
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Películas
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115 Chs

110 A hands-off approach...

Years passed as the events in Westeros came to a boil, as many deaths and births had come to be, after the incident in Duskendale that caused the death of many noble families due to their connection to House Darklyn.


One of which that affected the King was the death of Steffon Baratheon as he was sent to find a suitable partner and bride for Rheagar as the King still refused the attempts of Tywin in marrying Cersei to the crown prince.


Steffon had set out with his wife to find a candidate but was caught in a storm near Shipbreaker's bay and their demise was witnessed by their children, from then on the young Stannis lost faith in the Gods as his prayers for his parent's safe return was returned with the mockery of seeing them die in front of him helpless to the whimsical moods of fate.


The king was deeply affected by the death of Steffon, rumors had gone that he was meant to replace Tywin after his return and his untimely death was blamed again by the King to the stoic Hand of his.


Aerys deemed Tywin to be responsible to the death of the Lord of Storm's End and felt the Lion had schemed to prevent Rheagar to be married to someone of Old Valyrian descent.


He felt the throne was being stolen from him in front of his face as his hold over the Kingdom is starting to slip away from his fingers.


Even Betha was a sour when the matter before concerning the Brackens and the Blackwoods happened, Aerys had favored the Brackens just because Tywin had suggested to give help to the Blackwoods in concerning that the King's grandmother was a Blackwood.


The King's actions had shown his deep paranoia and distrust over everything as he found fault in anything he can lay his eyes on. He even suspected his son Rheagar for conspiring with the Hand of the King during the defiance thinking that the Prince wanted him dead so he could ascend the throne and marry the daughter of the Lion as queen.


His notion of Tywin assassinating Steffon made him confide to Grand Maester Pycelle that he does not intend to retire Tywin as Hand or else he would be killed by the schemes of the Old Lion.


This also made the King look for other talents he could use to prevent giving more power to Lord Tywin, thus heard of a certain spider that he had ordered to be brought to court and assigned as the new Master of whisperers.


Thus the eunuch was seen crouching at the King's side whispering in his ear of the events happening all over his Kingdom as the Spider had built his wide web of information gathering with the Crown's coffers.


By 279AC Prince Rheagar was finally betrothed to Princess Elia Martel of Dorne, yet in fear of being assassinated the King did not attend the wedding of his son as he prevented Viserys to also attend the wedding of his older brother.


The family drama continued as the Prince did not stay in the capital but rather lived in Dragonstone with his new bride making many mutter rumors about the prince trying to depose of the King to rise to the Iron Throne.


Even when the birth of Princess Rheanys, the firstborn child of Rheagar did not ease the relation between father and son when he presented his daughter to the King, the Queen ever so kind was very happy meeting their grandchild but the King refused to touch the baby since he said it smelled 'dornish'.


The King grew more brutal in the next few months as he found the hobby of burning those he conceived as traitors and criminals instead of the usual hanging or beheading.


The status of the Pyromancers increased as their foremost pioneer, Wisdom Rossart, was put into the small council for becoming the new executioner of the King.


Tywin every so increasingly tired as the problems of the willfulness of the King has brought made the situation within the Capital very hostile for the Hand.


Still the King had a tourney hosted in honor of the Late Steffon Baratheon with Barristam Selmy becoming the sole champion in the end.


It was until the band of outlaws the Kingswood Brotherhood was faced with the royal force sent by the crown led by Ser Arthur Dayne that things started to fall apart.


In this event, Jaime Lannister had distinguished himself in the battle by saving Lord Sumner Crakehall from someone called Big Belly Ben. The young Squire showed great talent in swordplay as he was knighted by Ser Arthur Dayne after the battle.


Yet oddly the Young Lion was still called upon by the King to serve as one of the Kingsguard and the youngest one at that. Paul was surprised as it was Cersei who originally schemed hoping to have her twin nearby so they can go about on their secret trysts.


Yet over the years under the watchful eye of their father, their childlike infatuation with each other did not develop further as Tywin's eyes were focused into their affairs.


Tyrion had a rather gentler childhood because of this but he was still the problem child as many whispered behind his back. Yet what changed was Tywin ensuring that his dwarf of a son to be at his best once he is sent to learn under the care of the infamous Blood Lord.


The heir to the rock being named into the Kingsguard and swearing an oath to the crown made the old Lion incensed as he quit his job in anger and retired into Casterly Rock bringing with him his daughter.


Jaime becoming one of the Kingsguard was mostly due to Aerys being calmer than what he was supposed to be but mad enough to play this trick upon Tywin as he knew how the Old Hand prized this talented scion of his.


Aerys had heard to how Tyrion was going to be learning under Paul's tutelage and even he was sober enough to understand that this enigmatic man who has knowledge that many Maester's covet was influential enough to affect the affairs of the Crown.


Varys had given the King an estimate on how rich Paul was, said to be richer than the Lannisters and Tyrells combined and that was a conservative estimate of the Spider on what information he could gather.


The King knew that if Paul wanted to he could turn the whole of Westeros into his playground if he felt like it, this was considered on the fact that Paul does not even seem to have any active influence on the Seven Kingdoms.


Other than some rumors that he has some mining contract in the Westerlands that even the Spider cannot have a grasp of clearly.


Yet now hearing the disfigured Imp had a chance to learn, even though it was not a direct tutelage it still gave the possibility that the son of Tywin getting support from the most mysterious man beyond seven Kingdoms.


Now coupled with rumors that the Prince is in cooperation with Lord Walter Whent who now hosted the largest tourney ever in the Seven Kingdoms with almost all the Lords and Ladies from all Kingdoms of Westeros present at the gathering.


Which Varys thought to be a recreation of the Great Council though informal that would vote in him stepping down the Iron Throne and crown Prince Rheagar as the new King.


So the King decided to finally come out of the Red Keep as he thought who would have the guts to scheme for the Throne when he, The King, is present at the Tourney.


Yet his appearance did the opposite of what he had intended, people from far and wide finally got to see the King and they were met with a scrawny unkempt man with a crown coiled in his matted hair and curled up nails that did not meet any kind of grooming for the past few years.



Aerys finally looked the part as the rumored nickname of his circulated in the noble circles, The Mad King. His shifty eyes and distrustful gaze placed many in an uncomfortable position within Harrenhal as almost everybody is subject to his Majesty's judgmental paranoid observation.


Paul's spies were feeding him information of every moment or action done by the nobles present in Harrenhal.


In a table watching over the performances of Bards, Minstrels and dancers a few young men of powerful houses watch in disinterested eyes as they thought about the image the King that does not inspire any of the royal prestige the crown should display.


"What am I to do Ed? Lyanna still does not open up to me when she knows how much I adore her." A tall young man with a strong jaw and bushy black hair complained to his friend as he drank a horn of ale in hand.


"Do not blame me Robert when you cannot keep it in your trousers for the past few years, my sister is still right when you have Mya. Let's admit it, a bastard already in your age puts your fidelity in question to my sister's eyes." Replied his friend, a similarly strapping young man with a gruff look much mature for a young man of his age, Eddard Stark seemed a bit used to the infatuation of his friend to his sister.


"I adore her Ned, but Mya had happened before I was engaged with your sister." Robert Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End, now the fiancé of Lyanna Stark as the Warden of the North engaged his daughter to the young Stag.


"She worries of you being not staying in one bed Robert and with the time I grew up with you in the Vale I cannot defend you when I've seen where you've gone on the time we skipped the lessons from the measters." Eddard said as he looked to his friend who seemed a bit embarrassed being called out by his friend.


"Oh Seven Hells Ned, we are young men so of course we'd be a little active in our prime years. But I promise you this, your sister is only woman I dream of marrying." Robert said as he patted his friend's shoulders while finishing the horn of ale in his hands.


"That is not what she is worried about Robert, but let us be done with this talk. I am quite recalcitrant in thinking more about this matter, I rather focus on what my Father assigned to investigate." Eddard rubbed his temples as his last visit to Winterfell got him a curious mission from his father.


"Is he still on about who is this sponsor that was sending supplies to Castle Black? Why care who sends the food? The night's watch doesn't mind and it takes of their mind on the cold with all the food they're getting." Robert handed his horn to a cup bearer on the side as he found it empty.


"My Father cares, so does many others. Whoever is sending these no one knows who and not knowing makes many unsure of the purpose or goal for sending these supplies." This time it was not Eddard who answered but his older brother who walked to his brother's table.


"Brother, who keeps watch to our Sister? You know only you could reign in that feisty girl." Eddard stood up and greeted his brother with a big hug.


"Why are you worrying about her? She can take care of herself and she's smarter than both of us." Brandon Stark said as he then went to give Robert a brotherly hug as well.


"I know, she is not who I am worried about." Eddard said as he looked to his older brother with a knowing look as he reminded him of their sister's disposition.


"Brandon, it's great to have you here! Me and Edd were just getting bored with all these old coots talking with their slimy tongues and shaking their grubby greasy hands." Robert laughed heartily as he sat back down after taking another filled horn.


"The grease is most likely from the ham you did not let go off Robert." Eddard said as he looked at his friend.


"Oh, right. Hahahahaaha!!" Robert laughed as he licked his fingers still tasting the roast ham he ate earlier.


"Quite an inspiring sight, Lord of Storm's End, Robert of House Baratheon. You'll inspire true fear to your men as you wield the Roast Ham-mer of Fury…" Brandon snickered as he laughed with his brother and Robert at their table.


On another area of the Tourney, some ladies watch and giggle as they talk about who would become the champion and who would be crowned as the Queen of Beauty and Love.


Many famous names rang in their corners like that of the Sword of The Morning, Barristan the Bold and many famous warriors of Westeros that made a name for themselves in the field of battle.


None even favored the sons of Lord Whent who claimed to defend the title of Lord Whent's fair daughter as the Queen of Love and Beauty.


Yet many favored the Prince Rheagar and his wife Princess Elia Martell being crowned by the champion. Some even said it would be Ser Jaime Lannister as his feats in the Kingswood Brotherhood resolution already spread far and wide.


The youngest Knight ever and was anointed by the sword of the morning himself.


Many young ladies whisper in gossip thinking who would the Young Lion would crown should he win as the Champion.


News of his being put into the Kingsguard had not spread yet as the Tourney had not yet started, yet it was that same night many heard of the Hand's subsequent retirement after Jaime was named as youngest Kingsguard in all of Westeros.


Many old nobles in court were already scheming to become the new hand after hearing of this piece of information. Yet the one graced by the King was Lord Owen Merryweather, known to be amiable but not competent.


He only got the position due to his lavish praises and laughing at all of the Mad King's distasteful jokes. Not even long did he have the position that his skills in flattering the King improved to match the height of his statuesque title.


The First days of the Tourney began when most of the important lords and ladies from all over the Seven Kingdoms have arrived. The scale of this event baffled many thinking of how did Lord Whent afford such expense.


A lot of rumors were whispered as they speculate there was someone who sponsored this whole gathering and the words about this being an Informal Great Council did not go unspoken in the dilapidated halls of Harrenhal.


In the highest broken Tower of the fortress watched a pair of eyes that kept judging the situation, Paul loomed in the shadows as he looked at what currently is happening.


Other than the different schedule of when Jaime was anointed, everything went as what he had remembered.


Eddard meeting Howland Reed, Robert unhorsing many, the disheveled appearance of the King, a mystery knight that fought for the honor of the crannogmen and the King suspecting everyone with his shifty eyes.


Paul just stood there, with no one able to detect him as he was still as a stone thinking, ruminating and wondering if his actions had changed many things or has this world forced the fated narrative.


Because whatever he would find here will decide the amount of action he would take once he finally have a clear image of his influence in this world.


He knew that even if he stood far from the politics of this world, there is a high chance a change has already knocked down many destined lives to the dust.


To what extent, he shall find out as he used all he could to connect everything as best as he could.


He looked down on the bracelet on his hand from time to time to see some changes for every day that happened in this ten day event.


The elements of the days barely affected Paul as he watched from the first day, how Howland Reed was bullied by some squires, the She-wolf jumping in to beat the bullies away, Mace Tyrell's brainless escapades, Prince Rheagar performing on the side his music, Robert having a drinking contest with Richard Lonmouth and many others.


One that surprised Paul a bit was a few being able to subtly feel his presence, the young She-wolf, a beautiful hand-maiden of Princess Elia, Howland Reed, Arthur Dayne, Prince Rheagar, Eddard Stark, a few noblemen and noblewomen of Firstmen descent yet they only attributed it to a cold breeze, Ser Gerold Hightower and the young Benjen Stark.


The young Pup and crannogman being the most perceptive of his presence as they looked at his position many times feeling the watchful eyes of Paul, he was impressed as he could feel their gifts in magic.


Oddly the ones that could use magic were the She-wolf when she was able to change her voice and the curious beguiling purple eyes of a young Handmaiden.


Everything Paul needed were already in place, he only need wait for the birth of those needed or wanted by the bracelet.


'It is almost there, then I can move on. I can take my people away soon…' Paul closed his eyes as he sat down watch the chaos unfold as a daughter went to disappoint her family by going after a pretty face that was already married just because he gave her flowers instead of his wife.


All smiles vanished that moment that even Paul was tempted to paint a screen shot of their faces when the Prince gave the title to someone other than his wife.


Even the frivolous Red Viper did not smile at that moment as he felt insulted for his sister.


Paul smiled at the drama though, he was totally sipping tea and eating some snacks on the side as he watched the thousands of voices vanished to thin air.


The gossips and rumors that exploded after even overshadowed what happened to Jaime Lannister at the opening of the Tourney.


"So it begins…" Paul said as he stood up patting his legs as he stood up and looked over the edge of the broken tower.


Seeing the crowd was going to disperse, he felt a little playful as he took off the active cloaking he has on himself. Yet no one noticed him still except for a few eyes that finally felt his presence clearer.


It was already in the middle of the afternoon as light shone to his back while looming over the many people with one a couple of people looking over towards his direction.


"A pity your gifts are going to be wasted…" Paul muttered as he felt the few talented ones present finally register his presence.


Other than his presence, another was finally taken in by everybody present as a shadow loomed from the sky. What was thought to be a bird for the past few days swooped down with great speed finally making people realize the real size of the new arrival and it stunned many like statues.




Shadow dove down just in time as Paul now fell from the edge of the tallest tower, now many also saw his presence as he fell from the edge and was caught by the swooping shadow.


With a total wingspan finally reaching up to 80 feet or 25 meters, Shadow finally got her growth spurt as Paul was able to get some samples of the mutated Wyvern the Blood Tiger has.


Almost catching up to the unique Giant Wyvern, Shadow now inspire fear as she dove down with her dark midnight scales.


Now Paul stood on her back as she swerved midair making a large gust of wind spread everywhere in Harrenhal.


Standing on her back like it was solid ground, Paul took a final look at the wide eyed audience as he said a few words that rang to every ear present.


"You're gathering… it amused me, especially the drama. You people of Westeros are just so silly…" Paul's chuckle at the end was also heard as a name finally rang into the minds of those that even heard any of his exploits.


'The Blood Lord…' everybody came to this conclusion due to Paul's eyes looming over them made them feel the terror and fear his enemies had felt, not knowing his few moments of schadenfreude had released a bit of a gory image into their minds.


To prevent himself from being too easily affected by some events Paul had gotten into a cold trance that his indifference was hardly any different to that of a dispassionate God watching mortals struggle in their daily lives.


The cold eyes chilled those present as rivers of blood and screams of horror rang in their ears, Paul's recent visit of the battlefield left an impression to the hearts of many present as they too saw what he had seen.


Shadow made a final screech as she flew with great speed that their silhouette was soon gone into the horizon.


Meanwhile Paul was thinking in his mind how his appearance would affect anything at all. Because once he gathers what changed and what did not stray from the events that he knew then maybe just maybe he could leave this place much earlier than what was planned.


This time he left without ever minding what was going to be the repercussions as he looked over the horizon while riding Shadow to a waypoint for the Golden Eagles in cliffs of the Vale.


A leisurely flight while he zoned out as a matter in his heart gnawed on his mind while the gentle air blew to his skin in the setting sun.


It wasn't until he had teleported back to Steadfast and sat on the Great Hall that he finally got out of his reverie.


"My Lord?" asked Kaash worriedly as she stood guard by his side with Ogap.


"Kaash, you know that when I am done I will be leaving. Would you still follow me somewhere far from your home?" Paul looked at the warrior woman beside him that he grew to care for.


He was getting the sense that he had an odd connection in that world filled with characters used to be known in comics he had used to read.


Even in this present universe he now reside in does not have the pull the world of Marvel has on him, he was not sure what it was yet he cannot bring it to himself to be attached too much to this world.


Even when he spent a longer time here than how he did even on the other worlds he had visited before.


A subject that had wandered in his thoughts for years, yet no clear answer or path could point him to a resolution on his confusing feelings.


Yet he cannot in his conscience leave behind these people he now gotten to care for, so he had asked them personally from time to time if they wanted to go with him back, even at the expense of leaving everything they know of.


For now only Ogap, his Kingsguards, Rheanys, Shiera and oddly Ruka with her family, some of them were already placed in suspended cryo-sleep since there is no need to have them fight the final battle when he alone could take care of most of the problems.


A rather observable problem of Paul that many of his subordinates had pointed out, he tended to do things alone without asking for help in matters.


Rohanne and Duncan had pointed it out many times as they wanted to be of service to him as much as they could.


"You are my home my Lord. Where you go I will follow you." Kaash gave a gentle smile as she looked at Paul, deep inside she was thankful her tribe now had developed further than she could ever dream about in the years under Paul's rule.


"Thank you Kaash, I know many are still indecisive so I will not force them to come with me once I am done with my mission in this world." Paul said as he read the reports of his spies about the reaction and actions of the many nobles after he left with a spectacle in Harrenhal.


More he read the more he connected some patterns that there is someone else in the back ground trying to manipulate the events to a certain direction.


And most evidences point towards the one entity that calls itself as the three eyed raven, the being that now holds most of the knowledge ancient to the present and somehow seeks a chance for revival of old beliefs.


The more Paul think about it, the more he goes to the conclusion that these so called Old Gods wanted to regain and deepen their foothold again into the lives of the people of Westeros.


And it placed a thicker mist into the veil as he still cannot figure out which side does the missions and task his bracelet favor.


It seems that whoever the Beyonder had contacted in this world, is still not showing him/her self nor does it provide any clear agenda for the moment.


Yet Paul was sure it would never be the Others since one of his missions was to defeat the Night King without taking part in the battle.


And it was a fortnight after the end of the Tourney did Paul finally sees that there was barely any change after his reveal reminding him it was not yet time for his involvement in Westeros yet.


He went back to Yeen to finalize the Island Ship while slowly reviving Lady Joanna of her bodily functions to her fullest.


King Aerys went crazier at the moment, his sadistic actions are slowly affecting his treatment of Queen Rhaella and the Capital was slowly declining as the new Hand's solution to everything was to throw lavish parties that only praise the King with empty words and sing high promises to him without showing any results at all.


Tywin on the other hand was silently ruling the Westerlands better than he was supposed to be as his partnership with Paul in mining Gold kept them the richest still in the whole of the Seven Kingdoms.


Rheagar went on more of his adventures that no one could predict as he went from place to place in a seemingly random way.


Yet Paul got information that the prince was totally fixated on the prophecy of the Prince that was promised after finding out his wife Elia Martell cannot give birth after their second child.


Thus his actions of searching for another to give him his third child due to his interpretation of the prophecy making him crown Lyanna Stark during the Tourney of Harrenhal.


Other Lord Paramounts are still doing what they do on a daily basis as they sit on the fence waiting for more drama to unfold in the Red Keep to be sent by their spies in the capital.


The matters in Sothoryos on the other hand changed many times as the Blood Tiger was finally trounced by other Tribe Chiefs, yet this caused more trouble as they fought with each other to become the new leader.


Paul did not interfere as he was rather indifferent to these warlike tribes, it only took a week until another Warchief rose to position and this time from the Rhino beastmen tribes.


Black Horn, who seemed much dumber than the Blood Tiger who was defeated but still alive as he was saved by his Wyvern flying him away.


It didn't take a month until another coup was staged and the Warchief changing many times until half a year the Blood Tiger made a comeback taking the position once again.


Much feral than ever, the borders were awash with blood and gore as some shamans of these warlike tribes finally got some way to breed a grotesque monster using incomplete blood magic.


A juggernaut of flesh and blood that gave a bit of trouble in the field until elite knights stepped forward to finish them before they caused any more damage.


A variation of the brindled ghouls that used the bodies of strong beastmen to bathe in pools of blood as a ritual had the eldritch powers seep into the skin to turn these subjects into mindless buffed up monsters that follow the will of these shamans.


The Blood Tiger found them, a cabal of exiled shamans of many tribes that were on the run from past large tribes due to their rather dangerous tendencies to make monsters.


If the past making of the brindled ghouls was sort of normal to many large tribes, these shamans were much worse as they were mostly caught using the bodies of their Kin on altered rituals.


Even Paul was a bit appalled when he learned of this from Rohanne, most blood magic these Shamans on Sothoryos were rather tame compared to the ones these exiled ones use.


He felt that maybe they got some ancient knowledge that came from the Blood Mages that Old Valyria used to have.


But he was not tempted about it all as the results were far inferior compared the elites he had nurtured. They could be by far the best legion of knights ever raised into the world of Westeros.


One good thing Paul got in the years that he had stayed here is refining the recipe of the growth concoction of the Tagu-Atu tribe. Now he found variation for different animals and made more improvements depending on the trait he wanted.


Now three of his storage rings were redecorated to accommodate the various plants and herbs found unique in the dense Jungles of Sothoryos, many poisonous and a few with similar effects to some plants back on earth.


Biologist and Botanist alike would drool at the many specimens he has on his rings.


From the knights, steeds and even the domesticated animals were treated by the varied concoction he had made.


They now have strength and agility comparable to a proper Super Soldier.


"What the hell? My repertoire of things owned kept expanding." Paul muttered as he felt he now have thousands of things new in his hands.


He then looked down as he saw the sleeping bodies by his side, two silver haired women and another pair of brown haired women smiling contently as they lay there in the bodily fluids from dubious sources cover them from head to toe.


"Will Shanna and Natasha be angry with me? Tssk! I'll handle that when the time comes." Paul then went to clean the women gently as he transferred them to a clean bed.


*Knock! Knock!*


"Come in Rohanne we are decent." Paul said as he sat on his office table, he looked at the door that swung open as Lady Rohanne came in with Ser Duncan with grave faces.


"My Lord, something happened. Prince Rheagar kidnapped Lady Lyanna Stark, but some of my spies told me there is something more to this." Rohanne was a bit stumped since the Prince was able to evade the spies she had placed around him.


"My Lord, Brandon Stark is marching to Kingslanding right now to demand an explanation about the kidnapping of his sister." Duncan said as he looked seriously worried, he was the Commander of the Kingsgaurd before and knew the intricacies of politics.



A scandal like this would destabilize the delicate situation of the Seven kingdoms. Even Dorne was a bit disgruntled at the situation when the wife of the Prince, Princess Elia, was snubbed during the Tourney at Harrenhal.


"So it is happening, most likely the King would have the young Wolf arrested once he says something offensive to the Throne thus would make the old wolf come to ask for justice, how would you think the King that loved burning people do since he still thinks everyone is scheming to kill him?" Paul poured a glass of brandy as he looked over the city he rules over the window.


"A disaster in the making my Lord, the King would surely then ask for the heads of the wards of Lord Arryn. They will face the sleeping giant that is the Vale if the King still thinks his rule is still infallible." Rohanne mused as her mind came up with this conjecture which impressed Paul a bit seeing her come up with this on her own.


Well having the information does make her hold all the needed points to connect the dots in the board.


"The Seven Kingdoms would know the might of the Vale soon, but tell me should a few of our backups by the sides of some of the Lord Paramounts be activated?" Paul looked to the side as he saw his subordinates musing, Betha woke up and wore a robe while also reading some of the reports Rohanne had brought with her.


"My Lord, we know that placing these were different than what you wanted but having the Lord Paramounts owe you would be a great favor we could call once the fated day comes. But who should we save if both Lord Stark and his son prince Brandon are in danger?" Betha asked as she wobbled a bit to a seat on Paul's side.


"You know you shouldn't be walking after taking Lord Paul after a whole night of you activities." Rohanne gave Betha a knowing look as she giggled a bit looking at her friend.


"Not like you're any better, the gap between your legs made by Dunk does not help your words Lady Rohanne." Betha whispered to Rohanne's ears who glared at the former Queen.


"Shut up, the war the Lord predicted is coming and the fate of many are now in motion. How we prevent the total downfall and keep the strength of most of the Seven Kingdoms is more imperative to the great War of the Living and the dead." Rohanne pinched Betha on her side as she giggled a bit with her friend then spoke in a serious manner immediately right after.



"Hmm hmm, the names I have given. Ensure they survive or be born, I don't know who they are nor their purpose but what I saw had shown they have a part to play in the Great War. Whether they are a help or not is a matter to be found in the future." Paul closed his eyes feeling that taking matters in his own hands feels like unneeded trouble.


"We will do what we can Lord Paul." Rohanne gave a small curtsy and left the room while Duncan followed behind her.


"Sigh, I need to find a way to stop myself from interfering or else something I don't know would happen. But if the locals interfere then that is not considered done by me, isn't it fun to get through loop holes?" Paul smiled as he went on a no-hands method since the mission would only judge things when it was done nearby the bracelet.


He had already judged the area it could watch over and knew that if he stayed in Sothoryos in the years to come then it would not judge the changes to be his doing thus the Fate of the world was changed by others and not him.


Though it was more of a conjecture, it was a gamble that Paul plans to take. He knew there are still many of his friends sent away by the Beyonder and if he could understand the limits of the missions and how the task is judged then he could finish faster than planned once he leaves this world.


So Paul did not take part in the events that happened as he went on a leisure time staying on Yeen. Having Rohanne and the others handle the various things that are happening with a few task required by Paul for them to fulfill.


Now he spent time with his new women by dating them and getting to know them while he became a hands-off ruler.


He would only move when there are emergencies that would bother with the plan if left unchecked.


He then gave time to the various side projects he found interesting, like teaching and improving the intelligence of Kaash or maybe Ogap who were confirmed to go with him.


Next he found time to finally convince Betha to finally make up her mind in going with him, after a few weeks of dating while also placing Rheanys into a cryo-suspension pod since Betha had wanted to have her daughter grow into the world Paul came from.


A few books had been placed only to be perused by a select few had been placed to give a basic introduction as to where Paul had lived.


A very select few, others were only given small snippets and a vague explanation since Paul was not so insistent that they know where he came from.


He then researched more on mutating the Wyverns so they would go into transforming as real dragons of this world, Paul already had the Blood Magic ritual figured out but he is currently finding another way without using such a macabre method.


Shiera loved helping in this matter as she seemed to adore the knowledge Paul has first until she slowly got to adore the man that he is becoming, Paul found that his dates with her to be series of rather riveting intellectual conversations.


Her thirst for learning only abated when she got to spend more time with Paul, her initial cold and calculating personality thawed as the days passed by.


Shaera on the other hand, showed great promise in learning the new branch of magic Paul had improved for the past years.


Beast Taming, a sub-branch of the Wargs and Greenseers which focuses on making beast follow your will by making them docile while also training them to follow commands.


Her initial elemental magic were put to the side but she still showed great talent in those, just that her finally taming herself a giant walking lizard of her own did she specialize.


Hers looked more like a Baryonyx rather than the Ceratosaurus like Cera that Paul rides.


She totally loved training her own mount, who she had named Onyx because Paul had accidentally blurted out what it looked like so she derived the name there.


Though the development of the strength of the Great Warriors slowed down, they were still the strongest within the whole city.


Paul also took charge in training the best sailors he has to man the Island Ship, he had to test out everything needed from making a semi-sustainable ecosystem on the ship to making the citizens on it to get used to living at sea.


Other than Shadow growing Larger, a few ones that were owned by Kaash, Betha and a few Great Warriors were given the special serum to become larger.


Soon the Wyvern owned by the Blood Tiger would not be the only outlier with its large size.


Speaking of the rabid Warlord, the Blood Tiger finally lost it as he went on using his men to transform into the flesh behemoths to try and break through the border blockade.


And it was shown that rapid development could really be seen during wars as the Shamans on the Blood Tiger's side slowly improved in their rituals that a steady increase of the monstrous beast they made could be seen.


The Wyvern Legion had also increased since Paul did not rely on the Dragon Seeds to increase their numbers as some of the few Beastmen Soldiers he got showed great synergy with some wyverns in the flock.


Now the number had increased up to 120 wyvern riders, though only half were allowed to fight as most were only training for now or their bonded Wyvern was not large enough to carry them yet to battle.


A few copied old books form the library of the Red Keep about how the Targaryens trained the dragons in the dragon pit made creating an improved method easier.


It was thanks to the small puppets that were like the best spies to have, each were like small ninjas with the corresponding skills to hide from almost everyone in this world.


The first puppets ever made, from Swan to Stein were improved in many ways by Paul making them the best assistants Rohanne and Betha had in handling all of his businesses.


Then a few specialized warrior puppets almost as good as an average Great Warrior were made to help in the fighting under Duncan's leadership.


These kept the situation at the borders stable ensuring nothing would instantly overwhelm the defenses on any point in the wide area the border protects.


A few Great Warriors were also given a chance of leadership by protecting smaller villages nearby that focused on the agricultural sector of Yeen.


Except for White Lizard who does not have much interest in handling a town.


Rukka on the other hand had just made the decision to fully follow Paul once he leaves as long as she could get to take her daughter with her who was a bit older than Rheanys and was placed into Cryo-suspension as well during the time Lord Stark had gone to the capital after the arrest of his heir, Brandon Stark.


The Lord Paramount had charged into the Throne Room demanding that his son is innocent and invoked a trial by combat. Yet even with the changes, the King still chose fire as his champion.


Things did really changed, since originally from what Paul remembered Brandon Stark was supposed to be tied to a Tyrroshi strangler with a longsword nearby to give him a chance to save his burning father.


Which would have the young heir die of suffocation trying to reach the sword, a sadistic mind would have devised that but thankfully the King had not gone that insane yet.


This time though, Lord Rickard Stark and Bradon Stark were both spirited almost in time while they were being doused by wildfire.


Unluckily, they both still got burned as Lord Rickard Stark died from the burn wounds while Brandon was left scarred and comatose due to the extreme pain.


Rohanne had activated the emergency measures placed on them but it had been too late because she was surprised along with the others about the level of madness the King had reached.


Thus they ghosted away to heir of the North yet failed to save Lord Rickard, Paul almost went himself to interfere but he held himself still.


Shiera was able to save Brandon but for him to wake up from the coma was not something than can be achieved in the near future.


Then the King called for the heads of Lord Arryn's wards and the Seven Kingdoms got to see the sleeping giant that was the Vale.


Though a few Loyalist to the crown existed, led by Lord Marq Grafton, but they were still bested by the young Stag that showed his fury with his hammer by killing Marq Grafton in the taking of Gulltown.


Young Eddard went home north after crossing the Mountains of the Moon to rally his family's bannermen, the open rebellion plunged the Kingdoms into chaos as only the Tyrells kept loyal by fighting for the Targaryens.


Sending their army to siege Storm's End, the War of the Usurper as the measter's now call it, even the Tully's had gotten involved when the old Fish wanted to marry his daughters to Lord Arryn and Lord Stark.


Rohanne also found where Lyanna Stark is, the spark that started the flames of war, oblivious to the death of her father and her brother barely surviving due to her reckless actions.


Now the She-wolf is getting herself married while the Seven Kingdoms embroil into bloodshed as a furious young Lord Baratheon leading the battle in what is now called as the Battle of Summerhall.


It was there his charisma showed when even the defeated enemies finally joined his side as Robert Baratheon was now free to march north to rejoin Lord Arryn and Ned Stark, battle after battle he had won made many want to join the young Stag.


Robert marched again as he left Stannis to defend Storm's End as he brought with him the bulk of the forces of his Bannermen to try and reach the army of the Vale as well as the North's that now started to march south.


But what greeted Robert was the Vanguard led by Randyll Tarly before the main forces of the Tyrell arrived on Ashford, with a few Lords that had joined Robert perishing during the battle.


Yet it was during this battle that showed the unstable position the Targaren Loyalist have as Mace Tyrell took credit of defeating Robert Baratheon when he arrived after Robert had escaped with the bulk of his forces to join strength with Lord Eddard Stark and Lord Jon Arryn.


Following the battle, Mace Tyrell showed his incompetence in sending his army to seige the poorly defended Storm's End while not giving chase to Robert Baratheon, a poor choice that would affect the entirety of the war.


Lord Eddard on the other hand had arrived in Winterfell to rally his family's bannermen. He had marched south to join with Lord Jon Arryn, together they negotiated with Lord Hoster Tully for support who readily provided since his future-son-in-law was reported 'dead' from burning into a crisp.


Also due to these events, King Aerys retired his Hand Lord Merryweather as he found his service ineffectual. So ineffectual the King considered the possibility that Lord Owen to be assisting the rebellion in the shadows, thus was stripped of his lands, titles and exiled.


It was Lord Jon Connigton, a close friend of Prince Rheagar, with a great reputation as a warrior was named in Lord Owen's stead as Hand of the King.


A rather ambitious young man as he went on to lead the army to chase after the beaten Robert Baratheon, this made the march of the young Stag a grueling one as he found himself wounded on the way until he finally sought refuge at Stoney Sept.


Jon Connington then arrived with his army after tracking Robert Baratheon at the Town, forcefully taking over as he searched every house to capture the Usurper.


But the new Hand found his search at an impasse as the citizens of the town was helping in hiding Robert Baratheon.


Lord Connington was eager but fate played him as his search returned empty in every raids or investigation done on the town.


While this happened, Paul's spies found a trace as to where Lyanna Stark is currently. Being secretly sent to the Tower of Joy with Ser Arthur Dayne, a few guards and Prince Rheagar himself while in disguise so as not to draw any little birds that whisper to a certain spider, but they never put into account packs of bird of prey to be hovering above them with a magical puppet mounted to see where they were going.



Paul only gave names, so the actions done were decided by Rohanne and the others as they sent Ser Duncan, White Lizard, Okkun and Ruka to kidnap this small contingent hiding from the eyes of the King.


They were accompanied by 50 of the Cripple-threat knight division that were mostly hidden spies in various places on rural areas of the Seven Kingdoms.


They too found a route no one knows about to reach the Tower of Joy just before the Sword of the Morning arrives, enough time to plan a detail extraction mission.


They had also activated some spies near important characters as to ensure that they survive and develop into the direction that was 'prophesized' by their Lord Paul.


So that even when there are changes, the ones stated in the mission would have a higher chance being born. And Paul could see the results as his bracelet was showing some progress as he spent his time being busy with other things he found interesting.

(A/N: Some might be able to notice some details in the cannon events of GOT had changed, I intended it that way since it was to show that the MC had some connection to the changes and that he had already affected the events in a slow subtle way.

Anywho here's a chapter as I procrastinated this weekend with my assignments but I somehow found time to write this when I was dazed and confused. I never even realised I was able to write a lot of words in, though I had to reread and edit since writing while distracted resulted in a gibberish kind of story.)