
The Most Wanted Lover

Mei Sakura Hakashi, a 23-year-old girl has finally become what she had wanted to be, a Crime Investigator! But she is soon made to handle one of the most dangerous cases as her first case, a murderer on the loose. Sakura and her friend Himiko San sets out to investigate the case when Sakura's mother, Mayumi Hakashi dies tragically. She soon searches for a part-time job which changes her life as she falls in love with a beautiful but unknowingly dangerous man. How would she react if she finds out this man was not who she thought was? Would that love still persist within her soft heart? Read as Sakura engages in a relationship well knowing her life is on the line.

Abel_Thomas_5611 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs


Asahi took me to his car where we would be traveling to somewhere for me to flirt with a person who is technically my step-brother. A dreadful feeling filled me. Eventually, the car started its ride and I started relaxing myself in the back seat.

I started pondering about the life of Asahi. Maybe he was the one on the right side. In the light of all the things that had happened to me, I did not feel any sort of guilty feeling towards Asahi.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused.

"Oh. There is this bar that his son usually visits. Especially on Sundays. We are going there and you do your work there." Asahi said strictly.

My eyes gleamed with sadness filled with growing frustration.

"I really hope that 'work' wouldn't have to go very far." I thought to myself.

The car suddenly stopped at a bar. I stood out of the car looking around myself. Paris was brimming with lots of people and I should say, the nightlife was very much active. People were roaming around the streets searching for one thing or the other while some people were partying.

"I guess I am leaving now. Do your work properly or else..." Asahi stopped in his words.

"And don't try to do anything funny. We have set cameras in that dress," he added before leaving.

Asahi got in the car and quickly left the place leaving me all alone in a busy street at 10 pm having a camera hanging around my dress. I felt suffocated and crowded in this place.

Nevertheless, I decided to get into the bar.

One thing for sure, I was doomed. I could either end up in the hands and get owned by my step-brother or I could get shot in the head by Lucas. Both seemed quite harsh to me.

I got in the bar. A bright purplish red neon lights were held above stringed together at the ceiling of the little cold bar. There seemed to be only one bartender and the place was quite busy with people casually talking and dancing. Some were a little too drunk and started to throw up. I was wearing a short skirt which was purposefully made to attract the young men seated around together in the bar.

I felt really uncomfortable around all these people. Then I had a quick conviction. How was I supposed to find the guy I was looking for? Should I go and ask everyone about their father? Of course no! Oh shoot, What am I supposed to do now?

I stood at the small place for a few minutes and decided to sit across one of the tables. I held onto my little purse and hoped for someone to come nearby and talk to me.

Luckily, all the odds were stacked against me. A tall young man with a pale long face came near to me from the behind and slowly touched my shoulders.

I turned to find this man staring deep into my eyes. His long veiny hands were placed on my shoulders but quite weirdly, he looked like he wanted his hands to choke my throat.

"Bonsoir." I greeted awkwardly standing up.

"Hello," he replied.

"Oh, you speak Japanese!" I said surprised.

"I do."

We both sat down opposite to each other and he stared at me fondly the whole time. One thing is for sure, I would never fall for him. My first impression of him was a brotherly love filling up inside me. I would really love to have him as my brother.

"I am seeing you around here for the first time," he said.

"Oh yea, I just reached here a few days ago." I said smiling.

My only thought was to get hold of him and create an outstanding impression about me.

He looked at me with his deep brownish-black eyes staring right through my soul.

"You looked a little out of place that's why I decided to guide you." he said.

"Oh, well I really was a little lonely, to be honest!" I replied

"Really? So am I."

We both sat there quietly for a while looking at the other activities going around the bar.

He quickly sighed.

"What should I order for you?" he asked.

"Oh please, don't. I don't drink and I don't have any money with me right now." I replied embarrassed.

"Don't worry, it's all on me tonight. Just tell me."

I was out of words to reply. Oh shit, I don't even drink alcohol. But I need to say something to catch his wide attention. Then suddenly a memory hit my head. Lucas...

I quickly made up my mind and looked straight at him.

"I would like an Overaged Couvrier Michael Malt Whiskey," I said confidently.

"It's Michael Couvrier Overaged Malt Whiskey" he laughed.

"Oh sorry," I replied looking down.

"Don't be. Anyway, I will catch up on that order for you," he said in a serious tone.

With a snap of his hand, the bartender hurried towards him scared for his life. He ordered the whiskey and the bartender quickly produced it to me. The bartender looked at me in a way that seemed to make it obvious that he did not want me hanging around this guy.

I drank the whole thing in one go. He looked at me in an astonished manner.

"Are you sure you don't drink?" he asked doubtingly.

"Well, I have drunk once before I guess."

"You seem like an expert."

He clasped his hands strongly on his glass of wine. Soon he seemed to be lost in thought and unknowingly started tapping his long hands on the piece of glass. There was a deep silence.

"Y-You have nice hands," I commented breaking the silence.

He came back from his thoughts and stared at me expressionless and slowly started smiling.

"It is useful for many things," he replied.

My eyes widened at his reply. He didn't seem like a dirty guy at all.

"I play the piano, idiot."

I giggled shrewdly. No, I was the one who was dirty. What was I even thinking? I even slept with two guys. My mind shuddered on the thought of it.

"What's your name?" he asked quickly.

"Mei Sakura Hakashi." I replied sternly.

The bartender slowly came near us and cleared the glasses and drinks. He looked as if he was scared for his life. Maybe, it's because he knew his identity.

"Joseph, quick. Clear it all," he shouted.

Yes, he was very powerful. And he even knew the bartender's name which presumes that he usually comes here. This is the person who I was looking for. But still, for more clearance, I asked him.

"And yours?"

"Arthur Auclair," he replied.

Yes, I confirmed it.

"I see. I heard about a famous guy here with Auclair in his name who owns a pharmaceutical." I asked acting confused.

"Yes, that's my dad," he replied smiling.

"I see. He seems like a tough and cruel person to me though."

"He is. I hate him with my whole life. He uses all malpractices to gain profit. I am waiting for him to die patiently so that I can be the heir of the company and run it in a good manner." Arthur said.

"I see. "

There was another silence. "Why do I have to destroy innocent lives? " I thought to myself.

I snapped out of my thoughts and I found Arthur staring at me with his hands on his chin admiring every single aspect of me. He was definitely falling in love. And of course, I would never give him what he wants. Maybe this is the thought that had crossed the mind of Asahi. Arthur would just become like me. Betrayed, heartbroken and hopeless.

"Will you dance with me?" Arthur suddenly asked bringing out his hands.

"I d-don't dance," I replied shyly.

"You don't need the skill to dance. Come on, please." he pleaded.

"I don't know. I don't think I can-"

"I will grant you anything if you dance with me."

Reluctantly, I took his hands and we stepped inside the dance floor.

He held me close and we started dancing. I closed my eyes and felt a sudden urge for love. The city outside was busy with nightlife while we were inside here, in a small place dancing together until we got tired.

After a few minutes, he left hold of my hand.

"Now, what do you want?" he asked smiling.

"Introduce me to your parents as your girlfriend," I replied quickly.

* * *

What are your thoughts on this chapter? I would like to add more cliffhangers at the end of every chapter!

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