
The Most Wanted Lover

Mei Sakura Hakashi, a 23-year-old girl has finally become what she had wanted to be, a Crime Investigator! But she is soon made to handle one of the most dangerous cases as her first case, a murderer on the loose. Sakura and her friend Himiko San sets out to investigate the case when Sakura's mother, Mayumi Hakashi dies tragically. She soon searches for a part-time job which changes her life as she falls in love with a beautiful but unknowingly dangerous man. How would she react if she finds out this man was not who she thought was? Would that love still persist within her soft heart? Read as Sakura engages in a relationship well knowing her life is on the line.

Abel_Thomas_5611 · Ciudad
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18 Chs


I hurried off behind Lucas holding close to his hands. Arthur recovered and quickly sprinted back toward us.

"Hey! What the fuck do you think you are doing?" he asked filled with rage.

"Shut up already," Lucas replied in a calm tone.

"Are you still competing against me since what happened in our teens?" Arthur asked screaming.

"No, I don't keep anger within me for a person too long," he replied softly.

That was a huge lie. I knew it. I had grown close enough to Lucas to know whether he was lying or not. He still had a rage-filled mind inside of him against me and my family. He wants to avenge all those who destroyed him. He secretly would have wanted to punch Arthur to the ground till he was exsanguinated. But he knew the time had not yet come.

I honestly did feel a little sad for Arthur too. He trusted me for everything and I even confessed a fake confession to him. After all, he too disliked his so-called dad. I stood there the whole time looking down with regret. I don't know what was the backstory between these two but I am sure it was not very pleasant.

"Sakura! Don't leave me. What are you doing with him? I thought you liked me." Arthur said slowly sobbing.

"I do like-" I started when Lucas suddenly interrupted.

"Don't you dare go back to him! You bastard." Lucas said to me crossed.

I thought for a moment to listen to Lucas but after what he did to me, I resented it.

"C'mon what is wrong with you! I will go out with anyone I like! You can't order me around just because you are my elder brother!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Lucas stared at me dreadingly. He was too shocked by my words. But he seemed to understand my point.

"W-Whatever. But I won't allow you to cross the line," he replied infuriated.

"Huh? Sakura is your sister? I never knew you had a sister!" Arthur exclaimed.

"Well, she-" Lucas began.

"Oh my gosh! Lucas never mentioned to you about me? How could you!" I said looking at Lucas with disgust.

"Well, I am sorry to both. Now if you excuse us, I think it's past my little sister's bedtime." Lucas said grinning.

Arthur stood there confused as hell. I could understand it. It was a piece of random information I had said to Arthur. Lucas was hella confused too.

We walked out of the building. I got into Lucas's car in the back seat without another word. Lucas took a deep sigh.

"What the hell were you think you were doing? Huh? If I tell you to shut up then you should. DON'T FUCKING TRY TO COUNTER ME!" Lucas said burning with anger.

"Why are you getting annoyed anyways? Weren't I supposed to flirt with him and obtain information? I just did what I was told." I replied scoffing.

"Who the hell said that? I did not!"

"Well, Asahi did. It doesn't matter anyway." I replied uncaringly.

"And what kind of goddamn excuse was that! I am your brother?! I think I need to knock some sense into you."

"Don't shout at me for that! That was a prompt answer. That's the only thing that came to my mind! What is wrong with you!?! Am I supposed to be your submissive slave?!? If I am supposed to be, then go fuck yourself. Idiot. Rascal. Bloody Mafia. GO KILL YOURSELF!" I screamed, tears springing from my eyes.

Lucas smiled. I noticed him grinning like a Cheshire cat in the rearview mirror.

"I like it. That's the kind of Sakura I like. Strong, tough and bold to say shit to people. " he replied grinning.

I quickly wiped off my tears.

"Thought so. Why are you so red about me being with Arthur?" I said in a pale voice.

There was no reply. It was too quiet. Lucas seemed to ignore it. He kept on driving.

There was another long silence.

"How did you know I was in the sauna?" I asked quickly feeling confused.

"The camera in your dress. I knew something bad was about to happen when you removed your dress." Lucas replied.

"Ah, I see," I replied resting comfortably in the backseat.

"So you and Arthur used to be acquaintances? Seems like you both had a history." I said thinking deeply.

Lucas turned back to face me and gave me an 'it ain't even your business bitch' face.

"You don't need to know that and it is in no way related to the mission. So just shut up and don't ask any more questions." Lucas ordered in a stern tone.

I decided to remain silent for the rest of the journey.

As soon as I entered back into the mansion, I scurried back to my room and jumped into my bed. I was too tired and fell asleep within moments.

* * *

I went to get breakfast the next day and not surprisingly, Asahi was making it. I leaned on one of the kitchen counters and try to ignore him.

"But those hands... Oh heavens, NO! He is not that type of guy. He is here to avenge his dad. His brother." I thought.

I quickly brought my phone close to my face checking an unread message from a stranger. It was Arthur.

"Hey! It's me, Arthur. I will pick you up at 9. I am ready to introduce you to my dad as my girlfriend. Fingers crossed. (Lucas gave me your number!)" was the message.

Lucas really is onto something. I replied 'okay' and turned to eat my breakfast.

Asahi stood near the counter staring at me deeply, his brown eyes expressing no emotions.

I checked my watch. "8:45?!!??!" I screamed.

I quickly finished off the food and ran back to the room. I foraged through my wardrobe trying to find a good dress that would create an outstanding impression on his parents.

It was almost 9. As soon as the clock ticked to 9, I heard a shrieking honk outside the mansion. I hurried outside running through my high heels and finally entered his car. I was out of breath and panted.

"Oh, did you hurry off because of the horn? I am sorry. I can't stand this mansion. Brings back terrible memories." he said apologetically.

"What happened between you two?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing much. His dad used to despise my dad and we both used to be playmates in the early part of our life. But as time passed on, the mentality of hatred towards the Dion family was already instilled in the young, handsome lad named Lucas. He totally changed after he was adopted by the Beaufort family. But I don't mind about it now."

We soon started on our way to his house.

"Wait, what kind of car is this? Is it a vintage sorta one?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, it's a 1961 Mercedes-Benz 300SL. My dad got this baby from his dad. It's like hereditary, you know. My dad is used to all these types of cars only," he said promptly.

"I see," I replied.

"You look stunning by the way," Arthur said staring at me through the rearview mirror.

"T-Thanks," I replied shyly.

"Also, I apologize for my brother's intruding behavior yesterday," I said regretfully.

"Oh, it's alright. We can do any spicy things whenever right?" he said smirking.

I held my hands together uncomfortably not replying to a 'just bang me already step-bro' comment from Arthur's mouth.

We finally reached the destination and I got out when Arthur suddenly fastened onto my hands.

"W-What happened?" I asked confused.

"Your lipstick has spread out. You really were in a bit of a hurry, I guess. Sorry." Arthur said.

He slowly wiped off the lipstick with his hands.

"Thanks," I replied uneasily.

We got in. It was a splendid mansion with an amazing courtyard. There was a water fountain on the right side and birds and other small animals chirped around it. On the left side, it was a huge place set aside for gardening and many women were watering the plants. It totally gave me 1700s French palace vibes. I seriously started doubting if I was going to meet my dad or Louis XVI.

Arthur rang the bell and a maid slowly opened the door. It was a huge door around thrice as big as me and a loud creaking sound was produced when it was opened. We entered the mansion and the inside was extravagant. My eyes were filled with the views of many sofas and couches and huge spaces with chandeliers and huge lights gleaming across the whole place. Two sets of staircases led way to the next floor which was filled with many more rooms. I was so surprised at the sight of these places.

I started thinking about how I used to hardly survive in the 3 room apartment my mom had rented off while in debt. Now here I was, competing to stay between 2 mansions owned by one of the richest families in the world.

The thing was the whole place was so huge but it was strangely empty and quiet. Suddenly, a strong figure walked down the stairs holding a glass of what seemed to be wine.

"Well, who maybe this my boy?" a tall man with a thick white beard appeared in the living quarters.

"Dad! I know you despise visitors and all but I want you to know that this is my girlfriend! I truly love her and she loves me as much too. I really hope you won't reject her." Arthur said bowing down.

"I will see about that," he replied strongly.

He then turned to face me and asked me with a smiling face, "What's your name sweetheart?"

"Her name is Mei-" Arthur began.

"Maria Beaufort, the youngest in the Beaufort family," I replied sternly.