

"Very busy indeed," Xander whispered.

The whole bunker was being illuminated by independent bodies of light. Little balls, hovering above several parts of the bunker and illuminating the whole place.

['I'm guessing runes again.'] Xander thought.

['Yeah, the lights were made with runes.'] Lex responded.

There were utility boxes around the bunker, it looked like a place that was fully stocked and ready to storm through an apocalypse.

['What the hell is that Gastovo or whatever his name is, up to?'] Al reasoned.

['Gustavo, do you have a problem with remembering people's names?'] Alex corrected.

['Whatever, I don't care.'] Al dismissed his correction.

['We'll just have to find out from him on our own.'] Xander mentioned and proceeded to erase his presence.