
Life with Kota Beifong and the Family

The Southern Air Temple which is covered by clouds Oogi flies for the temple while Tenzin is driving him.

"There it is, the Southern Air Temple. Isn't it magnificent?" Tenzin asked.

"It is," Kota said, agreeing with his father.

On the temple two Air Acolytes are sweeping and feeding ring-tailed lemurs and they see Oogi flying in and land in front of them.

"Master Tenzin, welcome!" One of the Air Acolytes said.

"Good to see you again, Abbot Shung." Tenzin said bowing to Abbot Shung.

"Is there anything you need? Water? Dandelion greens? Ahh, perhaps you'd like to center yourself by meditating in the gardens?" Shung offered.

"No thank you, I'm fine." Tenzin said.

"You must be the honorable Pema! Please, accept these gifts!" Shung said as he offered an odd contraption. "This is an ancient Airbender head shaver we've refurbished just for you." Shung said.

"Oh, okay...?" Tenzin said unsure.

"And Pema, these flowers once filled the mountainside." Shung said, offering a massive bouquet of flowers. "Now, they can brighten up your room." Shung said.

"That's... sweet? You... didn't have to..." Pema said, also unsure.

"Nonsense! Whatever you need is yours. Anything for the mother of the next generations of Airbenders." Shung said.

One of the Air Acolytes offers a book to Jinora.

"No! That gift is MINE!" Ikki yelled while snatching the book.

"You don't even like to read!" Jinora yelled but Ikki sticks her tongue out making Pema embarrassed.

"Yep, those are the world's next generations of Airbenders." Pema said.

Just then Meelo appears from behind the Acolytes and has a lemur in his hands.

"Mommy, Daddy! Look! I finally got a lemur! I'm gonna name him... Poki!" Meelo said but the lemur flies off and Meelo chases after it with his air scooter. "Poki, come back!" Meelo called.

Kya and Bumi are unloading supplies off Oogi and Bumi is carrying most of the bags.

"S'cuse me, a little help here?" Bumi asked frustrated.

"Sorry, I thought you were the servants." An Air Acolyte said.

"We're Tenzin's brother and sister!" Bumi said.

"Avatar Aang had more children? The world is filled with more Airbenders?" The Acolyte asked.

"We're not Airbenders." Kya said, slightly upset.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." The Acolyte said bowing and the two glanced at each other.

Then Kota came down and the Air Acolytes came to him, "Master Beifong!"

"Kota is fine," the earthbender said, "Unlike my father, I'm an earthbender."

"Still the first son of Tenzin deserves our respect," Shung said, "even if you are an earthbender."

When Kota got down, he walked around the temple and smiled fondly, he remembered all the trips he went to with his parents before they separated.

"Is this giving you flashbacks?" the voice of Tenzin asked as Kota looked back to his father.

"Yeah," Kota said, "I remember when you, Mom, and I would go to all the Air Temples." Kota later sighed, "I just wished Asami could come with me..."

Tenzin's expression softened as he put a hand on his son's shoulders, "I understand that you and Asami were really looking forward to spending time with us, but she also has her company. She has said that it is the only thing she has left of her family."

"You're right," Kota said, "Thanks, Dad."


Kota, Jinora, and Tenzin were in the statue room and in it, they found many statues of previous Avatars.

"Wow. The statue room." Jinora said, amazed.

"That's right, Jinora, the most sacred place in the entire Southern Air Temple. Here, you will find statues of EVERY Avatar, who ever lived." Tenzin said.

"Where are the statues of the Guardian Spirits?" Jinora asked.

"They are in the Eastern Air Temple," Kota answered, "They are there because that temple is the most spiritual and the air nomads thought it would be respectful to have statues of them there."

"Do you think they will have a statue of you?" Jinora asked.

"No," Kota said, "There hasn't been a Guardian Spirit of Air ever since the genocide," Kota said, "but who knows, I may be wrong..."

Tenzin looked around. "Kota, Jinora, where are your guy's brother and sister?" Tenzin asked his two older children.

Just then Meelo and Ikki appear behind Tenzin on their air scooters racing against each other.

"You can't catch me! I'm the greatest air scooterer of all time!" Meelo said but he trips and crashes into a statue.

"Ouch," Kota said with amusement.

"Meelo!" Tenzin said, running for his son.

Jinora and her older brother walk over to the statue of Aang but as they look at the statue their eyes start dilating and they look behind to see if anyone's here but there is no one. They later looked at each other and shrugged as they walked back with their room.

'At the South Pole'

Meanwhile at the Southern tundra the group continue their journey through the cold wilderness and as they keep traveling Tonraq rides to Korra on his snowmobile.

"Korra, you have every right to be angry at me, but I don't want you to make the same mistake I made. I should have never gone into that forest and we shouldn't be going to the South Pole now. Spirits and the physical world should remain separate." Tonraq said.

"Dad, it's my job to be the bridge between the spirits and the physical world and I finally have a chance to live up to my potential. Tenzin understands, why can't you?" Korra said.

"You don't even know if what Unalaq said is true." Tonraq said.

"You want proof? Look into the sky." Unalaq said pointing at the sky and they looked up to see the sky having no stars and the moon is hardly visible.

"Woah," Bolin said, "What is that?"

"Where I'm from, the spirits are at peace and they light up in the dark." Unalaq said.

"The Northern Lights." Korra said.

"Yes. There used to be lights in the South as well, but during the Hundred Year War, the South was thrown out of balance and the lights disappeared. When the war ended, the North helped rebuild you physically, but we have not rebuilt you spiritually. Now, the spirits no longer dance in your skies. Instead, they rampage in the Everstorm." Unalaq said.

"I think we're here." Mako said as they arrive at a cliff and they see the Everstorm raging from a distance and a large cloud emits lightning and thunder as it roars.

A worried looking Korra approached the edge of the cliff as the Everstorm rages. Putting their hoods up to protect their faces against the icy winds, they braved the storm.

Korra stops and looks back, a roaring in the distance just audible over the winds.

"Is that what I think it is?" Bolin said fearfully.

"We must keep moving." Unalaq said, looking up as the angry spirits continue to roar.

"Oh man, I really don't like this." Bolin said, clutching his head.

"Bolin, just stay calm, there's no reason to..." Mako said but a dark spirit emerges from beneath his camel yak and grabs the supplies.

Another dark spirit emerges beneath Naga and lands on her face. Another dark spirit grabbing Unalaq's supplies and another which grabs Korra's supplies.

Naga stands on her hind legs, causing Korra to fall from her seat, and chases off the spirit.

"Oh, great. There goes our equipment." Mako said, looking at their destroyed supplies, "Now what are we supposed to do?"

"There's only one thing to do. We have to turn back." Tonraq said.

"No! The solstice is tonight." Unalaq protested, "And we're so close."

"This mission is too dangerous. We're leaving." Tonraq argued back.

"No, Dad, you're leaving." Korra said sternly.

Later when the rest of the team minus Tonraq continued their way. Korra pulled up next to Mako.

"So, what exactly were you and my dad talking about?" Korra asked irritated.

"Nothing, he was just worried about you, that's all." Mako explained calmly.

"Y'know, sometimes I wonder whose side you're on." she said still irritated

"There aren't any sides." Mako said, "We all just want to help however we can. You have to trust that we're here for you."

Korra looks on to the South Pole, where a there are a number of trees, their trunks covered in frozen ice.

She walked over to the edge of the forest, where she was joined by her uncle. "It's just like the sacred forest Tonraq destroyed in the North." he said, turning to Korra, "You must find your way to the heart of the forest where the dormant spirit portal lies. From here, you're on your own."

"Wait a second, there's no way she's going alone." Mako protested.

"Yeah! If she goes, we go, too!" Bolin said, Pabu emerges from his snowsuit.

"The Avatar must go alone." Unalaq told them.

"But I don't have any connection with the spirits." Korra said, "In fact, it seems like they hate me."

"You have to believe in yourself, like I believe in you." Unalaq said but Korra turned away, "What is it?"

"Nothing." Korra said, thinking she saw a familiar shape watching in the distance, "Wait here, I'll be okay." she walks into the South Pole, while the rest of the team looks on.


Korra trudging deeper into the frozen forest with a look of uncertainty and fear. A snake-like dark spirit nears Korra and screeches, causing her to turn around. In the distance, two dark spirits charge toward Korra, causing her to gasp.

She turns and starts to run from them, but they manage to catch her and begin to wrap themselves around her body and legs. One of the spirits attempts to attack Korra, but she defends herself with a blast of fire, and frees herself from the spirit wrapped around her with airbending.

The spirits charge back at Korra, but she stops them with an ice wall. Korra turns from the spirits, and finds herself in a large cave, a glowing dome positioned in the center.

"The spirit portal. Amazing." she said approaching the glowing dome, staring into it, "The light in the dark."

"The light in the dark." Korra said and she starts delivering a punch at the frozen portal with Airbending but no effect and so she tries Firebending but nothing. "Why isn't this opening?" Korra asked but then more dark spirits appeared outside and started attacking the roof. "C'mon, portal, open!" Korra yelled still bending at the portal but more spirits break through the roof and they go for Korra and grab her waist but she Firebends at the portal but no effect and she's going for the dark spirits but then Korra enters the Avatar State and breaks free but the spirits grab her again she tries to reach the portal and later she places her finger on the portal and an orange ring forms and the ground starts to crack creating a blast and the spirits vanish.

At the South Pole a green beam of light rises and causes the Southern lights to appear and the Everstorm starts to disappear.

"The spirits dancing in the sky." Korra said.

'At the Southern Air Temple'

Meanwhile at the Southern Air Temple in a room Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo are sleeping but Jinora wakes up and walks through the halls in a dazed state and she arrives at the statue room where she snaps out of her dazed state and comes across a statue of an unknown Avatar.

"Is this drawing to you?" Kota asked.

Jinora looked to her brother and nodded, "It is to me as well," Kota said.

The two start staring at the statue which starts glowing, shocking them.

'Back in the South Pole'

Mako and the others watch the bright light emerging from the portal.

"I can't believe it." Mako said.

"She did it," Tonraq said.

Korra then walks back out of the forest.

"Korra, you're back!" Bolin hugged Korra but then an ice wall separated the two.

"Why are you initiating physical contact with another woman?" Eska asked and Bolin laughed fearfully.

"Thanks for believing in me." Korra said and she turned to Unalaq. "Everything you said was true." Korra said.

"Avatar Korra, you have taken the first step in bringing balance back to the South and soon, the whole world." Unalaq said.

"You never cease to amaze me." Mako said, hugging the Avatar.

"Thanks, and I'm sorry for being such a total pain. Things were really stressful and confusing. It's hard being the Avatar." Korra said.

"It's even harder being the Avatar's boyfriend." Mako said jokingly.

'Back at the Southern Air Temple'

Meanwhile in the Southern Air Temple outside Tenzin and Pema are relaxing while Kya is feeding lemurs.

"Ahh, I haven't felt this at peace since..." Tenzin was cut off as Bumi arrives making the Airbender shocked. "Aaaand, it's over..." Tenzin said.

"Goood morning, Universe!" Bumi said standing on a rock with his underwear.

"Bumi, please cover yourself." Kya said covering her eyes.

"Well, lookie here. 'Vacation Tenzin' has finally decided to join us." Bumi said.

"Yes, he has. It's so nice to spend more time with my family." Tenzin said carrying Rohan. "Isn't that right, Rohan?" Tenzin asked the baby who smiles. "And I've really enjoyed having you two around. Reminds me of all these great vacations we took as kids with Dad." Tenzin said.

"Uhh, I think your memory's a little foggy. Bumi and I weren't on those GREAT vacations. It was always just YOU and Dad." Kya said a little upset.

"No. That can't be right. What about the time he took us to Kyoshi Island to ride the elephant-koi?" Tenzin asked.

"Nope, we weren't there." Kya said.

"Hmm, oh! Remember Ember Island? Those amazing sand palaces we built on the beach?" Tenzin asked.

"You mean YOU built. We never saw the place." Bumi said.

"I could have sworn..." Tenzin said.

Just then Jinora and Meelo arrive riding air scooters and Poki lands on Meelo's head and they land on solid ground.

"Morning, kids!" Bumi said.

"Morning, Uncle Bumi!" Meelo said and he sees Bumi's stomach. "Do you have a baby in there?" Meelo asked pointing at the stomach and Tenzin, Kya, and Pema laugh.

"Hey, where's your sister?" Pema asked.

"Who?" Jinora asked.

"Ikki. About this tall. Talks real fast. I'm sure you know her." Pema said.

"Uhh..." Jinora trails off.

"There was this lemur fight, but the bison told us not to worry because a giant was coming. Then, we almost got eaten by a shark-squid." Meelo said.

"Shark-squid?! He's here? It appears my old memories have found me." Bumi said.

"Jinora, were you and Meelo teasing your sister again?" Pema asked, crossing her arms annoyed.

"I don't know... Maybe... Yes..." Jinora said, hanging her head down.

"She ran away." Meelo said and their mother's face turned red.

"HONESTLY, I don't know why you kids can't just get along!" Pema said.

Later Kota came out with unkempt hair and sleepy eyes. He gave a massive yawn and was woken up by Pema's screaming, "What's going on?"

"Ikki ran off due to your brother and sister teasing her," Pema said to Kota.

"It's alright, dear. Ikki couldn't have gone far. I'll find her." Tenzin said handing Rohan back to Pema.

"Commander Bumi, reporting for duty! Search-and-rescue missions are MY specialty." Bumi said.

"What do you say we all go together?" Kya asked.

"Sure. I could use the help." Tenzin said.

"When I get back, we'll come out with a plan to take down that shark-squid once and for all!" Bumi said.

"Yes!" Meelo cheered.

"Do you guys need an extra pair of hands?" Kota asked, "I can track Ikki with my Seismic Sense."

"It's alright, son," Tenzin said to his older son, "You were sleeping. You may go back and rest."

Kota nodded and went back to his room to take a nap, he knew he would have to find his sister Ikki.


After a few hours, Kota came out and saw Pema who was holding Rohan outside.

"Where's Dad and everyone else?" Kota asked.

"They are still looking for Ikki," Pema said, looking to Kota, "I'm starting to get concerned."

"I'll go find her," Kota said, "I'll be back with Ikki as soon as possible."

"Thank you, dear," Pema said.

Kota nodded and walked off to find Ikki.

'With Tenzin'

At the Southern Air Temple at a different place Tenzin, Bumi, and Kya are searching for Ikki.

"Ikki! Ikki! Ikki? Where are you?" Tenzin asked.

"Over here, Dad!" Bumi said in a childish voice. "Just kidding. It's me." Bumi said and Tenzin groans.

"There's no sign of her anywhere." Kya said.

"Why would Ikki run off like this? It's probably my fault." Tenzin said.

"Probably." Kya said.

"Excuse me?" Tenzin asked.

"I'm guessing you've been busy with your 'duty' to Republic City that you forgot about your duty to your kids." Kya said.

"'Duty.'" Bumi said laughing.

"What are you, 5 years old?" Kya asked annoyed.

"Kya, you're right. I haven't been spending time with them. I wish I could be as good a father as Dad was to us." Tenzin said.

"Tenzin, your problem is you're EXACTLY like Dad. He was so focused on saving the world and doing his duty, and Bumi, don't laugh, that he never had time for us." Kya said.

"Dad was under a lot of pressure." Tenzin said.

"He always had time for you, though, his precious little Airbender." Bumi said, pinching Tenzin's cheeks.

"Dad loved us all, EQUALLY! Besides, it all happened a long time ago. Why are we even talking about this?" Tenzin asked.

"Because you seem to have some grandiose delusion that we had a perfect, happy-go-lucky childhood. Guess what, we didn't!" Kya said annoyed, "And how do you think Dad will react to hear that his first grandson is an earthbender, huh?"

"Leave my son out of this! Dad would be proud of the man Kota is now, whether he is an earthbender or not." Tenzin said.

"Really? Because your reaction to his first time earthbending was the opposite of proud," Kya said.

Tenzin's eyes widened as a memory played in his head.


Tenzin knew that normally, a person's bending is closely linked to their emotional state. Most children discovered they were benders during incredibly emotional moments. For the airbending kids, it was during moments of sheer happiness. Jinora was barely 2 when it was discovered that she was an airbender when her mother was tickling her toes. When Ikki was almost 5, Tenzin was investigating strange noises coming from the forest clearing on Air Temple Island where the air bison usually grazed. He arrived only to discover that the strange noises were merely the frustrated mewling of bison parents as Tenzin's youngest daughter was in the middle of their clearing, jumping more than 10 feet into the air in an attempt to play with the flying bison calf.

Meelo was about 3 and a half years old when Bumi and Kota had come to Air Temple Island for a short visit after being deployed. Kota had been playing with his younger brother, grabbing the young boy's wrists and swinging his tiny, little fists into his big brother's face. Kota would then pretend to be seriously wounded, much to the toddler's amusement. However, Kota got more than he bargained for when he allowed the little boy to take a swing by himself. The resulting air blast took Kota totally by surprise and sent him sprawling as he landed on his butt.

Even Kota himself had discovered his own bending while his emotions were running high. Kota was almost 6 years old when he and his father were out at The Gates, and Kota had once again, for more than a dozen times that day, failed to successfully navigate his way through them; even getting a bloody nose in the process. In frustration, Kota picked up a rock and threw it at the offending board. It wasn't until the pole that the panel had been sitting on snapped like a twig that Kota realized that the 600-pound boulder that had just crashed into it was far too large for any 5 year-old to be able to throw naturally.

Tenzin's surprised expression had matched Kota's own. Though, Tenzin's had also been laced with something else; something Kota soon identified as disappointment.

A little while after, the little Kota came into Tenzin's room, "Daddy?"

"Yes, Kota?" Tenzin asked, he looked at his son's face and noticed how sad he looked. He was now concerned for the boy, "What's wrong, son?"

"Did I disappoint you?" Kota asked, he looked at his father and tears poured out of his eyes.

"Of course, you're not," Tenzin said, "I would never think of you like that."

"Then why did you look disappointed when I earthbended?" the little Kota asked innocently.

Tenzin looked away in shame, as he didn't know how sensitive Kota would be about this, "I hoped you would be an airbender." Tenzin said truthfully, he later looked at his son and smiled, "But, we can't always get what we want can we?"

Kota laughed and shook his head, wiping away his tears, "No we can't, Daddy."

Tenzin laughed too and he later went to his son and picked him up. He hugged his son who was in his arms while the little boy snuggled his face into his father's robes, "Come on now, let's go tell your mother that we have an extra earthbender in the family."

"Yeah!" the little Kota cheered as the laughing Tenzin carried the 5 year-old Kota in his arms. But before they left the room to inform Lin about Kota being an earthbender, Tenzin stopped to look at his son one more time.

"I love you, son," Tenzin said.

"I love you too, Daddy," Kota said as he gave his father a big hug.

'Flashback Ends'

"We have come to terms with it and now look at him, the world's first platinum bender and his Seismic Sense surpasses Dad's and Toph's. He might as well officially be the strongest earthbender of all the Beifongs." Tenzin said with some pride. "We need to keep moving if we want to find Ikki before dark."

"See what he's doing, Bumi? Classic Airbender technique: Cutting and running when things get tough." Kya said.

"Yeah, did Dad teach you that move?" Bumi asked mockingly.

'Meanwhile with Kota'

Kota was walking towards the source of Ikki's heartbeat and saw that it was at a cave of bisons, the one Kota found his bison, Shorty.

"Ikki?" Kota called out.

Kota all of a sudden felt a small child jump on his back.

"Koko!" the voice called.

Kota repositioned himself so he could see Ikki, "Are you alright?" he asked.

Ikki looked off to the side and looked side, "Yeah, I just needed a break from Meelo and Jinora."

Kota nodded while holding his sister in his arms, "Should we go back?"

"No," Ikki later gripped onto her brother's leather jacket, "Can you stay with me please?"

Kota sighed and smiled at his sister, "Sure."


Meanwhile at the Southern Air Temple it's getting dark and Tenzin, Kya, and Bumi are continuing ther search for Ikki and Tenzin has a lantern with him to light the way.

"You know, this reminds me of a search-and-rescue mission I commanded years ago in the mountains outside of Ba Sing Se." Bumi said.

"Here we go." Tenzin said rolling his eyes.

"For five days, we scoured the beast of a mountain, fighting our ways through blizzards, sandstorms, and THREE typhoons. Finally, we found the men huddled in a cave, seconds from death. With no time to lose, I piled all TWELVE of those poor souls on my back and single-handedly carried them down the mountain to safety." Bumi said.

"And how is that supposed to help us find Ikki?" Tenzin asked annoyed.

"It was supposed to inspire you. Clearly, you know nothing about being a leader of men. That's probably why the Avatar fired you." Bumi said.

"I'm sick of your far-fetched stories. THREE typhoons?" Tenzin asked.

"Well, I may have thrown in an extra typhoon or two for dramatic effect, but..." Bumi was cut off.

"Quit arguing and bring that lantern over here. I found footprints." Kya said and Tenzin brings the lantern showing footprints.

"Come on!" Tenzin said following the footprints.

"No, follow me! This will get us down fifty times faster." Bumi said leaping to some rocks alongside a waterfall.

"Bumi, it's pitch black and the rocks are slippery. You're gonna hurt yourself." Kya said.

"Come on, wimps! If I can do it, it should be no problem for a couple of benders." Bumi said.

"Fine." Kya said as she uses Waterbending on the waterfall to go down while Tenzin uses Airbending to boost his leap down the ledge. "You were right, Bumi! That WAS faster!" Kya said.

"At least fifty times faster, by my calculations." Tenzin said as they chuckled.

"Oh, so Tenzin's the funny guy now?" Bumi asked.

"If you need an airlift, just say the word." Tenzin said.

"Bah, I don't need your help. I've got everything under control." Bumi said but he slips and falls.

"Bumi!" Tenzin said worried.


Kya is healing Bumi's wound after helping him up.

"I told you those rocks were slippery. You're just lucky you didn't kill yourself." Kya said.

"You done with the lecture, MOM?" Bumi asked.

"Oh, grow up! You haven't changed ONE BIT since we were kids. You're still trying to prove you can do everything a bender can. Well, you can't. Deal with it." Kya said.

"And you're not our mother. You don't get to tell me what I can and can't. Deal with that." Bumi said but Kya stops healing and throws a stream of water at her brother.

"Good luck healing yourself with your special non-bending powers." Kya said.

"Hey, back me up here, Tenzin." Bumi said.

"Kya's right. You're the oldest, but you act like the youngest. I had to become the responsible one." Tenzin said.

"You think YOU'RE responsible? Where were you when Dad died and Mom was all alone? Because I was the only one, who packed up and moved my WHOLE life to be with her." Kya said.

"Sure after years of flitting around the world, trying to find yourself. It was time for you to settle down somewhere. You two have no idea how it feels to have the future of an entire CULTURE on your shoulders." Tenzin said.

"Oh, boo-hoo. Must've been real hard for you, flying around the world with Dad, riding elephant-koi all day." Bumi said.

"Oh, so THAT'S what this is about?" Tenzin asked.

"That's what it's ALWAYS been about! You think you're some SAVIOR, who has to carry on Dad's legacy." Kya said.

"Who else is going to do it?" Tenzin asked.

"How about all of us?" Kya asked.

"Yeah, we're Aang's kids too." Bumi said.

"We never should have come on this vacation." Kya said.

"I couldn't agree more." Bumi said.

"Well, I didn't want you coming in the first place. I can't be around you two right now. Go back to the temple and see if Ikki returned. I'll keep looking out here." Tenzin said.

"Fine!" Kya snapped.

"Fine!" Bumi snapped.

"Fine." Tenzin said as Kya and Bumi leave while Tenzin continues searching.


The next morning arose and Kota woke up, he was laying by the bison calf with his sister, he wasn't in his leather jacket due to giving it to Ikki as a blanket. He got up and saw his jacket on the floor. He picked it up as he walked around to see Ikki with some other bison.

"Morning Koko!" Ikki cheered, "These are our new brothers and sisters; Princess Rainbow, Twinkle Starchild, and Juniper Lightning Bug. We are about to eat breakfast, can you earthbend some tables and chairs for us?"

Kota chuckled and put on his leather jacket, he then stomped on the floor and created a dining area for his sister and the bison calves.


Meanwhile at the Southern Air Temple, Tenzin continues searching for Ikki.

"Ikki, Ikki! Where are you?" Tenzin asked but then ring-tailed winged lemurs landed on the Airbender's head. "Shoo! Go bother someone else. You two are worse than Kya and Bumi." Tenzin said, annoyed.

"Okay, everybody here?" A girl voice asked.

"Ikki! Oh, thank goodness!" Tenzin said and he finds a cave where he sees Ikki sitting on a rock platform with four sky bison calves. But he was surprised to see his older son with Ikki.

"Juniper Lightning Bug, paws off the table! This is going to be a civilized breakfast. Daddy always says a blessing before we eat, so... quiet and listen up!" Ikki said as the sky bison calves looked at her. "We are thankful for this super yummy food and for being the best-est new friends in the world. But we are most thankful because Meelo and Jinora aren't here, because they STINK!" Ikki said but then she saw Tenzin. "Oh, hi, Daddy! I guess you found me. Do I have to go now?" Ikki asked.

"Actually, is there room for one more?" Tenzin asked.

"Uh, sure. You can sit next to Blueberry Spicehead." Ikki said and Tenzin sits next to a sky bison calf. He then looked to Kota who gave him the 'don't look at me,' look.

Tenzin cleared his throat and looked to the bison calf, "Nice to meet you, Blueberry Spicehead." Tenzin said.

"That's Princess Rainbow, that's Twinkle Starchild, that's Juniper Lightning Bug. They're our new brothers and sisters." Ikki said, she later looked to Kota who gave her a nervous grin that resembled the late Avatar.

"New ones, huh? Can they be MY new brothers and sisters too?" Tenzin asked.

"Maybe, but only if they say it's okay." Ikki said, leaning to a sky bison calf who starts making sounds. "Uh-huh, uh-huh. No, no. He's nice. They say it's okay." Ikki said and Tenzin smiled.


Ikki and Kota were playing with the sky bison calves by bending an air ball which the calves chase and Tenzin is petting the other calf.

"You like that, don't you, Blueberry Spicehead? Yes, yes you do. You know, I could get used to this here. No one's yelling at me or telling me I'm delusional." Tenzin said.

"Let's have Aunt Kya and Uncle Bumi come visit. I bet they'd like it too." Ikki said.

"Let's not. They'll only spoil our good mood." Tenzin said.

"What do you mean? Aunt Kya's super nice and pretty and always asks me how I'm feeling. Uncle Bumi is like, the funniest person in the world." Ikki said.

"But what about Meelo? He's hilarious too. You never know what's going to come out of his mouth. And Jinora can be sweet and gentle." Tenzin said.

"And mean and bossy. Being part of a family is hard, huh, Daddy?" Ikki asked.

"I couldn't agree with you more. You also have to remember that Kota had to be raised by two separate households," Tenzin said.

"He is right," Kota said, remembering having his parents having joint custody of him.

"I remember, but even though I wasn't able to see him as much as I'd like to, I still love him," Ikki later ran and hugged the earthbender who hugged her back. He later picked her up which made Ikki yelp.

Just then the sky bison calves fly out of the cave and they reunite with their parents.

"I guess the nice part about a family is they'll always be there for you, even though Twinkle Starchild and Princess Rainbow fight, but they still love each other." Ikki said.

Kota had Ikki in his arms as he walked towards their father.

"That's very wise of you, Ikki." Tenzin said.

"We should probably head back, huh?" Ikki asked.

"I suppose. We can't hide in this cave forever." Tenzin said as they start to leave.

"Don't worry, Daddy. We'll come back and visit Blueberry Spicehead. I know you really bonded with her." Ikki said.

"Yes, I'd like that." Tenzin said.


It was evening and Tenzin, Kota, and Ikki returned to the family.

"Sweetie! You're okay! I was so worried." Pema said, hugging Ikki and then she looks back at Jinora and Meelo. "Do you have something you wanna say to your sister?" Pema asked.

"Ikki, I'm glad you're back." Meelo said.

"Yeah, sorry we made fun of you." Jinora said.

"Thanks. Wanna play airball?" Ikki asked.

"Sure." Jinora said.

"Yeah!" Meelo cheered as they ran off.

"Woah!" Kota was surprised as Jinora pulled her older brother's wrist.

"I wanted to apologize for how I acted yesterday. I've worked so hard to celebrate my dad's legacy that I may have overlooked the parts of him that were less than ideal." Tenzin said.

"And we're sorry for dumping our frustrations with Dad out on you." Kya said.

"Yeah, you didn't deserve it." Bumi said.

"I thought you two wanted to see this. Mom gave it to me before we left." Kya said, taking out a photo of Aang, Katara, younger Bumi, younger Kya, and younger Tenzin.

"That's one good-looking family, huh?" Bumi asked.

"That's one happy family." Tenzin said smiling.

"Oh and this one too," Kya added, she took out another photo and it showed a photo of an older Aang and Katara. The two, including Kya and Bumi were standing behind Tenzin and Lin who were holding a baby Koda, he was around 1 during that photo. Tenzin, Kya, and Bumi later looked to Kota who was getting tackled by his siblings, they all saw how big Kota has become and smiled.