
The Multiveral Journey and Acquaintances made along the way

Jake sees a shooting star and wishes for Powers over Space, Time and Creation and surprisingly they come true. Follow Jake as he travels his favourite worlds and meets his favourite characters. Warning: alot of smut, sexual explicit, fetishes...

IshtarIshtar · Derivados de obras
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8 Chs

Chapter One - The Beginnings and The Battle of Hogwarts

Jake couldn't believe it, the wish from the shooting star had really worked. He suddenly knew that he held complete control over space, time and creation which made him basically omnipotent and the best was it let him travel anywhere he wanted. Even to worlds of fiction. So there he went...

Jake arrived in a world that accompanied him for many years of his life... He landed in Great Britain, Scotland to be more precise. He stood in front of a lake. It was at night and Jake thought about fast forwarding the time to day but the sight of the stars and moon reflecting on the surface of the lake changed his mind. When he looked across the lake he could see a beautiful castle. If anybody had told Jake, that he would be excited to see a school one day he would've started laughing. But this wasn't just any school it was Hogwarts. And if his calculations were right this was the night before the Battle of Hogwarts that would decide the fate of the wizarding world for centuries to come. A war would break out tomorrow between the forces of the Dark Arts led by Lord Voldemort and the good wizards that fought to defend Hogwarts against the Death Eaters who were behind the events leading up to this moment. That's why Jake was here. Because when two parties quarrel a third rejoices, and that third party was him. But the first step in order to do that was to pick another outfit, his Pj's didn't really inspire reverence or fear in others. He decided on Dark Red Tailcoat and a walking stick made out of mithril, which resounded with a beautiful note everytime it struck the ground. Not that he needed the stick but he liked the idea of having one. Then he just changed his eyes, while he did like his brown eyes he had an idea that would fit his plan better so he changed them so that everyone that looked into them would see their favourite color. A simple trick to make for a good first impression. Now he just had to wait while the forces of good and evil were preparing in the darkest hours of the night for the fated hours upon dawn.

He saw the first spells hitting the protective sphere surrounding Hogwarts, lightning up the dark morning hours. The bombardment of hogwarts began and the first dark crearures and wizards attacked while Jake started leisurely walking towards the castle. In the distance he heard the sound of spellfire and screaming, dark shadows flying through the night. While waiting Jake had built up quite the hunger so he created a devil fruit (One Piece) in his hand, the Yami Yami No Mi allowed him to absorb the spells cast at him and it also tasted quite nice.

Munching on the fruit he walked up to the gates of hogwarts, a long line of destruction showed him the way to the center of the battle.

Voldemory and his army of dark wizards walked over the bridge. Right behind him followed Hagrid with Harry in his Arms. Once they reached the other side the defending army of Hogwarts was already waiting for them but Voldemort knew that the battle was over. Gleefully he announced "Harry Potter... Is dead!"

A shock went through the defense forces, their hero and leader was dead. Ginny started screaming "Nooo!!" But Voldemort couldn't care less.

That was until murmuring in both armies stopped. Only the whispers of the wind continued. Until they heard a clacking. Click, clack, click, clack. It sounded almost as if an indtrument was being played. The notes were quite high and they felt the vibrations being carried through the air. All the heads turned to the direction it was coming from. They couldn't see anything quite yet as sounds were coming out of the morning mist from the lake. But the sound was coming closer. The suspense rose and then the mist parted. A man stepped out. In his hands he held a simple cane which looked like it was made out of silver. He was dressed quite well even though he looked like he came from a different time.

A long cape covered his shoulders. His face was completely shrouded by the hood that he wore, only his eyes showing. As he approached the battlefield there was no set of eyes not on him. Jake pulled off his hood and looked at the two sides of the battle.

"It's always the same with you." he started and Voldemort interrupted "Who are you?!"

"Squabbling for a little bit of power. I told her to be careful with you guys. It can only lead to trouble but did she listen? No of course not.". Jake answered his own question ignoring Voldemort.

Who in turn was boiling from anger but as he didn't know who he was dealing with he didn't want to be too hasty to attack. But his followers were not as smart and Voldemort only heard an "Avada Kedavra" from behind him and then it was already in the strangers face. But to his surprise it vanished and the stranger didn't seem to care too much.

"Tom! Get your guys under control." The stranger set which confused Voldemort, the only Person to call him Tom had been Dumbledore but he was dead.

"And Harry stop pretending and get up" Jake continued. "My little Brother has screwed up again and I'm here to clean up." Jake announced and summoned the Deathly Hallows in his hands. He broke the wand in two, made the cloak go up in flames and had only the stone left in his hands. Before he could continue he heard Voldemort scream "Noooo! How dare you destroy them, I will..."

But Jake interrupted him "You will what? These were made by my little Brother I can destroy them however I want." Even though he wasn't in fact the older brother of Death he was not far from it either as he now controlled creation, the counterpart to Death, in addition to space and time.

Jake almost couldn't believe it as he was interrupted again. But once he looked at the person he was positively surprised.

"So you are a god? And Death is your Brother? Are you Life?

"Hermione Granger... Always thirsting for knowledge. No I'm Creation. Life is just one of my domains." Jake replied.

"How, how do you know my name?" Hermione asked.

"Well I keep an eye on the wizarding world, You people have the tendency to create messes. And when observing Magic Britain how could I not keep an eye on the smartest witch of this generation? Jake replied making Hermione blush.

"But back to topic, Tom your greatest wish seems to be eternal life, judging by those items you've tried to hide. What an ugly solution. Why would you try to cheat death when you can worship Life and Creation, how truly naive."

Voldemorts face changed through emotions fast, first anger, then confusion and ultimatly realisation. He walked up to Jake and got down on one knee "I pledge my self to you my lord. You are the mightiest of all the gods. My humble servitude shall never end". Jake smirked and said "Why thank you, but in your condition you are of no use to me. Let me fix that." Jake took a look at his soul which at this point was damaged so far as every kind of normal magic would be unable to fix him anymore, any normal person would do him a favor to just end him, but luckily for Voldemort Jake was able to restore Voldemorts soul to it's original state and with it his body to his former self.

Now before them stood an elderly man, Voldemort was already over 70 years old by this point, and the golden trio as well as all others couldn't really match the nice elderly man to the powerhungry monster they fought/served. Tom looked at his body and then looked up at Jake "My Lord, I thank you for the restauration of my soul but now I'm just a mortal wizard, I'm not sure if I can serve you better now."

"We'll talk about that later Tom. Now isn't the time." then Jake turned to allied forces of the light. "Well now that, that is taken care of I believe you can put your wands away. We'll assemble in one hour in the great hall. Everybody that has interest in shaping the future with me better show up." then he turned around to Voldemorts followers "You will also attend. And I expect you to be on your best behaviour."

"Tom, Bellatrix, Mr. Greyback follow me. We'll have a conversation about your future beforehand." Jake announced.

Tom and Bellatrix eagerly followed, Bella had always felt a strong attraction to powerful wizards and witches, and as even Voldemort her master acknowledged the other as superior she gladly followed along. Only Fenrir Greyback stayed still and glared at Jake.

"Tom, tell your dog to follow along." Jake commanded and walked through the door into the castle. After a short time the 3 followed him although Fenrir displayed a menancing glare and frown. Jake stopped walking infront of an empty part of the wall and waited for the others to stop behind him. Then he drew a doorframe onto the wall with his finger, made a portal where the wall had been and walked through. The others followed.

Tom, Bellatrix and Fenrir looked around in wonder and Tom even recognized the place, it was the Chamber of Secrets but since his last visit it was ruined even further and the Basilisk was laying there dead. Jake had to try hard not to let his amazement show on his face, he grew up dreaming of getting a letter to get to Hogwarts and now he was in the Chamber of Secrets with Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange and Fenrir Greyback. "Well this doesn't look presentable." he said and with a bit of imagination and a wave of his hand he restored the coloums, dispersed the flooding and made flying orbs of lights to illuminate the chamber. In the middle of the chamber he created a big table with food and tea. He sat down at the head of the table and gestured the others to take a seat.

"Would you like milk in your tea?" he asked them politly. Tom declined with a shake of his head, seemingly nervous about what was about to happen. Fenrir just sat there glaring at Jake but Bellatrix seemed very excited. "Yes oh Lord of Creation" she smiled, grabbing her cup and sat down.

"We are here to talk about your future. You three committed atrocious crimes and I can't just leave you be. Now you have proven yourselves as powerful assets and therefore will receive a second chance. So let's start, I think we should talk about your punishment."

"But my lord!" Tom started "I've already pledged myself to you!"

"And that is great place to start. But I need something more specific I can't have you going around killing people because you think it's for my cause." Jake replied. "I will create a residence next to Hogwarts and I want you to be my Steward, this entails managing my library, teaching those who come to learn as well as write reports to me about the happenings in the wizarding world."

Tom nodded he wasn't thrilled to be bound to a residence as a place of work but the idea of managing the library of a god made him shiver in excitement.

"As for you Fenrir, you have two options. The first is, I send you to Azkaban to live out your fair punishment. The second is you will work as groundskeeper for me and also secure the premise of my future residence. But you won't be able to leave except with someone I trust."

Greyback thought about it for a while but in the end agreed to work as a groundskeeper. While he was a proud man, his pride could take a hit if he didn't have to go to Azkaban.

"And lastly Bellatrix, you will serve me as my Secretary. But first we need to work on those looks. You look like a you have huge drug problem. I guess the Dementors did a lot of work on you." Jake said and concentrated on her making his powers of time work. Fenrir and Toms eyes started bulging as she started aging in reverse in front of their eyes until she stopped at what they guessed was her late 20s.

While Tom always had a thing for the oldest Black daugther, he forgot how she looked in her youth, the curly black hair framed a beautiful face. Her body was clearly in good shape, as the young Bellatrix had trained extensivly in Combat Magic and Hand-to-Hand combat.

"If you have any problem with your assignment say so now, Bella." said Tom to her.

She turned to him with a big grin on her face. "No Master, I'm grateful for the opportunity" she replied and drank some of her tea.

"Okay if that is settled well meet in the great hall in 30 minutes. Tom you know the way out." Jake said and teleported himself deep into the Forbidden Forest.

Jake stood in a clearing, this was where he would put his residence. He started by taking away the trees close to the clearing, then he started creating his Palace. The structure would be made out of marble and be kept in a hellenistic style. On the front it had collums supporting the roof. On the roof statues were overlooking the courtyard. The Building had a hole in the middle out of which a giant tree spead it's limbs into the sky. Jake thought it was a nice depiction of his plans to travel different worlds to place something akin to a worldtree in his palace. The inside were just a normal castel, guest rooms, a big library, big halls, dining rooms and so forth.

The enormous building in the forbidden forest was sure to attract attention but he would've his conversations with his neighbours in Hogwarts soon. Just as he was about to go back to the School, he registered an omnious presence in the treeline. Out walked a being shrouded in Shadow. Jake couldn't clearly make out what it was.

The Shadows around the being dispersed and there stood an elderly man. But before Jake could say another word the being spoke.

"You must be Jake, I must say you have caused quite the ruckus. I'm embarassed to say that you were not on my radar until yesterday night."

"And who might you be?" Jake asked.

"Well according to you, I'm your brother." the stranger replied.

"So you are Death?" the being nodded "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to speak in your name but it was just the best solution."

Death answered "Don't apologize for something you are not sorry for. And to be honest it was quite amusing. But I'm not here to speak about that." Death paused for a moment "Many aeons ago this world had many gods and goddesses ruling over it and other worlds but a great tragedy happend which separated this world from the others. Only my Sister and I were left in this world. The others were either killed or sealed in other realms. Especially my actual brother Life was slain to protect us. And after thousands of years of waiting you show up. And somehow you carry the Powers of our grandparents and our mother. Space, Time and Creation united in one being. The Omniverse hasn't seen such power in one being for a long, long time."

"Wait, what Life is actually your brother? And who is your Sister if I might ask? Jake was quite curious. And Death was willing to satisfy his curiousity. " Yes Life was my brother, and my Sister is Magic. What did you think were the Wizards and Witches come from? I guess our family has been gone for long enough that the omniverse has decided to bring their powers back and you are the lucky receipient."

"Well doesn't that mean I'm kinda part of your family now?" Jake asked

"Well I guess you could be considered a long removed relative, yes." Death answered. "I mainly came here for you to open the borders between worlds again. Can you do that? Then I'm out of your hair."

"Don't you think tearing down the walls between worlds would be a bad idea? How about I make you a better deal. You see that tree over there" he pointed at the tree in his Palace "I will make that tree into the Door between worlds but only people with the right 'key' can pass through. And of course I'll register you to it."

"That seems fair." Death replied and vanished.

Hogwarts Great Hall

The Great Hall was full, on one side stood the forces of light with the Golden Trio and the Professors in the front, on the other side stood the dark wizards and witches led by Tom, Bellatrix and Fenrir. You could hear quiet murmurs in the groups of people but all of that stopped when the door opened. In walked Jake, his cane making the same noise as earlier that morning and quieting down every wizard, witch and magical creature in the hall. He slowly walked to the front where he stood behind the speakers table.

"I'm glad that most of you stayed" he begun "The Deathly Hollows have been destroyed and Voldemort is now under my command. My return to world means a new golden era for the wizarding world. But for that it is necessary that you put down arms and stop infighting. I'm known by many names: Creation, Lord of Time, The Endless, Unifier and so forth but you may call me Jake. Many of you have probably already seen my residence in the Forbidden Forest. That will be my seat on this world. In it every book ever written in this world is stored, rooms for magic experiments aplenty and of course all kinds of magical herbs. My Residence will be open for everyone on the condition of nonviolence while inside. Access to certain books and the best resources will be restrained for my followers. With that being said I will now take up my seat in my residence, feel welcome to visit. Also when the new school year rolls around every student is required to visit the residence to receive the same informatio you just got. I will leave it to you to inform all the other magical schools and communities of this." Jake finished his speach and vanished with Tom, Fenrir and Bella.

A few kilometers away, the four of them appeared in what looked to be a luxuorious entrance area. "Welcome to your new home. You can just choose a room now and get to work afterwards, when the new school year comes around I expect you, Tom, to have drawn up some contracts for scholarships. And Mr. Greyback if you be so kind and have a conversation with the Acromantulas, the Centaurs and the other sentient beings of the forest. Bella I will see you tomorrow so you can schedule meetings with the governments and Headmasters of the Magical Schools of this world.