
Chapter 8: The Entity Departs

Chapter 8: The Entity Departs.

Vibrations and rumblings seemed to be on the increase. This had been going on now for the last ten years. This was definitely leading up to something. Then the event happened.

The top of the mountain was taken off. This was just like a lid on a teapot. There was an enormous screeching noise, like moistened fingernails down a glass pane.

The ground all around the mountain shook violently. Trees swayed and all the birds in nearby mountains took to the sky.

Then it emerged. This was a spacecraft. It was pretty much the classic flying saucer.

A glistening cup made from a kind of white metal. There were a series of small portal windows all around the exterior. As the craft ascended, the appeared to be a set of three rotary blades underneath the craft.

This had lead to quite a media scrum witnessing all these events. The increasing incidents around the mountain and the extraterrestrial connection that had been revealed whetted their appetites considerably.

The craft accelerated very quickly and soon shot away into the sky.

Scientists now had the ability to track the spaceship. The spacecraft reached a point five light-years from the solar system. The entity or entities felt this was far enough away from the planet earth for any confrontation with their enemies.

Classic physics states that nothing can travel faster than light. However, it was clear that this craft was moving considerably faster than the speed of light. This did take a number of months but the craft seemed to station itself at a midpoint between the earth and the aliens that were after the entity.

The Native Americans formed a ring around the whole maintain. They performed a long slow dance and chanted. One of the tribal leaders warned that anyone daring to enter the mountain again to exploit it would still encounter vast armies of deadly stinging ants. Was this taken on board? The entity got a message back stating that any attempt at exploiting the mountain might jeopardize the entity's attempt to save the earth. The craft would simply place itself behind Planet Earth and let the invaders from deep space simply destroy the planet totally.

Given what had already taken place this was forcibly communicated to the usual suspects. The US Army, National Guard, and the Native Americans would stand guard around the mountain from now on. This was communicated back to the entity. It was pleased with this, but the situation would be constantly monitored. Plus of course, there were the ants.

The entity now has to leave and face the invading fleet some way from Earth.

Jonathan_Effemey_1715creators' thoughts