
The Most Wanted Lover

Mei Sakura Hakashi, a 23-year-old girl has finally become what she had wanted to be, a Crime Investigator! But she is soon made to handle one of the most dangerous cases as her first case, a murderer on the loose. Sakura and her friend Himiko San sets out to investigate the case when Sakura's mother, Mayumi Hakashi dies tragically. She soon searches for a part-time job which changes her life as she falls in love with a beautiful but unknowingly dangerous man. How would she react if she finds out this man was not who she thought was? Would that love still persist within her soft heart? Read as Sakura engages in a relationship well knowing her life is on the line.

Abel_Thomas_5611 · Urban
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18 Chs


Arthur looked confused for some moment. He tried to process the words that I had imprinted in his mind. Quickly, he changed his serious composure and started smiling. He seemed to be satisfied with my wish. Yes, that's exactly what I want.

"Sure. But don't you think I know you very little? I mean my parents get really suspicious when I invite new people around them." he said with his hands on his hair.

"Point. " I said in an awkward manner.

"Why do you want to be my girlfriend? You really like me?" he asked surprisingly.

I pretended to get shy and I decided to cover my huge thighs with my hands.

"I guess, I do really like you. You just stole my heart already. I first thought it was just a random feeling but something told me it was love. What can I say? It is like 'love at first sight'." I replied looking down bashfully.

"What can I say too? I really like you too!" he replied happily.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Should we go on more dates so that we both get to know each other a lot?" he suggested.

"I would be happy to. Well, I am sorry now. I must go. It's quite late already." I said quickly.

"Should I drop you? I can-"

"It's alright. I have already hailed a taxi." I said smiling.

I quickly left the bar holding in myself from all the problems I will have to face soon.

Asahi had been waiting outside for a long time now. I rushed towards the car when I suddenly slipped down in the mud. He quickly got out of the car and came beside me.

I looked up and then I realized it was not Asahi, it was Lucas. I was in a shocking state even though I had seen him and made love with him. He had seemed to not care about me at all these past few days. Right, after all, I am just a puppet in his hands. Thank fuck, no one had seen me fall over in one of the most beautifully woven clothing which was brought over from Italy. I was fully covered in mud and so was my face. I quickly cleaned off the mud on my face and raised my face up to Lucas. I felt unconscious for a second. Wait, I was overreacting a lot. It was just a small fall. Who cares? But it did seem like Lucas cared.

"Are you alright?" he asked lowering himself down towards me.

"Does it look like I am alright?" I asked back.

He gave me his hands and I was about to reach myself for his hands when a sudden call interrupted Lucas.

"It's a business call," Lucas said looking at me.

He quickly stood up and walked back to the car and took the call. He started leaning on the car slowly listening to someone speaking on the other side. I heard him mutter something about GREGOR and some girl and what else, I don't know.

I lost hope in him. I tried to get up on my own and I failed in doing so. I sighed softly. I tried harder and finally succeeded in getting up. My purse was totally in the mud. I put my hand deep in the mud disgusted and finally found the purse.

"No. Ah, where is it?" I screamed.

By this time, Lucas was done with the call. He came up to me slowly, taking his time. He quickly rolled his eyes at me.

"What happened?" he asked annoyed.

"My mother's and Himiko's photo... It's missing." I cried.

"It's gone. Now don't shed tears over it."

He came closer to me and we stood face to face.

"I don't understand. You were one of the strongest women I knew. What is forcing you to not be now? I really don't like seeing you act like a pussy. Grow up. Be tough." he said looking blankly at me.

I said nothing. I looked down still weeping over the loss of the only legacy remaining of my mother. And Himiko, God knows where she is now. I really hope she is still somewhere out there. But it's more probable she might have blanked out from existence. No, I shouldn't be like that. I should not give up on her.

I quickly snapped out of my disoriented mind and looked straight at Lucas.

"Fine. Now can we go? People are already staring at me. I don't wanna get embarrassed. Oh great, they are already laughing at me." I said in a low tone.

Lucas scoffed.

"How dare you think I would let you in my nice well-set car with all those dirt over you. Pathetic little girl, I should say." he laughed.

"What is wrong with you?" I yelled.

"Also take this as a lesson for you to get tough and strong and how to handle various situations. The Sakura I knew would definitely find a way to reach back. Good luck." he said.

Lucas suddenly left the place leaving me all alone in a strange street.

I stood there alone for a few minutes unable to think of any way to find my way to Lucas's mansion. As I remember from the trip here in Asahi's car, it sure was a long ride. And it wouldn't be a good idea to ask a mafia's house to strangers walking busily around the street. What am I supposed to do now?

Quickly a figure stepped up towards me from behind.

"Hey!" was the voice.

I recognized the voice and quickly turned around. It was Arthur. I suddenly grew too embarrassed. I was fully covered in mud and here was the person to whom I had lied that I liked him.

"Woah, what happened to you?" he asked shocked.

I gave a weary smile.

"Nothing much. Just slipped over down the bar." I replied sheepishly.

"Oh damn, you could have come to me as soon as that happened. Were you standing here for too long?" he asked concerned.

"No not for much. It's alright though. I am really embarrassed, I am sorry." I replied shyly.

"C'mon, don't you dare be sorry. It's not your fault. Your taxi is not here yet?"

I looked down thinking about how that bastard abruptly decided to leave me out here. I felt like I was in hell.

"Well, something came up, really important to the driver. So, I am doomed out here." I replied clenching my fists.

"Ah, I see. I was about to leave soon. But I can drop you off by your location-"

"No!" I screamed.

"Sorry?" Arthur asked confused.

"I mean, look I really don't want to cause any inconvenience to you. I am already dirty. I don't want to dirty up your car too." I replied quickly.

"No, it's totally alright," he replied.

"Look, please I don't want you to drop me. You see, I have this guilty complexion so I can't let you do that." I said randomly.

"Huh," Arthur whispered raising an eyebrow.

"But I can't let you out here all alone too. I would have a guilty complexion too," he said sadly.

I held my hands together not knowing what to say. It was getting awkward. I was already feeling awkward enough to confess a fake love to my step-brother.

"There's a sauna very close by. There you can actually wash yourselves and I can drop you off after that." Arthur said in a calm tone.

"O-Ok. Suits me." I said annoyed deep inside.

* * *

We entered the sauna complex. It was huge. Not surprisingly, people were staring at me as if I was some sort of strange creature from another dimension. Meanwhile, Arthur was walking next to me feeling proud to be with me. I took a serviette and made my way to the bathroom to get myself cleaned.

"I will get a new clean dress for you by the time you finish," Arthur said beaming with a smile.

I agreed to it and slowly entered the washroom. I entered the tub and started relaxing when I overheard a conversation between two girls outside.

"Oh my God, did you see the girl who talked with the mafia guy?" one said.

"I know right, does she even know who he is? No one dares to talk to him." the other one replied.

"Bet she thought he was a hottie. I mean he is, but who would dare to hit on him?"

"She is such a dim-wit!" they both laughed.

I held my breath while listening to this convo.

"That moron is a hottie it seems." I thought to myself.

After a few minutes, I left the bathroom with the serviette put on me as a bathrobe.

Arthur was waiting outside and as soon as he saw me, he started smiling.

"I got a new dress. Isn't it nice?' he asked showing me the dress.

"It is so nice," I replied happily.

"But I really do wanna get in the sauna. Will you care to join me? I promise to return you back to your residence after this." he said excitedly.

"I don't see a problem with that!"

We entered the sauna. Arthur removed his shirt slowly revealing a well-fit body. I was now too tired of seeing shirtless men and I rather ignored his body composure.

We both sat close to each other and I already started gaining heat.

It was soon so steamy and we both started sweating damn hard. The atmosphere was totally full of heat and it was becoming harder to see around. As far as I had observed, we both were the only ones inside the room. Arthur's hand quickly reached towards mine and he joined it together.

"I love you so much, Sakura," he said looking directly at me.

"I-I love you too," I replied feeling harder to breathe.

He quickly brought his face close to mine and was about to kiss me. My eyes widened when I understood what he was about to do.

Suddenly, a strong figure entered the sauna and stopped Arthur enragingly with his strong veiny hands.

He slowly cooled himself down in spite of the heat inside the sauna. I was not at all used to this much amount of heat and I felt like I was slowly dying.

"I think it's time we should go, Sakura," Lucas said looking at me.

The longest chapter I have ever written! I put my all effort into this. Hope yall like it! Share your thoughts below <3

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