
The Narrow River

a taunting lake of secrets


[Willow Celeste loved

water, and her curiosity led her

into a lake of secrets]


"I don't understand, you lied to me. Again. How is this my fault."

"It's your fault for trusting me."

"A-Are you serious right now!? Fuck, I'll never trust you again!"

"Then why did you!?"

"I- I don't know."


"....because sometimes, just wanting the person you're I love with, to be good is enough to make you believe they are."


Have you ever been lied to?

I'm sure you have.

And if you haven't, you're really lucky.

Life is full of lies. Some people forget about it. Some people ignore it. Some people hide it. And some people believe it.

You see, lying isn't something we take seriously, because it happens so often. Also because it can be really hard to pick out a lie.

It's actually dangerous. Lying.

Trust is something you should definitely hold onto.

Because one day you'll realize how much you needed that one person to trust and be on your side that one time.

Of cause, trust is also something easy to break. Like a glass mirror, you can put its pieces back together, but the cracks are still there.

So its important to keep trust. Try not to break it. And if you have...

Some people also run to the option of hiding the broken glass, so that you wouldn't have to go throw the pain of cutting yourself.

But that could also be dangerous, because when you do find it, the mirror is still broken. It still has its cracks. It's still fragile.

I know a story about a girl who found a broken mirror. Multiple in fact.

Willow Celeste was the perfect girl.

Good grades, great friends, gorgeous reputation. The only thing that wasn't perfect was her family.

Sure they looked perfect from the outside, but on the inside was just a cluster of shattered mirrors.

This was also the cause of Charlie Celeste, Willow's youngest brother, going missing.

The poor 16 year old girl drowned herself in a pool of guilt and anxiety.

And Willow was no longer perfect, she was broken.

She wanted to escape her problems,

or maybe that was just an excuse to exclude herself from everyone's lives to keep them safe.

Not too long after the night her brother went missing, Willow was the next big case of the town as she apparently vanished.

The Celeste family's reputation was ruined and Edward Celeste was fuming. Hence him being the owner of one of the richest liquor companies in the state, he was now not in the newspaper because of his successful business, but because of he's two missing children.

After a full year, Willow decided to save her father from stress and inform him that she was safely tucked away in Paris with her Aunt Sarah.

Edward, however, wanted his daughter back. And she was forced back into Malibu within the following week.

But what wasn't surprising was that when she left, so did her power at Eastdale High.

She still had her great friends who never left her side, but was bullied by none other than the girl who had always wanted to be Willow, Penelope Grey.

Now Willow has to get through senior year and just try not to get into any more problems.

But karma strikes back when a change of evens and switch of surroundings brings a spring of curiosity into her life and leads her and her friends into a river of danger.

She faces multiple shattered mirrors and pushes everyone away. Feeling safer in loneliness.

Only to find, she had broken a mirror too.


─in which Willow

loves someone who keeps

hurting her.



language, violence, death, mentions of sexual content, greaf.


All rights belongs to me. The plotting and characters are my own and are restricted to copyright. Please do not copy or steal any content as I've worked on creating this for the readers.



y biggest supporter ZayaanShabodien


☕ casanovawithcorona ☕

Bonjour à tous! ✨

I hope you all are gorgeously hyped about this book as I am.

This might be my first, but don't squeeze my neck about it because I do have experience and am still learning :')

This is the rewritten version of I'LL BE THERE FOR YOU which I started in around January 2020, but ew, my writing was much worse than what it already is.

Also I'll be updating chapters as I go along so nope, you won't get the full book unless I've already completed it. Sorry :( I'll try to update fast though.

But writing, editing and designing graphics are really hard and deserve to be given time for creativity. So if you want good content, you're going to have to wait hun :)

And, I know there are always going to be mistakes in this book even after I edited, but I swear to Satan if you even DARE to lay your finger on "*" in the comment section, I will eat you alive.

No hard feelings though x lots of love 🌚💋

So just don't make that mistake, okay? 😃 Enjoy the book! And Sequel ✨

Je t'aime tous et au revoir!