
The Nascent Bloodline

Read to the 10th chapter The Infinity Era brought about a drastic change in humanity, reducing their primacy as a species due to a decrease in an unknown Energy.  Bloodline abilities such as Mind Control, Matter Manipulation, and Multi-dimensional Telepathy, were once wielded by humans. But due to the decreased energy, lesser abilities like the four natural elements- Paranormal abilities were now the dominant among humans. However, the discovery of ruins left behind by an alien race enabled humans to grow in leaps and bounds, allowing exploration of the quantum universe and creation of quantum devices.  But as human potential peaked, mysterious races of higher intelligence appeared, with an inexplicable hatred for humanity, were barred by barriers in their dimensions. As time went by, loopholes appeared, enabling them to transverse to Earth realm. Who will save the Earth realm?  Egon's lifeless body......... His skin was nearly ripped off........ Blood had no longer gushed out due to lack of it...... Then he was fully enveloped within a golden light...... Egon's eyes burst open with power emanating from them like fire.......... A beam of light descended from the heavens and shot straight towards his body - causing him to glow even brighter than before....... "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" He is the Nascent Human!...... Please, I'm new to writing if you spot any mistakes just drop a comment. I might not be that good at writing system, but please I would get better..... Check the auxiliary chapters out!

Paul_Okito · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
99 Chs

Training Facility


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* I haven't been releasing everyday because I want active readers. If I see changes, I promise you guys I would do a mass release. Thanks*

Enjoy reading;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"I forgot about introducing myself my name is Asher, I'm the commanding squad leader of the trainee department of the Crimson Crystal Legion".

"Hmmmm" Egon said like not caring for his name.

Egon checked his wrist, trying to find his Quantum Watch LB and Mega.

Egon inquired, "Where are my belongings, specifically my Quantum Watch?"

"Oh! Your Quantum Watch is in your bunker. We would get there soon".

Egon was relieved a bit.

They both got out of the interrogation room.

He was marvelled at the sight. The environment was similar to that of a jungle in appearance. 

However, what caught his attention even more was the fact that it wasn't an ordinary ecosystem. It resembled something from another dimension, with plants possessing unfamiliar characteristics that he had never seen before. 

These bizarre plant species appeared similar to those he watched from news reports regarding battles with extraterrestrials in another dimension, so finding out that this environment exists on earth surprised him immensely. 

As he walked through the environment, he was struck by the beauty of the bioelectrically connected flora and fauna. 

The mist that shrouded the area only added to the feeling of being in another world, and Egon could only wander in awe, feeling as though he was in a dream.

Egon felt a sense of awe wash over him as he walked amongst the towering vines interlocking and braiding together above, with multicolored plants and glowing flowers decorating the smaller leaves at the base of the vines.

"How is this possible!" Egon was surprised.

He had heard stories of aliens operating on a galactic scale, but the scale of the biosphere he was in now was something else entirely. Everything in that environment was interconnected through a bioelectric network that pulsed with energy. It was as though he had stumbled into a parallel world, like something from an alternate reality, yet he was on earth. 

Asher laughed as he looked at Egon, he started narrating,

"These plants mutated from normal elephant grasses and kapok trees to frostfire grass and shadow shade vines.

It was as a result of the aliens to survive in this territory. But it is funny why we can still breathe here.

They began to adapt to the new environment and underwent a series of mutations over time, eventually giving rise to the unique species that you see here today."

"The DNA of these plants have a unique feature that helped them transform these simple plants into a complex organism. These allowed the rapid spread throughout the area." He explained 

"That was a nice prep talk." Egon yawned 

"I think you're not fond of science," Asher inquired.

"Actually, I love science. It's just that I was tired of you recounting all the information. By the looks of the plant, I could tell how it evolved. I have studied plant genealogy." 

Egon wasn't surprised or impressed by what Asher said.

"I suppose explaining it to you was pointless," Asher said, his voice tinged with annoyance.

Egon responded defensively, "I'm sorry if I wasted your time."

Asher simply nodded, thinking to himself, "This boy is quite the annoyance."

"Alright, let's continue to the training field where the new recruits train," Asher directed him forward.

Egon and the man approached the open field, thousands of young students arranged in precise rows, practicing martial arts with precision and discipline. 

"Take a good look at them," Asher gave a hardened expression. "These trainees are in the Rudimentary Evolver stage, the mere beginnings of The Crimson Crystal Legion's mighty army."

Egon's eyes widened in shock as the man continued, "These soldiers are just a fraction of what the Legion has to offer. They may seem mild now, but their potential for growth is immense."

The crisp sound of punching bags being hit echoed across the vast expanse of the field, and the air was filled with the grunts and shouts of the students as they practice their moves.

The students were all in uniform, red with a black strip on the sleeve of their shirts and loose-fitting black pants. Each one of them seemed to be focused and disciplined, moving in perfect unison with each other in their row.

The instructors walked along the rows, checking each student's form and correcting their stance where necessary.

They moved with air of authority, their eyes taking in the entire sea of students with a seasoned eye.

Egon's eyes were on the sea of students practicing their skills; he noticed that some students were using the elements of fire, water, wind, and earth in their techniques.

They were able to create flames with a mere flick of their wrist, while some called forth fiery animal spirits that were made up of fire to assist them in their training. 

The students using water moved with fluidity and grace, their movements often imitating the flow of a river or the crashing of waves.

The students using wind seemed to move with incredible speed and agility, often darting around their opponents like a gust of wind. Those using earth moved with stable and unyielding strength, their stances were solid as the roots of a tree.

It was clear that these students had a deep spiritual connection to their natural elements, calling upon them not only as weapons but also as a source of inner strength.

Egon continued to watch, he saw the students transitioning seamlessly between the different elements, using each one to complement their own unique style. He was impressed by their skill and dedication to their craft.

The atmosphere around them seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, and he felt a sense of reverence for these young Paranormals who had mastered the elements and made them a part of themselves.

They walked passed the trainees heading towards another place.

Asher saw how thrilled Egon was and put forward a question 

"Through your records, I think you haven't used your abilities before? You were only able to use them during your awakening period. We can help you" Asher asked

"I don't think you're fully correct. I killed a Rudimentary beast when I was just in the early stages of Visceral Essence." Egon said

"Don't freaky cut me shut again! Its irritating!" Asher shouted at Egon. Egon too was shocked that the calm man had his bad side too.

"Now, I guess you would see individuals now that are your age, but have grown behind comparism to the likes of you."

"This is the Interstellar Crimson Training Facility"

Egon was shocked by the facility.

As Egon and the man walked through the massive doors of the training facility, they were immediately greeted by the technological marvels and advanced equipment that lined the walls. The sleek chrome finish and hieroglyphic embellishments gave the facility a futuristic feel, unlike anything Egon had ever seen before.

The main training hall was vast, and the floor shimmered underfoot as trainees practiced their moves. Egon was fascinated by the LED lights that responded to the trainees' movements, changing colors and patterns as they moved across the floor.

"Wow," Egon said in amazement as he looked around the training hall. "This place is amazing!"

Asher chuckled. "I guess this is the only thing you are marvelled of. Let's checkout the individual training rooms," he said as they made their way toward the first room.

Inside, they found a clear glass floor that Egon could see through to raging river below. The walls were made of laser-controlled screens that transformed the environment into different landscapes and planets. Egon felt like he was standing in the middle of a desert one moment, then snow-covered mountains the next.

"This is incredible," Egon said, as he examined the room.

Next, they walked through the recovery area. Egon was amazed, seeing a recovery chamber that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. It had advanced technologies that used lasers to heal any injuries and used soothing colors and mist to help trainees rest after a tough workout.

Egon couldn't contain his excitement. "I guess being here is not that bad" he said eagerly.

"Ok, it's time for you to see the elite fighters here" he said

They were seven individuals who stood on the open ground, waiting for the simulation to commence.

"Sandstorm sequence, begin."

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the sky, followed by a massive ball of energy that collided with the ground, sending shockwaves around them. The trainees knew that they would face tough opposition, but they were ready to take the challenge head-on.

"Everyone, stay alert," instructed Halycon, as he felt the energy emanating from the creatures. "We don't know what we're dealing with, but we can handle it together."

Atlas nodded his head and took a deep breath, "Let's show them what we're made of."

Ember cracked her knuckles, and grinned, "As long as we're all on the same page, we should be good."

The group quickly formed an unpredictable circle, anticipating the swarm of creatures. As they did this, the central computer boomed, "Trainees, prepare for the final challenge. You only have ten minutes to complete this challenge. Good luck."

Atlas took the lead, shouting "Let's go!" and charging headfirst into the battle. He leaped over the incoming creatures, landing a flying kick on one of the aliens, and then pivoted, spinning fireballs towards the blaze heart 

Isla took up a position on the other side, pulling out her high-tech bow. With each shot, the arrows morphed into sharp icicles or flaming bolts, striking true and taking down the creatures. As she drew back another arrow, she shouted to the others, "Don't get cocky now, just because we're winning."

Tempest stepped up, blocking incoming attacks with his body and delivering powerful punches that knocked the enemies back. As he fought, he said, "Stay sharp! We can't let our guard down, even for a second."

Caspian, Sky, and Ember stayed back a little, using their Paranormal abilities and tactical awareness to make adjustments. Caspian seized the electrical energy from the elementals and shot them back like lightning bolts, while Sky sword was now infused with the power of the wind, allowing him to cut through anything that obstructed his path. Ember launched herself into the fray, wielding an empowered katana with which she sliced through their enemies in a whirlwind of movement.

Amid the chaos, the creatures began to regroup, and a large elemental appeared from the ground. The seven trainees knew they had to work together to take it down.

Halcyon shouted to the others, "Focus your attacks on the Sparkstorm core!" 

Sky spun forward, using his telekinetic powers to create a barrier of energy around his team, defending them from the elemental's attacks. moved to the other side, taking on the creatures that were about to flank the team. 

As the team worked to take the creatures down, Isla jumped into the fray. "Let me help," she shouted as she fired an arrow with a rope attached to it, wrapping the rope around the elemental's legs. She then pulled it tight, tripping the Sparkstorm and exposing its core for a final attack.

Tempest charged towards the creature, his fists flying and delivering heavy blows to the Sparkstorm's core. "Stay down, you oversized monster!" he shouted as he pummeled it.

With one final strike, the Sparkstorm burst into a shower of energy, and the creatures began to disperse. The team members high-fived each other, exhilarated by their victory.

"Good job, everyone," said Halycon "We worked well as a team, and that's why we won."

As they caught their breath, Sky said, "I'm already looking forward to the next challenge."