

☕ T H E   N A R R O W   R I V E R ☕



Thunderous clouds appeared in the sky, threatening to burst showers at any moment. The wind howled roughly. Malibu didnt usually have bad weather, but when it did, the town was disastrous.

Willow didn't focus on the weather. She was under too much distress and panick to even think straight.

Thrusting herself up from the doorstep, she sprinted down her wide driveway and along the side walk.

She was unaware of her surroundings. Willow trusted her blistered feet to take her wherever, while her mind was set on one thing and one thing only.

Charlie Celeste. Her brother. Her best friend.

She made a mistake and now Willow had to suffer.

Just then did the thick clouds give in, allowing rain to shower over Malibu.

She ran faster.

Expensive clothing soaked, and knotty hair tangled under the weight of the torrent. She wasn't exactly dressed for a rainy evening.

Slipping on the wet tar, her hands, knees and face collided with the solid cement. She winced. Blood.

Willow bent over and sat at the edge of the road. She sat and cried. Not because of the physical pain, but the hurt she felt deep within her heart.

The blonde hadn't noticed a large car park before her. The driver stepped out of the Jeep and kneeled down beside Willow.

"Willy...come here." Luke ushered her over to his car.

She hesitantly accepted the hand he offered and held onto the boy before getting into the vehicle.

They drove in silence.

Luke grew uncomfortable and decided to make conversation. "So...you feeling okay?"

Willow didnt answer. Instead, she gave him a side glance before looking out the window. Watching the world zoom pass in a flash.

He pressed his lips into a straight line and focused on the road, nodding his head slightly.

"He's gone." She spoke bluntly, still staring out the window.

Luke sighed, "Yeah, I know. My mom told me the news."

"So what, everyone knows now? How long has he been missing?" Willow raised her voice.

"I─I don't know Willo─"

"Do you think anything bad happened to him? God, of cause something bad happened. Did he run away or was he kidnapped?"

Luke slowed down the car and struggled with his words, "I─ I really don't know how to answer tha─"

She spun to face the brunette boy. He could now see the tears that streamed down her red cheeks. "When will I see him again? This was all my fault."

He stopped the car on the side of the road and comforted Willow. "Hey hey hey, no it's not. It's not your fault."

"Then who's fault is it?"

"I─I don't know. It's nobody's fault."

She scoffed, "Well you can't exactly say I did something right?"

Luke thought for a moment before answering the blonde girl, "No...you didn't. But that's okay. We all make mistakes."

"Not as bad as this one─"

"But regretting your past is not going to solve anything. And making yourself feel like shit won't do any good either."

The pair stayed silent once again. Staring up at the boys chocolate brown eyes, Willow could see it beginning to water. As if he wants to cry as well.

She crawled over onto his lap. Not the very friendly position, but it was the only way she could give him a proper hug.

He held her in his strong arms, as she tightened her grip around his torso.

They just sat there and cuddled, for what felt like an eternity. She wished it was for an eternity.

"You're not the only one who lost him Willow." He said with a shaky voice.

Willow felt a pang of guilt errupt in the pit of her stomach. She had not realized how close her brother and neighbor was.

Luke was almost like family. Not just to Willow, but to everyone on Celeste property.

She laid her head upon his muscular chest. It was rock hard, but somewhat comfortable.

"I know, Luke. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry," Luke turned to speak face to face. "He's your best friend, and I understand what your going through."

She couldn't look at him any longer. Not like this. Willow hugged him tighter and leaned against his body for warmth.

She spoke into his chest, "What should I do, Luke? I can't bare to look my parents in the eye. I couldn't even look at you for more than ten seconds. Let alone the entire school who would be pitying me wherever I go."

"Do you wanna go?"


He placed his chin on her head, "Do you wanna run away? For a little bit at least."

Willow was taken aback by his words. Run away? From her life? Her responsibilities? It sounds so easy, but it's such a coward move. The thing is, was Willow a coward?

"W─where would I even go? And won't people ask q─questions?" She stuttered.

"I'll handle everything." Luke said calmly, in attempt to reassure her.

She panicked, "I─I don't even know if I want to do this Luke─"

"Just tell me when you're ready." He ran his hand through her damp, blonde hair. "You can trust me."
