
The Most Wanted Lover

Mei Sakura Hakashi, a 23-year-old girl has finally become what she had wanted to be, a Crime Investigator! But she is soon made to handle one of the most dangerous cases as her first case, a murderer on the loose. Sakura and her friend Himiko San sets out to investigate the case when Sakura's mother, Mayumi Hakashi dies tragically. She soon searches for a part-time job which changes her life as she falls in love with a beautiful but unknowingly dangerous man. How would she react if she finds out this man was not who she thought was? Would that love still persist within her soft heart? Read as Sakura engages in a relationship well knowing her life is on the line.

Abel_Thomas_5611 · Urban
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18 Chs


*Bell rings*

"Hey Nishiko!", I screamed as soon as I saw him.

"Hey Sakura.... How was class?" he asked delightfully

"It was good I guess.." I replied

"Ooh your soon going to be an officer!"

"So..? Are you jealous?"

"HEY of course not! Officer Mei Sakura Hakashi, mind having lunch with me today?" he asked bowing down.

"Drop your act already!.... Yea I am hungry anyways LETS GO!!"

"Nishiko Kun really is a mood", I thought to myself.

* * *

"Hey, how's your mom? Was'nt she sick? How is she now?" I asked Nishiko as we drove to our favorite restaurant, "Reika Restuarant".

"Yeah she's quite fine now, she just has to take medicines for a week" he said.

"Please tell my regards to her"

"I will...."

" Also can you stop breathing so loud!"

"Hey you need to learn to atleast play cool with your elders", he said looking at me.

"HEYY WATCH OUT!!!" I screamed

* * *

*muffled voices in distance*

"Nishiko-are you all right?!?!" I asked half dead.

"NISHIKO!! Wake up.... Hold in there, help is on the way", I said starting to cry. But there he lied on the foot of the car, drenched in blood.

"Nishiko Kun....." I cried.

Nishiko had been my best friend since elementary school. I never thought i would have to witness this moment ever in my life.

"Hey Hey take her to the ambulance, Dont worry ok kid?" the police called.

I half murmured "yes" while i slowly lost my consciousness....

* * *

*Cardiac monitor beeping*

I slowly woke up. "Where am I?" I thought and finally understood i was at the hospital.

"OMG, finally she is awake!", one of the nurses screamed coming up to me.

I looked around confused about what happened.

"U were in a coma for one week now!"

"WHAT.... WHERE IS NISHIKO?!??", I asked demandingly.

"Who is that? OH, that friend who was there with you during the accident-?"


"Um... Miss sorry but he died on the spot"

"Nishiko....." I cried loudly.

"Mam u need to rest for now...", another nurse adviced.

"Uh.... WHERE IS MOM?!?!?"

"She has gone to buy you something to eat... U can watch the TV for now". Saying that she turned on the news.

"Good Morning, Reporter Haruka Sota here, we have reported an accident on the busiest street of tokyo... Two people were there during the accident, Mei Sakura Hakashi is under treatment and Nishiko San died on the spot."

I burst into tears since he was my one and only best friend. I never had any friends in particular in my early life because I was not the person who was good at communicating with others... But Nishiko understood me a lot... He lnew the potential in me. Now he's gone.... If i had'nt brought up that conversation- he would still be with me. Its my fault

* * *


"Now I have finally become what Nishiko wanted me to be... And I will do anything to protect the people" I thought to myself.

"Sakura! Are you spacing out??"

"Hey Himiko!!"

Himiko San works with me as assistant officer and we have grown to become close friends.

"Toru Sir is calling you... You have to join for duty", she said smiling.

"Oh yeah right"

I walked up confidently to a room, a quite old room with the label:



I slowly knocked on the door.

"Come in" came the reply.

"Good evening Sir", I greeted.

"Ah yes, Sakura Hakashi right?....." Toru asked.


Toru was around his 60s, elegantly dressed and looked very experienced in this field.

"Well I am sorry but we are out of staff currently so I want you to handle it."

"What is it, Sir?"

"There is a murderer on the loose...He is associated with a famous Mafia group. He has murdered 16 people alone in the last week."

"Oh ok Sir, I will try my best to find him and know his whereabouts!!"

"I am sure you will make us all proud.... You may leave"

"Thank you Sir" and with a salute, I left for home.

* * *

I opened my apartment door.

"Mom!! I got my new job", I screamed.

"Mom? MOM?? MOOM????". I went throughout our small apartment and I could'nt find her.

Then I heard a sudden knock on the door. I opened and found a police officer.

"My mom is missing please-"

"Miss Sakura, ur mom got into a cardiac arrest and she-", saying that he lowered his cap.


"I am sorry Miss"

My only light in the darkness was gone from my life.

* * *

This is the first story I have ever published! Please support me as much as you can!

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