
The Multiveral Journey and Acquaintances made along the way

Jake sees a shooting star and wishes for Powers over Space, Time and Creation and surprisingly they come true. Follow Jake as he travels his favourite worlds and meets his favourite characters. Warning: alot of smut, sexual explicit, fetishes...

IshtarIshtar · Derivados de obras
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 Meetings and a Bookworm

The sun was rising over the forbidden forest and Jake awoke to sound of birds chirping outside. He had felt blissfully but today would be a busy day. He made himself a nice breakfast and walked towards his 'Throneroom', it was a long hall with many tables positioned in it, at the head of the hall stood a big throne. Unlike others it wasn't cast out of metal or carved into stone but seemed to be a still growing tree in a throne like form. As soon as he sat down in it Tom and Bellatrix came through the door.

"Good Morning Jake. I have started looking through the library and am still sorting which books to make accesible for the public and which to restrain. It may take a while, so I'll be off to start working." Said Tom.

Bellatrix walked up to the throne and handed Jake a stack of papers. "That's your schedule for today as well as background information on the people who will come to meet you."

Jake took the stack and began looking over his schedule. First he would meet up with representatives of the ministry of magic. As Rufus Scrimgeour had died and Pius Thicknesse wasn't really a legit Minister of Magic, no Minister could be sent to meet him but a delegation under the leadership of former Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt. After the Ministry, a delegation form Hogwarts would come for an audience under the Leadership of Minerva McGonagall. Following that several bodies of government and magical schools would attend.

Jake had a bit of time before Shacklebolt arrived and used it to take a look at the compiled information Bellatrix had given him. The door to the hall opened and Kingsley Shacklebolt along with Nymphadora Tonks and a few other familiar faces entered. They walked up to the steps before Jakes throne were they stood still. Shacklebolt had a serious look while Tonks looked around curiously.

"Mister Shacklebolt, I'm happy you are able to attend. I guess Minerva has already told you what happend and who I am." Jake started. "While you just come out of a time of war and you are surely ready to defend your country further I assure you that is not necessary. I'm not here to take over your government or anything alike. But I have some new ideas on how the magical society can develope further, which I'd like to discuss with you. While we are talking, the rest of your following may want to take a look around this place. I have to admit I'm quite happy what I have made. And Tonks, don't start trouble with your aunt while you're here."

Kingsley Shacklebolt looked a bit unsure but ended up dismissing his companions. "So what is it you wanna talk about. You claim to be a god so I'm quite curious as what you propose."

"Well let's start with the biggest thing. I plan to establish a sort of parliament with representives from all over the world, to help joined research projects and support in case of emergencies. As well as cultural exchange. Also I'm gonna introduce scholarships for magical schools as some of the students seem to lack funds for full developement of their talents. Regarding education I have a bigger proposition yet, your educational system is sorly lacking. It ends after school graduation. The muggle world has developed further and has established places of higher learning where people learn more specified knowledge. I will establish the first magical university in this very castle. I'm still looking for staff but that shouldn't be a problem with what I have to offer." Jake continued for a while longer and discussed his ideas with Shacklebolt who overall seemed quite supportive of his ideas.

After the party from the ministry had left, the next one arrived. Minerva McGonagall, Professor Flitwick and the Golden Trio walked into the hall. This time Jake had a similar talk with all of them instead of only one representative as he knew how important the people infront of him were for the future of Magical Britain. After he finished the party turned to leave but Jake wasn't yet done talking to all of them. "Ms. Granger would you mind staying for a minute. I have something to discuss with you." he said.

Hermione turned around, taken aback by the idea of this mighty being having a special interest in her somehow. "Ahm sure." she said and gestured the others to go ahead already.

Jake got up and walked up to her. "Can I call you Hermione?" he asked to which she nodded.

"You can call me Jake by the way. No need to be so formal. There is something I'd like to show you." he offered her his arm. "If you may." she took his arm and Jake took her on a tour through the castle until they arrived infront of a massive pair of golden doors. "Behind these doors lays all knowledge this world has ever produced." he said and swung open the doors. Behind the doors was a vast room, in fact it was hard to see how far it went as shelves of books covered the sight a few hundred meters down the main corridor. But Hermione could see different spiral staircases lead upward.

"Quite impressive what people have thought up right? You know this is only muggle knowledge, on the next floor is where the books about magic are stored, and above that is a restricted section were lost knowledge and that which is to dangerous and powerful to know is stored." Jake said and looked at Hermione who stood there seemingly frozen. "I have to leave now I have a few meetings still but if you want to you can stay and browse a bit. But not in the restricted section or our dear Mr. Riddle will pull you out. But if you don't want to stay I can show you the w..." "I'll stay, thank you Mr. Jake" she interrupted.