
the multi-fandom Saiyan mercenary

A young girl, who completely adored anime—especially anything Dragon Ball—had just graduated high school and was excited to start her life. Filled with determination, she opened her own gym, eager to build her future. But just a day later, during a routine check-up. The doctor discovered a brain tumour, one far too advanced to be removed without fatal consequences. instantly she her brain turns off as she is completely crushed, she now starts to walk through the remaining day's she had in auto pilot. she couldn't believe that her life is now going to end before it could even start. she had been too busy to even get a girl friend during high school, she thought she could just do that after she got her life together. but now she was chastising herself on how stupid she was. since now her life will end with nothing to her name. 2 week's pass and she is now in a hospital bed, oh so very close to death. now she was just staring into the ceiling biding her time until her life is snuffed out. "if only i was a Saiyan, they wouldn't suffer from cancer . . . heh" she laughed at how pathetic they were. but then a blue holographic screen spears before her eye's [Will you become the omniverse's traveling mercenary] [yes] [no] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ first world Solo levelling worlds that i might add ORV JJK DB

spider_lover · Películas
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7 Chs


As a child, I was absolutely obsessed with Dragon Ball. Every time it aired on TV, I was glued to the screen. If I could get my hands on a manga chapter, I would buy it immediately. Dragon Ball wasn't just a show to me—it was my inspiration for everything.

Whether it was drawing, studying, or working out, I gave it my all, pushing myself to 120% cause that's how Goku would've done it. i put my soul into it.

and after years of slaving away, it paid off. i was skilled in many things, graduated with near perfect grades, and best of all. my body was as perfect as i could get it too be. all those times at the gym was worth it cause now i was way stronger than the average with out looking abnormally big. 

i might even say i looked hot . . . maybe.

but best of all, i had even opened my own gym. my life was set, no need for much work to do, i could just relax now, live life to it's fullest. as i still had over 60 or more years left of it. and nothing could stop me now. . . . 


"I'm so, so sorry we didn't catch this sooner." The doctor's voice was steady but was laced with slight pitty "But we've found a cancerous tumour in your brain. At the stage it's in now, there's very little we can do. You've got, at most, two weeks to live. We did everything we could, but it was caught too late."

my world came to an abrupt stop. The air became heavy, and the silence was thick enough to suffocate me. The weight of his words came crashing down on me, I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. It felt like time itself froze. 

the doctor seeing my white face game me a sympathetic look "i'll. . . give you some time to think over your actions" he said as professionally as he could, before standing up and walking out of the room. he was really did not like giving people bad news especially one's about a dying patient.

my eye's tracked the movement of the doctor leaving before snapping back to the chair infront of me when he exited the room. 


the 2 weeks went by in a flash, it was like i was no longer in control of my body, like i was in auto pilot. i tried to accept the news but deep down i knew that i really didn't want to. my entire life up until this point has been a waist. 

all that hard work for a future of relaxation was gone. all that time i put into learning wont amount to anything as i was now going to just up and die in a week. . . i even stopped pursuing a girlfriend since i thought i could just do it later . . . but now that later will never come.

"why didn't i just go on like just ONE date. . . haha. " i laughed at my situation, a sad hopeless laugh. during the 2 week's all i did was binge any type of dragon ball content. play the budokai tenkaichi and anything else that fancied my interest. as i had nothing to lose so whatever. i didn't sleep as i was already gonna die anyway.


now i was staring at the roof of the hospital room i was in, the weeks had passed and now my body was fully slowing down. every thing hurts, and even with pain killers. it still hurts a fuck ton. yet there was nothing i could except wait for my demise to come in a few hours.

"heh, if i were a Saiyan. i wouldn't be going through this." i muttered out, a weak and bitter smile tugged at my lips. "they wouldn't care for cancer. they would just power through it. . . . yet i was just born as a fragile human. haha" the laugh was dry and humorless. i no longer had enough energy to give. so all i could do was complain at my situation.




thankfully a cosmic entity was listening to my suffering

a holographic screen opened in the air infront of my eye's, it was creating a slight blue glow as it manifested infront of me.

[Will you become the omniversal traveling mercenary]

[Yes] [No]

i read the prompt infront of me . . . i read it again just to make sure. "what?" i asked weakly, but i got no answer, except the 2 option blinking at me.

i smiled "i guess this is just one little trick my eye's are playing on me, but if it were real then obviously i would say yes, too bad it aint hahaha . . ." i said as i denied the existence of a system and kept my hopes down.

good thing it was real as the yes option lit up for a second before the entire screen disappeared. with my vision and the world going completely dark.

A/N this was a bit too serious for my liking. it's going to a lot less serious after the first chapter.