
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs


/Back to Frank/



{Wait a second, why the fuck are they tired already? and why the fuck is Gareth being carried by Ais?} Frank thinks to himself before deciding to just shrug off the thought and practice his speech to the team as they arrive right before him. (Hoh, you little shits finally made it! I expected at least for one of you to die via disembowelment, but surprisingly none of you guys did! Also did I mention that they always release an egg that contains a new child? That was one of the fun features about it. It is a truly strange being is it not? Such an anomaly to exist!) Frank says to the tired adventurer team as they caught their breath as Finn looked at Frank with anger-filled eyes. (You bastard! So many of us died in this expedition! How could you ever create such a dangerous monster?!) Finn shouted at Frank as he then placed his pinky in his ear and replied (Oh I just used the internet. Nothing really special to be honest here.) Frank says as Riveria and the others were confused as to what the man said.



(What do you mean by intarnat? What even is that?!) Finn says to Frank as he raised his spear and pointed it at him with pure anger in his voice. (Hey chill there kemosabe! It's not some weird slavery site where everyone loses their souls to every day! Okay it may be like that tho BUT! It has some good things to it. Like umm . . . . memes?) Frank says as the team gets more visibly confused with what the madman was talking about. (Ah fuck it let's just fucking fight already!) Frank says as a figure starts materializing behind him (Silver Chariot Act II! Beat them up!) Frank says as the figure then manifests a rapier in its hand, and goes in a guarding position. Ais seeing this felt that she should fight this one, so she voiced out her choice with her captain. (Captain, I want to fight this one.) she says as Finn stares at her with surprise and sighs at her. (Fine, but be careful, this man is exceedingly dangerous, we don't even know what that thing he summoned is.) he says before he noticed that their target was raising his hand seemingly wanting to say something.



(Okay can I speak now? Okay then let me introduce you to what this is! This is a Stand, the physical manifestation of your will which you order around to do things with. This Stand's name is called Silver Chariot, and it's a short-range melee type Stand. Its ability is being really fucking fast so yeah. Silver Chariot Act II! Beat her ass in!) he says as the Stand vanishes and reappears behind Ais, its rapier in position to thrust, and not in the position to fuck her you disgusting degenerates. Ais feeling the pressure of the blade with her Swordsman ability, unsheathed Desperate as quickly as she could to try and block the blade, however, it was so fast that it completely repositioned its blade and struck Ais' cheek, blood flowing out of the fresh wound. She was so shocked at the speed and precision of the blade that she was unable to notice that it had disappeared yet again. She then focused and tried to ascertain where the "Stand" was at. But to her surprise, the Stand was already behind Frank yet again, and it looked like it was waiting for new orders.



(Well I guess that's a loss for you kid, yet again you astound me by the fact that you'll do anything to get stronger, and by getting stronger, I meant just adding and adding to your skill without enough polishing, sure you train by doing you strokes but what happens when you get a bit lazier than ever huh? Here's what happens to you, you die. Period bitch.) he says as his face had arrogance painted all over it. The team was enraged at this act of bravado and just decided to go balls deep into his face to tear it off and do something with it. Frank seeing this ordered his Stand to attack once again and it nearly killed them with the dozens of cuts present on their bodies. Seeing this Frank decided to just say one thing to them (You guys suck actual balls. are you guys seriously adventurers? Is this the best that this world has to offer? Oh wait! It isn't yet! God I forget about that one! Yeah I guess being the favorite of the world would allow you to become strong as fuck though. Well anyways, time to send you guys to the Box. Bye bye!) Frank says as the group then fall to the ground, not knowing what was about to happen to them. (Alright you van stop crying now. I'm sorry about hurting your feelings and all that shit yeah yeah yeah.) Frank says as the consciousness then answers back at him \B-baka Master! You never notice me and now you've hurt my feelings! I'm not accepting your apology, never ever in the whole wide world would I accept.\ the annoying little sh- I mean domain consciousness said to Frank.



(*groans in extreme displeasure* Uggggghhh, I'll stop calling you an idiot, and and quit shouting at you, is that okay, Oh Great and Powerful Domain?) Frank says in mock exaltation. \Fine stupid master! In fact I was never mad at you in the first place! I was just playing with you.\ the Domain says as if it just won an award for acting. {Oh my god, it's an idiot. Like a genuine idiot. How the fuck is it so stupid? You know what fuck it, I don't give a shit about the idiocy of it anymore.} Frank thinks to himself as he then tries to stave off a headache from the gloating consciousness. \And I've finally gotten myself a new form master! How about that, you want to praise me more right, right?\ it said as Frank's ears perked up and he turned around as if he just heard a monster sneak up behind him. (Hol the fuck up, YOU HAVE A NEW FORM?! YOU'RE NOW TANGIBLE?! YOU CAN NOW MOST LIKELY BE PREYED UPON BY HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS OF PERVERTS?!) Frank says in actual shock, except for the last one where he was just joking and not joking at the same time because you guys have the minds of monkeys in heat. Yes I mean you guys, the viewers who are reading this. Frank then looked around and asked the consciousness (So, where are you then? Like what do you even look like?) Frank says before the domain's voice starts to get seemingly flustered \P-pervert m-master! You want to defile me already since you're my master huh? I-I won't go down without a fight then you pervert!\ the domain voice says as Frank's eyes start to lose light and he says (How do I leave as your master? I mean how do I undo my ownership of you? Because if this is the shit that I have to go through every fucking time then I'll vomit my fucking meals every time because of you.) Frank says as the domain tries to apologize to him.



\Please I'm sorry master please don't leave me alone *sobs harder* I don't want to be some tool for those stupid mortals who want to use me just for power training!\ it says as Frank then shouts at it yet again (See! This is why I shout at you! This is why I don't try to be nice at all to you. You think you've become slick just because you've become smarter but know this you little bitch, you ain't gonna finesse me you disgusting bitch.) Frank says as the domain then goes quiet and after a few minutes it asks \Master?\ as a little girl then appeared out of nowhere. \I'm sorry.\ it said as Frank then looked behind and saw a little girl that looked no older than 12 look at him with sad eyes. (You know, I really hate cliché shit. Like genuinely hate it, but only sometimes, when I regain some semblance of hope, I decide to look at the world with childlike eyes, before it gets ruined for me once again, and then I start to become sadistic yet again, wanting to cause as much pain to people, both mental and physical, and then the cycle restarts.) Frank sits down on the wet ground as the rain had turned into a light drizzle. \Master, I'm sorry, I really am. I just wanted to make you happy. I only see you happy when you either listen to music or when you plot against anyone you don't like. I never knew that you had problems.\ the child says to Frank as he then regains light into his eyes and stands up. (I rarely give a shit to anything that happens to me. And that includes when I get called out by just about anyone. Domain, I want you to forget everything that I said here, if not I won't get angry, I'll just go. Do you understand?) Frank asks it and it nods.



{Perhaps I treated you too harshly young one. I truly regret it now, but worry not, the mad one will be gone soon.} he thinks to himself before a card appears in his hands as he then tears it apart.



[Integrating Inheritance of the Pink Omega. . . . . . Completed.]



[Would you like to activate the Inheritance Host?]



(Do it, I want the other one gone already.) Frank says as the system then starts the process.

1621 words, okay so I have a plan where I wanna go with this. I have a good world I wanna send him to after I leave this little arc off on the right note, and I plan to use every part of the original plot to make as many memes and fun times as much as possible. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

Also please consider adding this book into your library. Aight I'm out y'all!

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