
the multi-fandom Saiyan mercenary

A young girl, who completely adored anime—especially anything Dragon Ball—had just graduated high school and was excited to start her life. Filled with determination, she opened her own gym, eager to build her future. But just a day later, during a routine check-up. The doctor discovered a brain tumour, one far too advanced to be removed without fatal consequences. instantly she her brain turns off as she is completely crushed, she now starts to walk through the remaining day's she had in auto pilot. she couldn't believe that her life is now going to end before it could even start. she had been too busy to even get a girl friend during high school, she thought she could just do that after she got her life together. but now she was chastising herself on how stupid she was. since now her life will end with nothing to her name. 2 week's pass and she is now in a hospital bed, oh so very close to death. now she was just staring into the ceiling biding her time until her life is snuffed out. "if only i was a Saiyan, they wouldn't suffer from cancer . . . heh" she laughed at how pathetic they were. but then a blue holographic screen spears before her eye's [Will you become the omniverse's traveling mercenary] [yes] [no] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ first world Solo levelling worlds that i might add ORV JJK DB

spider_lover · Películas
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7 Chs

goblins are. . . really weak.

walking through the gate i felt a slight tingle for a second before the surroundings changed, now to the usual cave's that you'd see in solo levelling. i looked around for a bit before noticing that the rest of the group was further ahead so i quickly caught up, we continued to walk forward until the cave opened up to a slightly large chamber. Dong-ha seeing this, was a little suspicious so he told the rest to stay a little further back with a hand single, he then continued forward and that's when we heard a war cry, multiple war cries

A large group of goblins jumped up from around the corner, weapons raised high, shrieking annoyingly loud as they charged. "Ambush! Watch out!" Dong-Ha shouted, loudly causing everyone to quickly prepare for action, they also quickly raised their weapons as the goblins rushed in.

Chaos erupted as the groups clashed, but our group wasn't exactly coordinated. It was more like a series of one-on-one fights, not really the JJK style gang bang i thought it would be. but hey, it worked. 

the goblins may had more that twice our numbers, but they also die from 1 or 2 hits.

i also got ready as this was my first fight, then i noticed one attacking the ranger from behind. so i quickly dashed forward and kicked the goblin right in its head, *crack* i winced as i heard a sickening crunch from it's head caving in from the kick.

the ranger jumped back slightly. before quickly recovering "AH!" "oh. Thanks for the save!" they said sincerely and I gave a small nod "no problem."

i turned to look at the goblin i kicked away and. . . ew. its entire skull had been crushed, it was quite graphic but not the worst I've seen. "a lot weaker than i thought" i muttered with a smirked before slipping to the side of the goblin pack to flank them, as you know. it's harder to fight back when being attacked from 2 sides.

i slammed a fist into one, grabbing the head of another and throwing it. i spun around while kicking another with a thought 'they're just like small children. this is way too easy' 

after a minute of fighting and i was already finished with my part of the fight. there were at least 5 goblin corpses laying around me with there heads caved in or bodies crushed.

i looked around and saw that the rest were also finished up with their fights. there was a slight pause as each of them started to catch there breaths. but i haven't worked up a single sweat up, yet.

since, all of the goblins kinda died in one hit. 'i know that the difference between ranks were large but damn, this is like peaceful mode.' i thought as i glanced at the bodies around me. lightly kicking one.

dong-ha after a few seconds glanced around at the group and said "lets continue." he turned around and saw me sitting near the corpses and flashed me a smile "good going" he walked past me and moved forward "experience is not really needed when your a whole rank higher right. heh. come on. we got quite a bit left" i motioned his hand and walked on ahead.

i stood up and followed the group shortly following behind. we continued forward and every so often a group of goblins would try to ambush us but, after the first one. it was really easy to know when they would ambush, their tactic didn't really change.

after the first ambush i trailed near the front more closer to Dang-ha since i knew that the goblins were way to weak for me to even be a little scared of them. 

after around 20 minutes of traveling, and at least 5 different smaller ambushes after the first. we arrived at the boss room. there was a front door that was as tall as 2 people stacked on top. i looked to the side and saw dong-ha putting his bag on the floor.

dong-ha sat down and pulled out some water, he raised his voice and asked to all of us "since were here already, lets take a short break before we go in. is that good with all of you?" when we heard this most of us already dropped down with the rest of us saying something along the lines of "sounds amazing" before also dropping.

"Alright, five-minute break," Dong-Ha confirmed, taking a long drink from his water. mostly every one was exhausted at this point, the ones that weren't were me, the other D rank and the 2 mage's.

i leaned against the wall, waiting for the 5 minutes to pass while occasionally glancing around, periodically drinking some water. i wasn't worried, this dungeon was basically a joke. i could probably solo the boss. but what ever, i need to complete that quest. ki blast are way too cool to pass up on. . . man i hate tedious shit.

A/N comment anything. also, Punting levelling. the sequel to solo levelling, where the MC just punts everything.