in the direction of the door, when he felt one of the girl's biting down on his neck. Leaving a mark.

She quietly whispered "tell her to join the party" seductively slowly licking from his neck to his ear.

Zayn jumped back "what? No!" He shook his head "go away! Last night was a fucking mistake ok—"

He got interrupted by the rattling of the front door and then Alize opening it.

"Fucking hell" he whispered under his breath.

Alize had been standing at the door for 5 minutes, tapping her foot and whistling when she heard Zayn yelling something, she couldn't figure it out since the voices were muffled. She figured Niall and Liam would be in.

She quickly took the emergency key under the pot, since she figured Zayn wasn't opening the door. She rattled the door to see if it's open. It wasn't. She stuck the key in the keyhole and opened the door.

"Babe?" She asked, peeping in the kitchen, it was empty except for a pot on the stove. She dismissed and checked the hall, with no sign of Zayn or Liam or Niall.

So she entered Zayn's bedroom. Noticing Zayn's widened eyes and 2 naked girl's on the bed.

Zayn bit his lip as he stared at Alize staring at the two naked girls. Alize then turned to him, her eyes reflecting hurt and tears but mostly fury.

She came towards him and slapped him on his right cheek, hard. Zayn's face tilted to the side. His cheek stinging from the slap, but he just took it because he knew he deserved it.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD" Alize slapped him again, this time definitely leaving a bruise.

She then just shook her head and walked out of the room.

Seconds later, zayn heard the front door thudding close.

Zayn looked at the door, debating if he should go behind Alize. He decided against it and turned his head back, glaring at the two girls.

"Okay, enough of the entertainment. Now fuck off." With that being said Zayn grabbed his pack of cigarettes and exited his room but before closing it he said "want you out of here in 5 minutes until I finish my cig off. I come back and there should be no sign of you both here. Got it?" In such an intimidating tone that both the girls nodded and scrambled to get their stuff. He gave them a stiff nod and exited the room, shutting the room.

He walked to the kitchen and turned the stove off, seeing that the tea was already burnt and he was not in the mood to make another one.

He grabbed the lighter and opened the front door, going to sit on the gazebo, that his father and his sisters had made.

He lighted the cig and placed it between his lips, looking at the mini-garden behind the gazebo that his sisters, Doniya and Wahlia used to maintain.

He missed them.

Soon he heard the front door open and close and saw the girls walked out of the house, chatting quietly to each other not turning towards Zayn.

Zayn quickly finished his cig off and went back into the home to tidy everything up before calling Niall and Liam over.


It was 6:45 in the evening, when the bell rang, indicating that Liam and Niall were here.

He stood up and opened the door,

"Oi oi lad" Niall greeted, with his wide smile and cheery attitude as always.

Niall was like a little brother to Zayn even though he was only a year younger than him.

Niall quickly hugged Zayn and went into the kitchen asking if there's any food to which Zayn nodded.

Then Liam came in and hugged Zayn, sensing there was something wrong with him, since he was kind of down.

After eating a bit and watching fast and furious-3, Liam turned off the movie and turned to Zayn.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Yeah, what's wrong, zaynie poo?" Niall asked with a pout. To which Zayn just chuckled and said "first of all don't call me that Nialler" he poked Niall's waist which made him laugh, and then turned to Liam "if I tell you, will you promise not to be mad at me?"

Liam shook his head, his face turning serious "no promises".

Zayn sighed and rubbed his nose and took a creep breath before telling them the story.

"Well, I kind of got heavily drunk last night and had a threesome." He said in a quick hoping that the boys wouldn't hear him but Liam's gasp told him otherwise.

"And?" Liam asked knowing there was more. Zayn groaned and buried his head in his hands.

"Ugh! Fine! Alize found out and broke up with me" Zayn said, his face still in his arms.

This time Niall gasped and Liam growled at him.

"You dickhead, why would you do that?" Liam said, trying to control his anger.

"Ugh I am sorry ok, I don't even remember anything from last night."

"Doesn't permit you to have sex with anyone. I bet you didn't even know the girls' name, did ya?"Liam shot back.

Zayn just shook his head in embarrassment. Liam slapped the back of his head while muttering wanker.

"I am so—" Zayn got cut off when Niall spoke up.

"Hey man chill, ok? It's fine you were only dating her for 2 months and I know it's wrong but hey everyone makes mistakes. Just forget about it and let's go to a bar get knackered and find another chick, yeah? Don't bring yourself down!" Niall interrupted with that wide smile.

Zayn turned to Liam and raised his eyebrows to which Liam sighed and nodded his head. Zayn quickly hugged Liam "I am sorry li, I promise I won't do it again." "You better not" replied Liam and smiled at him.

So they all cheered up, high-fiving each other and easing their fists in the air.

"Let's go get druuunk!!! Niall sang while grabbing his coat, making the boy laugh.

Zayn shook his head and thought I love these guys while smiling fondly over his two best friends.

And this was that, Zayn's life. Bars, smoking, and sex.

A wild and free bird.


Tell me if you liked the chapter, or if you didn't. x