
The Nascent Bloodline

Read to the 10th chapter The Infinity Era brought about a drastic change in humanity, reducing their primacy as a species due to a decrease in an unknown Energy.  Bloodline abilities such as Mind Control, Matter Manipulation, and Multi-dimensional Telepathy, were once wielded by humans. But due to the decreased energy, lesser abilities like the four natural elements- Paranormal abilities were now the dominant among humans. However, the discovery of ruins left behind by an alien race enabled humans to grow in leaps and bounds, allowing exploration of the quantum universe and creation of quantum devices.  But as human potential peaked, mysterious races of higher intelligence appeared, with an inexplicable hatred for humanity, were barred by barriers in their dimensions. As time went by, loopholes appeared, enabling them to transverse to Earth realm. Who will save the Earth realm?  Egon's lifeless body......... His skin was nearly ripped off........ Blood had no longer gushed out due to lack of it...... Then he was fully enveloped within a golden light...... Egon's eyes burst open with power emanating from them like fire.......... A beam of light descended from the heavens and shot straight towards his body - causing him to glow even brighter than before....... "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" He is the Nascent Human!...... Please, I'm new to writing if you spot any mistakes just drop a comment. I might not be that good at writing system, but please I would get better..... Check the auxiliary chapters out!

Paul_Okito · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
99 Chs

His Failed Start

Egon watched their every move in amazement. The group moved in a coordinated manner that was truly remarkable. Egon couldn't help but feel that he was witnessing something exceptional.

As all of them exited the training hall, Asher, their commander, appeared before them. They all immediately saluted him, saying "Good afternoon, sir" in unison. They then lined up in an orderly fashion, standing tall with their chests extended out.

Egon was taken aback by Asher's presence. He had previously thought of Asher as playful, but in front of them, he was a completely different person. Asher walked in front of the group, inspecting their lines like a military officer.

"We have a new recruit in our midst," Asher announced, addressing the group.

"Yes, sir!" they replied in unison.

"I want you to show him the ways of the fist."

"Yes, sir!" they replied again, with a strong sense of discipline.

"You are the elites, the best of the best," Asher continued, his voice firm and resolute. "So I wouldn't welcome a candidate who isn't up to the mark in the midst of the Crystal Legion. Our new recruit must undergo a trial before he can be classified to which place he would belong."

Egon was surprised. "You didn't tell me there was going to be a trial," he exclaimed.

Asher looked straight at Egon and continued: "There is no deal if you fail this trial. You will be sent back to your region, and we wouldn't care about your survival or your family's survival."

The other elites looked at Egon with curiosity and indifference. They had put in years of grueling hard work to get to where they currently were, yet here was Egon, who had not gone through the initial process of training.

Egon was angry, but he had no choice. "Okay," he said through clenched teeth. "I guess I have no choice. Please, I would like to know the rules of the trial."

Asher was a tall man whose strong voice immediately commanded respect. As the commanding officer of trainees, Asher stood in front of the group.

He began by explaining the ranking system that divided the trainees into several levels.

"There is a ranking system in place that tests your abilities and pushes you to your limits," he started.

"The first level is the Novice level," Asher continued.

"This level is designed for those who are new to the training program and are still developing their skills. The second level is the Intermediate level, and it's for those who have displayed basic mastery and can handle more complex techniques and challenges," he said, pacing back and forth.

"The third level is the Advanced level," Asher said, his voice growing more commanding. "It's reserved for those who have honed their skills to a higher degree and can take on more difficult tasks with ease."

"The fourth and final level is the Elite level," Asher boomed, his words echoing throughout the training room.

"Only the most skilled and experienced trainees make it to this level, and these are the ones who possess the greatest potential."

He then turned his attention to the leadership board of the previous winners.

"As many of you know, we have a leadership board that keeps track of the top trainees across all levels. The board displays the top performers for each level and their corresponding scores for each challenge," Asher said, looking up towards the bulletin board hanging on the wall.

"For those who make it to the top of the board, there are rare rewards and opportunities to be gained," he said, a smile spreading across his face.

"But make no mistake, the board is highly competitive, and only the best of the best will rise to the top."

"And one more thing," Asher said sternly,

"if you die in the trial, you will die in real life."

Egon's expression changed immediately upon hearing this, and he was visibly shaken.

"I guess I will have to be alive to make it to the top of the ranking list," Egon murmured, steeling himself for the challenge ahead.

Egon stepped into the stimulation room, his eyes scanning the stimulation room with intense curiosity.

As he entered the room, the walls and floor around him began to transform, morphing into a massive arena of polished steel and radiating lights. The dull whirring of gears and machinery sounded all around, as if the entire arena had come to life.

Egon could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he surveyed the arena.

In the world, he found himself in front of a holographic console.

[Trainee 11-F, Please create a gear]

Egon was taken aback but immediately got to work.

[Begin by selecting the gear option on the menu]

[Choose the size and gear type.]

With a smile, Egon decided to use the 3D printer.

First, he considered what elements he would need to fight his next opponent.

"Hmm, I think I might be fighting a lighting monster"

Egon thought from past the previous fight he watched. The enemy might be lightning-based or fire based, so he chose to integrate a grounding element into his gears to neutralize the electrical charges.

He didn't need a to create a fire resistant, he was already one.

With his ideas solidified, Egon used the 3D software to design the perfect pair of boots, outfitting them with copper tips that extended into the soles.

"Wow, this stimulation really has taste"

Next, Egon printed out his gauntlets, covering them with conductive copper wiring that ran through the gloves with the intention of manipulating the electrical currents.

Satisfied with the composition of his gear, Egon smiled, "let's check out this gear"

He geared up, wearing his customized suit and boots, all while attaching the gloves and gauntlets to his forearms.

[Trainee 11-F. You have successfully created the gear]

All of a sudden he was transported to another realm. He didn't understand

[Battle will begin in 5...4...3...2….1]

The ground shook as lighting struck nearby, causing Egon to panic in fear. His self-crafted gear was useless in this situation as it offered no protection from the deadly surge of electricity that threatened his life.

As he scrambled for safety, the lightning bolts continued to rain down from the sky, striking the ground near him with ear-splitting thunderclaps. His fear skyrocketed as Egon realized his struggles were futile. There was no way he could control the energy, and he was at the mercy of the storm.

Egon felt helpless as his surroundings became a blinding flash of light and deafening noise. He couldn't even see or hear properly, and the raw power of the electricity made him feel like a tiny speck in a vast, unforgiving universe.

The storm raged on, as Egon stumbled and fell, his body feeling like it was on the verge of being consumed by the immense energy. The currents surged through his body, causing his muscles to spasm in agony.

Egon tried standing from the desolate, rocky outcropping, surroundings. The ground beneath him was craggy and uneven, and the air was filled with a misty fog that made it difficult to see.

"What is happening? I feel weaker than before," he said, confused.

Just then, a deep and robotic voice echoed around him. 

[Welcome to Round 2 of the Crimson Crystal Legion Training. You have failed the first round, but you have been given another chance to prove yourself. If you fail again, it will result in a game over]

Egon's heart sank at the thought of failing again. "I can't fail again," he said to himself, feeling the pressure mount.

He looked around and realized that he had been transported to another world entirely. In the distance, he could see towering mountains lazing in darkness, their peaks glistening with what seemed to be ice or crystals. The sky overhead was pitch-black and filled with unfamiliar stars, and he felt a chill run down his spine as he took in the new alien environment

The same voice spoke out "Survive the 

army of dense Zoraxarian" it bellowed.

Out of nowhere Zoraxarian creatures started spawning all of a sudden.

The Zoraxarians were fearsome, bipedal with an average height of 5 feet. Their bodies were covered in a thick, coarse fur that was deep, mottled brown or black in color. Their fur was incredibly tough, providing a natural armor that was resistant to most forms of damage.

Their faces were narrow and elongated, with glowing red eyes that could strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. They had sharp, angular features, including a pointed snout filled with razor-sharp teeth. Their limbs were powerful and muscular, ending in large, curved claws that could slice through even the toughest materials.

 Egon was surrounded by a swarm of the extraterrestrial beings. The situation appeared hopeless. Egon tried to figure out what to do as he surveyed his surroundings.

"Shit! My abilities don't seem to work here. How will I fend off these monsters" he thought.

Please, if you don't like it you can skip


Authors Note:

I will love to thank the almighty God for making it this far.

Guys, sorry for not telling you that I would go premium.

I want to sincerely appreciate all those that supported me thus far.

All the years of reading of numerous books, through the dark... hours of reading.....

Sleepless night and many more...

I have finally made it this far...

I had always thought of creating my own book and here am I... I've fulfilled one of my dreams....

I'm sorry if this book is not up to your standard.

I know you must have expected a lot more. Soorrry! I'm still in my learning faze. Ever successful person had a beginning.

I know I might not meet up your standard, but I always work towards doing that.

I constantly correct errors I notice. My chapters undergo countless corrections. I'm still learning you guys should sincerely forgive my errors.

I would also love to thank my Mom.....

she is my world ... She had supported this book in every way....

I need your support to the top....1

I can do it with your help, Please guys I need your support...I presently have gifts.

I promise to cherish every readers support... Thank you Please

Thank you all....May the lord bless you...Amen!

Sorry for being religious....

if your not here I'm sorry....

Drop your name.... and I will make sure to put you in the next chapter....

All my fans I appreciate you all your the best


Guapman... Best Ever the boss of all...

Onedayysomeday..... Best






Washing Dishes_07.....




















Kiregns_ bringer....





















Sorry for the wrong spelling....

if your not here I'm sorry....

drop your name.... and I will make sure to put you in the next chapter....

Please, I need your comments and vote. Thanks for your support in advance

Paul_Okitocreators' thoughts