Ever wondered what Ichibe, or someone with his powers could achieve in the MCU? If yes, then this story is for you. Go ahead.... read it .... do it now!!!
"That is very good news then. I am happy with the way things are progressing. You know that you can call me anytime. Don't try and do things on your own, just because you think you should be able to handle it on your own."
"Yes, Head Captain."
"So Raven managed to unlock her Shikai, good for her."
"Yes, it's just as you predicted, her Shikai is the exact same ability as her mutant power. There seems to be a connection."
"Of course. Their mutant power is linked to their true names and their power must correspond with their Zanpakuto. This is the most logical conclusion.
How are things on the American front, apart from the almost being discovered?"
"Well, it's going well. We are progressing much more slowly, as no one will lead the expansion there in person. But that isn't really a problem for now.
You said there is no real problem in going slowly and that's what we do."
"Oh, you're right. I never chose a captain for America, did I? Well, I might have to change that soon. But I can't just choose randomly. This takes some searching."
Ichibe was thinking about it for a moment. Then he looked at the lieutenant of the 3rd division. Lei Fang was his name. He could see everything about him through his true name and Ichibe was impressed.
This was a very righteous man and had nothing else than the family that was the Gotei 13. He loved it very much and didn't have any other dreams than to preserve this family of his.
There was more, but that was already enough for Ichibe to pick him as a captain. There was only one problem … he was still alive.
What to do about that. He could always kill him …
I mean, he could. But that wouldn't be a very good idea, would it? No there had to be another way for him to do this.
Lei Fang didn't know why Ichibe was looking at him this way. Was the Head Captain thinking of sending him to America? That would be an unbelievable honour, but he wouldn't dream that big.
"Is something wrong Head Captain?", Lei Fang asked.
"Hmm, no. Well, yes, but you don't have to concern yourself with this."
Píng'ān understood what Ichibe was thinking about. She also thought that Lei Fang was the best for the job. She trusted Lei Fang almost 100%. And the only reason she didn't fully trust him 100%, was because Ichibe had told them not to trust anyone fully, who wasn't a Shinigami yet.
But she still trusted Lei Feng 99.8%.
"It seems you're thinking about sending Lei Feng to America. Isn't that right Head Captain?"
"Yes, you're right. But I'm not sure about how I'll handle the Shinigami matter."
"Oh, I see. Well, that is indeed a problem."
Lei Feng didn't know what they were talking about. He was informed of his captain being very strong and having a power that she could use. All captains had that.
So Lei Feng thought that having a superpower was the condition for becoming a captain, otherwise, you'd be too weak.
"I don't understand, why would you want me to go to America? I thought that you are looking for a captain to lead a division in America."
"Yeah so?"
"Well, I don't have any superpowers."
"Isn't having superpowers a necessity for becoming a captain?"
"No, why would that be a necessity? The prerequisites to becoming a captain have nothing to do with powers or accomplishments. It's all about your true nature.
I decide who becomes a captain based on their true name, which represents who they are and what defines them.
These powers that you speak of come later. As a matter of fact much later."
Píng'ān continued for Ichibe.
"You see Lei Feng, what all of us captains are, and Raven as well, are Shinigami. You become a Shinigami through a technique that the Head Captain performs.
But you see, you must be dead for the technique to work and that's why he is struggling with the choice of sending you there."
Lei Feng understood. So, the captains got their powers after they died and the Head Captain saved them and performed a technique on them.
Then he would have to die, in order to get powers as well. But the Head Captain didn't want him to die. He understood the problem now.
"What do you suggest then, Head Captain?"
"There is nothing we can do about it. I will promote you but you won't become a Shinigami right now. There is still time for that.
I will try and find a method of doing the technique while you are still alive and then you will get your own Asauchi. Until then you are a captain without any superpowers.
But that is not a problem. You are smart and a capable fighter. I'm not expecting too much resistance in America, as there is SHIELD there. So Hydra will be the only problem for you.
But we are keeping a low profile anyway, so they shouldn't notice us."
Lei Feng was excited. He was promoted to captain. This was perfect. Now he could help increase the Gotei 13 and their cause even better.
"Thank you very much Head Captain, I will make sure not to disappoint you."
Ichibe smiled.
"I know you won't. Should you have any problems with anything supernatural, you can call for help and the other captains will surely help you.
I'm guessing there will be problems in the future, but not in the beginning. So, try to move slowly and rely on the other captains for help."
"Are you leaving now, Head Captain?", Píng'ān asked.
"Yes, there are a few things I am going to check out and then I'm going to finish my training.
There will come turbulent times soon, probably sooner than we think and we need to be prepared as best as we can. So, make sure not to slack on your training.
You still have to unlock Bankai, and you have a long way to go for that."
"Sigh, you're right, she told me that I'm still not strong enough to wield Bankai and she is also not happy with how I use Shikai.
There is still much to learn."
"Good, I'm leaving then. Take care."
"Goodbye, Head Captain."
Ichibe opened a portal and left the room.