
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Cómic
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325 Chs


/At the church/



Hestia had just had a talk with Belle and found out that Belle was a girl. She was quite shocked seeing that her first Familia member was a girl, but also because the man was right about the possibility of her first being a female. This put up many flags within her mind as she tried to understand what kind of person the man was. But ultimately gave up due to her not knowing where he went after he bought that bag of jagamarukun. Shaking her head, she then decided to fully invest her time to her first familia member, Belle Cranel. After having a long talk with Belle, she found out the reason that she came to the city was due to the wish of her grandfather, whom Belle said had passed away. She consoled Belle and gave her hugs before having to report for work. Belle offered to come with her goddess but Hestia being the hardworking individual she is declined. She didn't want to completely rely on the earnings of her only child, as she felt that it would be irresponsible of her to such a thing.



Belle on the other hand was elated to know that her goddess was such a nice person, it truly was a refreshing time since she was always rejected by nearly everybody and almost every Familia. She wanted to help her goddess in her job, but she declined, saying that she was capable of doing the job that was given to her. She had some doubts about that until she remembered that her goddess was the goddess of family, so it would be somewhat natural for her to help her family as best as she can. However, Belle didn't feel that it would be right to ride on just the benevolence of her goddess and decided to work at the same potato shop that she worked at, Hestia was surprised at first but then understood Belle's purpose for coming to work. She smiled at her child and then proceeded to watch the people walk by as they lived their lives, taking things as they are.



/Frank's Flashback/



[Congratulations! You have gained the following abilities:



[Stand: Silver Chariot]

- a Stand owned by Jeanne Pierre Polnareff. Its main weapon is a rapier, and is exceedingly quick.


[The Joestar Family Secret Technique: Running the Fuck Away]

- the secret technique of the legendary Joestar Family. Allows the quick replenishment of stamina while running away.


[Chakra Manipulation]

- allows the manipulation and usage of [Energy: Chakra], is a versatile and useful energy to those skilled at it.


[Stand Arrow]

- an arrow that, when it hurts its target, would give the harmed person a Stand. Note: Stand is based off of the owner's personality. Should the stand be harmed, the owner would be harmed as well.



(Oh my god, Silver FUCKING Chariot?! Dude, I love Stands so fucking much. They're so fucking useful in the right situation. And the fact that it's a short range fighter, this is a very useful one.) Frank says as he looks as his new stand with satisfied eyes. (Okay then, Joestar Technique huh? I already know how to use it but I didn't think that it was an actual technique with proper abilities. And that Chakra Manipulation, oof that's Gucci right there, yessir, if I trained this enough this would be so fucking godly. What? WHAT?! A STAND ARROW?! That's so fucking good! Does that mean that I can give some of these people stands? Oh shit, this is going to be real fun.) Frank says as he starts to smile uncontrollably due to his elation.



(Well that's all nice and dandy, but how much Luck did that take up System?) Frank says as the system prompts a screen to show his current status.





Health: ∞/∞ (Will Of the HellWalker: Passive [Immortality])


Luck: +149,832,327(+100/per day)


[Cards]: [Simple Weapon Blueprint: Gun], [Will Of the HellWalker], [Inheritance of the Pink Omega] [Chakra Manipulation] [Stand: Silver Chariot] [The Joestar Family Secret Technique: Running the Fuck Away]


[Miscellaneous]: [Phone] [9,999 Rounds (9 mm FMJ)] [Stand Arrow]



(Huh, that didn't take too much away. Bah! Anyways, I have a plan as to how to train my chakra and fuck over the Loki Familia at the same time! I want you to note this down, it's going to be somewhat complex, but simple so pay attention System!) Frank says as he then relays his plan to the system.



/Back to the Present/



Frank was standing in the rain as he waited for the Loki Familia to go to the 18th floor. The monsters, specifically SCP-3199, were in hidden positions, except for the few that would accompany Frank in this battle as they stood next to him, two on both of his sides, all of them somehow even worse looking than usual. Knowing that they have at least one egg in each of their bodies, Frank wasn't too concerned about the possibility of losing some of his "soldiers", since they would replenish either way. He then tried to feel the chakra in his body and felt a cool feeling go through him as he then thought that he saw a black little wisp in what seemed to be an outline of the human body. {Interesting. I'll play around with you as soon as they come little one.} Frank thinks as he then summons the main star of this roll. Silver Chariot, the stand owned by Jeanne Pierre Polnareff when he was sent by Dio to kill Jotaro in Stardust Crusaders. He then lost his legs fighting against Dio and finally "died" in Golden Wind. Frank seeing the metallic luster of the stand praised the beauty of this stand in his mind as it kneeled in front of him. It's rapier piercing the ground to kneel to its new master. (Arise. You are mine now.) Frank says as the Stand starts to change before him at a rapid pace, its sliver luster tainted by black and red, and its blade getting thinner and thinner until it was about the width of a needle. Its eyes were now a dull gray as it stood in front of Frank and bowed its upper body to its master as it then disappears. (Umm, what just happened? WHY DID SILVER CHARIOT GO BLACK AND RED ALL OF A SUDDEN?) Frank says to the system as it gave a screen to explain the odd instance.



[Host, the stand has accepted you as its master, thus changing it to suit your person. If you remember correctly, the same things happen to Stands when they synchronize with their masters better. If I may, this stand would be something similar to an [Act II] of sorts.] the system says as Frank's eyes go wide at the explanation. (It has an ACT II?! When the fuck did Silver Chariot had an Act II form?! Wait a second, when Silver Chariot first went Requiem, it was when Polnareff died, so does that mean that it being only Act I and its user had died caused the anomaly of an independent Stand?! Holy fuck! Wait a fucking second! How many Acts does it have then? Four? Five? The numbers Mason! What the fuck do they mean?!) Frank asks as he then heard some talking in the distance. (Ah shit, they're here already. Everyone in positions! Take out as many as you all can!) Frank says as the Stand appears and stands ominously behind Frank as he waited for the team to come and fight him.



/With the Loki Familia expedition team/



The team had finally arrived to the 17th floor and were about to enter the 18th stairway when they heard some monstrous screeching about a couple meters from their location. Ais, Gareth and Riveria were sent to investigate the noise when all of a sudden a monster jumped from behind the rock to attack them. Ais quickly unsheathed Desperate to try and bisect the monster, but it vanished in a split second and was already aimed at Gareth. Gareth noticing it raised his weapon as quickly as he could to try and kill it, but it was faster, as it scratched his chest, leaving a bloody wound. Riveria seeing this quickly casted Rea Laevateinn to try and kill the beast as quickly as possible to be able to help Gareth as soon as she could, and it worked, leaving a smoldering corpse, the scent of burnt flesh wafting into the air as Riveria was surprised but quickly removed it from her train of thought as she went to heal Gareth. She casted Van Alfheim to fix Gareth as quickly as possible and it had worked, seeing how the wound that had cut through both armor and the skin of Gareth which had Level 6 endurance, she then breathed a sigh of relief as her eyes then went sharp. She then quickly went to the corpse and noticed that it was still there, unmoving, until it started to convulse horrendously and finally, an "egg" had come out of where its mouth was.



Looking at the egg, Riveria noticed that it was somewhat soft and it had an off-white coloration to it. She then called for Finn to come as quickly as possible, which he promptly did, and saw the egg as well. He then took his spear and stabbed it but to both of their surprise it was to no avail. (Captain, I suggest that we load up this egg into the cart, we might be able to combat the madman if we studied this "thing".) Riveria said as Finn weighed his options quickly and gave his plan. (Alright, we'll bring the egg along, but we will still continue on, that was one of them, who knows how many more did that man make while we were gone.) he says as a brown skinned girl then says (Bah! It's only been a couple of days Captain! What could go wrong?) as they then heard even louder screeching noises at the bottom of the stirs.

1680 words, damn, didn't expect to get stones even though I haven't gotten 15K words yet. Anyways, as always, I'll see you geeks, on the dark dark side of the moon! Peace!

Also please consider adding this book to your library, okay bye now.

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