
The Most Wanted Lover

Mei Sakura Hakashi, a 23-year-old girl has finally become what she had wanted to be, a Crime Investigator! But she is soon made to handle one of the most dangerous cases as her first case, a murderer on the loose. Sakura and her friend Himiko San sets out to investigate the case when Sakura's mother, Mayumi Hakashi dies tragically. She soon searches for a part-time job which changes her life as she falls in love with a beautiful but unknowingly dangerous man. How would she react if she finds out this man was not who she thought was? Would that love still persist within her soft heart? Read as Sakura engages in a relationship well knowing her life is on the line.

Abel_Thomas_5611 · Ciudad
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18 Chs


I was sobbing....a lot. It's almost been a week since she was gone. I was crying beside her graveyard when someone came up to me and gently touched my shoulders.

I turned around and found Himiko San.

"Himiko?!? What are you doing here?" I asked shocked.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright..."

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't I be all right?"

"Sakura... Let's go for a walk" she said giving me her hand.

* * *

"So... what's wrong?" I asked her uneasily.

"I know it's hard to break into your feelings but-"


"But you need to investigate the case too. It's an order."


"I know, well you know the law firm is very strict and you can't try to negotiate them..."


"Fine calm down yourself Sakura calm down," I said to myself.

"Ok, but where do we even begin with... All we know is he is a wanted criminal and associated with a mafia group..... So that means he is a very rich douche with-wait he might even have foreign influence-"

"Sakura... STOP. Well, maybe I did find something for us to begin with." Himiko said with a grin.


"Yes, I did some digging last night and found all the murders he had done have a pattern..."

"Go on"

"Every murder he has done is associated with a family, a wealthy family, and those identified victims are working for GREGOR PHARMACEUTICALS."

"That is quite a lot of information.. Good job Himiko!"

"Thank you"

"So Gergor-"

"Gregor pharmaceuticals.."

"Yeah, it sounds like a foreign company"

"It is actually... A French company"

"Hmm, why don't we stop for a drink?"

"Sure!" Himiko said smiling.

* * *

"So...This mafia guy is wanted in France too...but he is very powerful," Himiko said sipping her drink.

"Iced Americano does taste very good." she continued.

"Anyway Himiko I found out mom got an eviction notice and she hadn't informed me..." I said downcast.

"Oh..... so when do you have to move out?!?"

"Today... I have already packed up everything and I still can't find an apartment." I replied my eyes full of tears.

"HEYYY you are always welcome at my house! You can stay there as long as you want!!" she said happily.


"Yesss please"

"Oh thank you so much!!!"

"Always welcome :)"

"I-I will stay there till I find a new apartment...but I don't have enough money though- I am still on probation by the company. I guess I should find a part-time job" I thought to myself.

* * *

"Hey since when did you even learn to drive?" I asked Himiko as we drove to her house.

"Oh- I have had my license for over a year now" she replied.

"Ahhhhh that's nice... really nice"

Suddenly I had flashbacks.

On this same street, three years ago... Nishiko my best friend died- I didn't want to lose another friend. I tried to suppress those feelings.

"Hey what am I even thinking about," I thought to myself.

"Eh are you alright over there?"

"Yeah I am fine"

"I never asked.... who all are in your family?" I asked changing the topic.

"Just me and my parents. But they would really love to have a second child. They would be happy to have you!"

"Aww, thanks. What's your parent's name??"

"Toshiko is my dad and mom Hokaru"

"They have wonderful names."

* * *

"Oh, so this is your house..... Wow, it's beautiful" I commented.

"Thank you! What are you waiting for? Come on!"

Himiko knocked on the door.

"Yes, dear coming" was the reply which sounded like her mom.

We waited at her doorstep for some minutes.

"Oh Himiko- Eh is this-" her mom asked confused.

"Yeah mom, she is my officer and my close friend SAKURA HAKASHI!!"

"Oh dear come in please!"

"Thank you, Mrs. San"

* * *

I soon became comfortable at Himiko's house. Mr. and Mrs. San were really treating me well.

"Sakura come on! Dinner is ready" Himiko screamed.

"Yeah coming" I replied.

"So you found any other information regarding Gregor?" I asked her.


"Oh... it's alright, anyways I decided to join a new job online"

"Oh, wh-what is it?"

"I act as a girlfriend for all those broken guys who got dumped and be on dates and stuff."

"Sakura... Isn't that sort of being a prostitute?"

"WHAT OF COURSE NOT!!! IT'S JUST A SORT OF DATE! Also, there are so many rules the customer must follow" I replied.

*Phone beeps*

"Ohh Look I already got my first customer."

"How can you even trust these guys?"

"Looks like we have to find out!"

* * *

The second chapter of my story! Leave your thoughts below!!

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