
More Spirits

It's nighttime and a boat is sailing through cold waters of the South Pole and on the boat is a young sailor.

"Your first watch?" A voice asks and it's an old sailor and the young sailor nods. "Well then, keep your eyes peeled. You'll never know what creatures lurk in these musky depths." The old sailor said making the young sailor nervous but the old sailor laughed.

The young sailor is watching but then he finds something in the water and there are two glowing orbs.

"Sir!" The young sailor said in a fearful voice.

"What?" The old sailor asked and just then a large black tentacle rose from the water and snatched the old sailor from the boat and into the ocean.

"Man overboard! Man overboard!" The young sailor yelled but more tentacles rose and grabbed hold of the boat until it started sinking into the water.

'In Republic City'

Meanwhile at the streets of Republic City someone is riding on a motorcycle while a police siren wails and the rider is chasing after a truck with its rear door opened showing two men with one bending water while the second man claps his hands together to create mist hoping to blind the rider who manages to get out of the mist.

The ice is on the ground but he uses firebending to melt it and keeps chasing the truck which is running a blockade and the rider goes to the left to find a truck with wooden beams forming a stamp. So the rider stirs his cycle to the ramp while using firebending to launch himself into the air and aims a powerful fire blast at the truck's engine. While landing as smoke is coming from the truck's hood as the engine explodes making it spin out of control and it later hits a fire hydrant. It came to complete stop and the men are lying on the ground and the rider approaches them.

"Looks like you had some car trouble. Good thing the police are here." The rider said, taking off his helmet revealing Mako who was smiling smugly.

Meanwhile it's a new day and a plane is landing safely and the pilot gets out of the plane revealing to be Asami and she approaches a man who is the engineer

"I think these planes are finally ready to ship." Asami said.

"I hate to mention the elephant-rhino in the room, but since your father was thrown in prison, no company will work with us. We're nearly bankrupt." The engineer said.

"Don't worry. I'm going to the South Pole to meet with someone, who can help us put Future Industries back on top." Asami said smiling, but then she frowned in worry.

'At Air Temple Island'

"Arrgh!" Bolin screamed.

He and Kota were sparring after Kota was showing Bolin some more advanced earthbending techniques with the Praying Mantis Kung Fu. Kota had promised him that he would give Bolin some lessons on more advanced earthbending moves.

Bolin had just fallen down after being hit by an earthbending wave from Kota. He later looked up to see a hand from Kota, he smiled and held it. Kota pulled him and smiled at Bolin, "You're doing great kid," Kota said, "Keep up with the techniques I demonstrated and you will be fine."


Meanwhile in another area in the Air Temple Island four people are racing against each other and they are Korra, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo on their air scooters and they are racing toward buildings while Pema is walking down an open corridor while holding Rohan and carrying some groceries and the four fly past her nearly knocking her over and her vegetables are in the air as she's spinning between them and after they're gone she manages to catch the vegetables and she stares at them in surprise.

The Airbending racers turn around the Airbending training gates making some of the panels spin while they pass by and they jump off the platform and Korra and Ikki are now neck to neck. Just then, Korra smirks and her eyes start glowing and enters the new Avatar State. She starts rushing ahead of Ikki who is shocked as Korra speeds her way through a paifang gate and manages to reach the finish line as Tenzin's older brother Bumi waves the flag while coughing.

"The Avatar is the winner!" Bumi said, waving the flag.

"Yes!" Korra cheered.

"No fair! You can't use the Avatar State to win!" Ikki said annoyed and Korra sticks her tongue out while blowing a raspberry.

"You did WHAT?!" A voice asked, making everyone jump in surprise. They looked to see Tenzin in front of Kota and Bolin.

"The Avatar State is not to be used as a booster rocket! You are toying with a dangerous power that you obviously do not appreciate." He said as he stood right before Korra.

"Ooh, burn." Kota muttered, but Korra heard him if that glare she sent him was anything to go by.

Korra stepped a pace away from Kota and waved her hand, "It's the Avatar State and I'm the Avatar." Korra gestured out with her arms a bit, "Who appreciates it more than me?"

"Clearly you need more training to grasp the depths of your spiritual connections." Tenzin stated as he crossed his arms, "Not to mention you're still a long way from mastering airbending."

"Hah, I have mastered airbending." Korra said as she punched the air, "Punch, punch, punch!" she exclaimed as air followed the release of her fists and hit the trees nearby. Korra put her hands on her hips and turned to Tenzin with a smile, "See? Mastered."

Kota coughed into his hand, "Um, Korra, that was something basic." he said as he looked at his father, who happily nodded to have his son on his side.

Korra shot the oldest son of Tenzin with a glare.

"Looks pretty good to me." Bumi supplied a smile as he looked to Kota, smirking.

Kota facepalmed at his uncle's idiocy.

Tenzin palmed his face, "Is it too late for you to unretire from the United Forces?" he asked his older brother.

"The paperwork is gone through little brother." Bumi said with his best consoling face, "From now on, it's twenty four-seven Bumi time!" he said as he grabbed Tenzin's head and pinched his cheek and then let go.

"I am so enjoying you like this Dad. It's hilarious." Kota said with a snicker as Tenzin gave his eldest son a dry look.

The Airbending master turned to Korra, who was crossing her arms, "No, you've mastered Korra style. Now you need to master real airbending." He said as he pulled out a scroll and opened it to show a map, "Hopefully our visit to all the Air Temples will give you the inspiration you need to delve more deeply into your studies."

Korra sighed and grimaced at the very idea of it.

"Can we see where Grandpa Aang was born?" asked an excited Jinora as she and the other younger siblings walked in front of Korra.

"How many lemurs can I have?" Meelo asked.

Ikki pounded her chest with a fist, "I wanna get tattoos, but instead of arrows, I want lightning bolts." She said excitedly.

Jinora shook her head, "You can't get any lightning bolts, that doesn't make any sense."

"You don't make any sense!" Ikki shouted back.

Meelo threw his hands in the air, "Fight fight fight!"

The sisters clashed their foreheads together as Tenzin walked up to them and held their heads to pull them apart, "No one is fighting!" he commanded, "We are going to have a wonderful time!" he said while letting go and palming his face with a sigh, "Now that the president is in office and I'm not needed on the council," he said crossing his arms, "I can finally relax with my family and give Korra the attention she needs."

Korra turned her head to the side, "Great. More attention."

Bumi laughed, "Relax." He said as he leaned on Tenzin's shoulder and poked him in the chest, "I'd pay money to see that. Maybe I'll tag along just to see Vacation Tenzin."

Tenzin kept a straight face, "You're not invited."

Korra looked at the Airbender kids and bent down, holding her knees, "Before we go on your dad's study trip, we're going to have some real fun in my hometown at the Glacier Spirits Festival. They got rides, games, and all kinds of fried foods on sticks."

The kids all cheered and then looked at their older brother, "Are you coming with us to see the temples, Koko?" Meelo asked.

Their older brother nodded, "And Asami is coming too."

"Yay!" they cheered and started to jump onto Kota's arms. Kota held Ikki and Jinora in each arm while Meelo sat on his brother's shoulders.

"Yep." Bumi said while hugging Tenzin's shoulder, "There's Vacation Tenzin. And you can't stop me from coming to the festival. Mom already invited me." he said smugly.

"Well, I'm going to go back to pack. I was gonna stop by and see Asami while at it too," Kota said, putting down his younger siblings.

He later went to Shorty and flew off to Republic City.

Tenzin smiled, "I'm glad Lin approved of the person he's dating."

Bumi nodded, "She was always the scary ono, especially when she was pregnant with Kota... maybe she's biding her time?" he suggested with a smirk.

"Oh I doubt it," Tenzin said.


Kota landed in front of Future Industries and saw Asami who was waiting for him, he smiled and walked up to her with a hug. Asami returned the hug and kissed the earthbender, they have started to get back together a few weeks ago and they have been missing the times they used to have, during their first relationship.

"How is everything?" Kota asked.

Asami looked down in sadness, "We're nearly bankrupt. Due to Dad being arrested, no one wants to work with us."

Kota gave her a warm and reassuring smile. He lifted her chin up to cheer her up, "I know you too well to give up. You're meeting with the guy, right?"

Asami nodded.

"Then you should be fine," Kota said.

Asami smiled back and hugged Kota, "Thank you..."


Shorty landed in front of the Beifong Manor, the two hopped off and headed towards the front door.

"Welcome home, Kota. Hello Asami." The voice of Lin said with a smile.

She stood at the door in casual wear. She wore a knee length black blouse, grey pants, and black sandals as she sipped a cup of tea.

Kota blinked in surprise, "Mom, you're, home? I thought you'd be at..."

"Work?" Lin asked as she shook her head, "Even I need days off Kota. After everything with the new president and how the finishing touches are settling down, I can finally get a bit of rest." She looked at the two teenagers, "So what's going on?" she asked with mild interest while sipping some tea.

"Um, you know, going to the South Pole is all, Dad also wants me to come with him to the Air Temples." Kota said awkwardly, he didn't really need to tell her about it, but begged to differ.

Lin had a fond smile, remembering the Glacier Festival and how Kota was born in a medical hut in the Southern Water Tribe.

"Also it will be the first time Asami gets to come with me on a trip, like old times!" Kota said.

Lin remembered when Kota, Tenzin, and the Sato family would have fun at Ember Island, she later snapped back into reality and smiled at the couple.

"Fine, go pack." She said with a wave of her hand.

"Yes! Thanks Mom!" Kota shouted in joy as he kissed her on the cheek as he ran up the stairs to his room with Asami following. Lin looked to Shorty and smiled, "Hello Shorty," Lin said, petting the bison.

Her son's flying bison licked her face, much to her annoyance as a way of saying hi back.

Kota was in his bedroom, packing up some clothes while Asami sat on his bed, she was looking at the photos of her and Kota when they were younger. One of them was during their first day of school together. Another one was when they were older, Kota and Asami were both in formal attire, it was their very first date at a school gala when Asami was 13 and Kota was 14. The last photo was of Kota when he was 15, he was in a United Forces Cadet's uniform and Asami was next to him, he had an arm around her shoulder and the two looked happy together.

"While you're looking at those photos can you add this one?" Kota asked, he handed Asami a new photo. The photo was one of Kota and Asami together, Asami was holding the baby Rohan in her arms while Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo were in front of them. Asami smiled at the photo and put the photo in a spare frame to put it on his night stand.

When she finished, Kota had a duffle bag of clothes and other assortments ready to go, he smiled and gave Asami his hand. The two went down and exited the house.

"Bye mom!"

"Have fun kiddo. Also tell your grandmother I said hi." Lin said in response but shook her head, "Those two." She muttered, "Well, good luck with our son Tenzin," she said to herself.

"Shorty, yip-yip!" Kota yelled.


Later everyone gets on the boat and it starts sailing through the water for the South Pole and unknowing to them sinister glowing eyes are in the water under the boat.

It's nighttime at the boat which is still sailing through the waters Korra and Mako are talking to each other on the ship's lower deck and they are resting on Naga and they are listening to Mako's cop story.

"So, I walked up and said; 'Looks like you had some car trouble. Good thing the police are here'." Mako finishes his story and Korra giggles.

"Did you write that beforehand?" Korra asked.

"Yeah! I had a few others." Mako said, taking out a list from his jacket.

"I think it's cute." Korra said.

"So, how's everything at the Island?" Mako asked.

"All I do is train all day. It's like Tenzin's totally forgot how I beat Amon." Korra said.

"Tenzin's just trying to help you become the best Avatar you can be." Mako said, placing his hand on the Avatar's shoulder.

Korra pulls her arm away from Mako, "Of course you'd take his side!", she said.

"I'm not taking his side, I'm just..." Mako began but Korra stood up, ignoring him as she walked away, "Why is it so much easier to bust triads and argue with a masked asshole than it is to get through one conversation with my girlfriend?"

'South Pole'

Later it's now daytime and the boat arrives at the South Pole and Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo with Kota behind them got off the boat excited. They ran to two figures on the dock with one being Katara and the second is a middle-aged woman with white hair tied to a half-bun while the rest of her hair flows down and wearing a blue choker, blue earrings, and a blue parka.

"Gran-Gran!" The three younger children cheered running to hug Katara.

"Oh... you've all gotten so big." Katara said.

"We've missed you, Aunt Kya!" Jinora said.

"Ooh, I missed you too. Your father doesn't bring you to visit nearly enough. He's probably scared I'll beat him up, like when we were kids." Kya said lightly punching Tenzin's arm playfully.

"I'm not scared of you... anymore." Tenzin said slightly timidly and rubbed his arm.

Kya smiled and looked past Tenzin to see Kota who walked up to her and hugged her. "Hey Aunt Kya, it's been a while," Kota said. "Kota, my gosh you have gotten so big," Kya said. "He is starting to look like Tenzin at that age," Katara chimed in. Kota looked to his grandmother and hugged her, "Grandma, it's good to see you," Kota said.

"It's good to see you too, Kota." Katara said. She looked around, but couldn't find Lin, "Where's your mother?"

"She's at home, duty calls she's sorry she couldn't make it. But, she wants me to tell you she said hi to you all," Kota said, smiling. He later looked to Asami and motioned for her to come over.

"Grandma, you know Asami," Kota said.

"It's nice to see you again," Katara said with a smile.

"You as well," Asami said, bowing.

"Aunt Kya, this is Asami, my girlfriend," Kota introduced his aunt to his girlfriend.

"Nice to meet you," Asami said, bowing to the waterbender.

"You too," Kya said with a smile.

Meanwhile, Korra was with her parents.

"You remember Mako." Korra said.

"Sir." Mako said, offering his hand.

"I hope you're not getting my daughter into anymore trouble in the city." Korra's father known as Tonraq said sternly.

"Uh... no... I..." Mako stops talking.

"Dad, stop it." Korra said playfully and Tonraq laughs and shakes Mako's hand.

"Wow! Look at all these people that came to greet us!" Bolin said, seeing many people.

"Um, no. They came to greet them." Korra said pointing at a large ship that has a Northern Water Tribe symbol on it arriving at the docks as the crowd claps and cheers.

"The great chief of the Northern Water Tribe comes to grace us with his presence. Hooray." Tonraq said sarcastically.

"Just relax, Tonraq. He'll be gone soon enough." Senna said and Tonraq sighs.

Coming out of the ship is a man who looks younger than Tonraq and has long dark hair with two strains on both sides and wearing a long dark purple robe while having a serious and calm expression.

Behind the Chief are two teenagers who look identical to each other and are wearing long robes, have the same hair, and they're both emotionless.

"Whoa, who are the lovely ladies?" Bolin asked.

"This can't be good..." Kota said.

Asami looked in Kota's direction and mouthed 'oh.'

"That's Eska and Desna. The Chief's children. Desna's a guy." Korra said slightly amused, making Bolin shocked.

"Oh, sure. I knew that. Uhh... which one's Desna?" Bolin asked.

The Chief then approaches Korra and bows to her.

"Good to see you again, Avatar Korra." The Chief said.

Just then the Chief turns to Tonraq and they share uneasy expressions.

"Tonraq." The Chief said in a cold manner.

"Brother..." Tonraq said in the same cold manner.


Later everyone arrives at the festival where there are booths, games, and many people having fun at the festival.

"It's a shame the Southerners have abandoned all connections to the spirits." Unalaq said, "Even during the most hallowed times."

"I've always loved the Glacier Spirits Festival." Korra said looking around with a smile.

"Yes fun. This festival used to be a solemn time of fasting and meditation. Now it's just a chance to watch some rube try to stick an..." Unalaq said looking around the festival, before suddenly stopping, "...Entire arctic hen in his mouth."

The group stops and looks in the direction to see Bolin trying to stuff a whole arctic hen inside his mouth and is attempting to swallow it. Upon hearing them, he widens his eyes, turns to face the group and shrugs.

"What? Oh, it's so good." Bolin he said closes his eyes and clenches his fists in delight.

"Traditions change, Unalaq." Tonraq said, "The world isn't about to end because of it."

"Try telling that to the sailors who are being attacked by angry spirits in southern waters, Tonraq," Unalaq said with a frown, "Some traditions have purpose."

"Wait." Korra said surprised, "Spirits are attacking ships?"

"I'm surprised the Avatar doesn't know about that." Unalaq nodded, "Apparently you haven't been given all of the information you need. It would be my honor to instruct you in the spiritual ways of the Water Tribe."

"I wouldn't mind learning about fighting spirits." she said glancing at Tenzin, "Airbending is getting pretty boring."

"Tenzin is Korra's instructor." Tonraq said at once, "He can give her all the training she needs."

"So, you've said." Unalaq said walking away.

'Outside a Private Yacht'

Asami, Kota, and Bolin had just arrived at the yacht and looked it over. The yacht is predominantly white, with blue accents and a blue insignia. It looked like it had at least three floors and was exceptionally large appearing just a bit smaller than a United Forces battleship.

Bolin whistled at the ship, "Man that's one sweet boat." he commented

"Definitely." Kota said in equal awe.

"I'm glad you guys came with me, but I'm going to need you to focus. Varrick is one of the wealthiest men in the world and he controls the entire global shipping business. So to make this clear, you two are my entourage/assistant." Asami said firmly as she knew this was an important moment for her company.

Bolin waved it off, "Ah don't worry about it; me and Pabu are natural assistants. You won't even know we're there." he said as they walked up to the deck. Man this ship looks even better from up here. I gotta get into this whole business thing." Bolin said while looking around before he followed Asami inside.

When they got there they were introduced to a strange sight.

There right in front of them was Mr. Varrick sitting cross-legged on a large cushion with his hands on his head and eyes shut as if concentrating while everyone else was staring at him. They both said nothing and then Varrick suddenly broke his focus and opened his eyes.

"Ha did you see that, levitation. I was a foot off the ground, is that cool or what!?" Varrick said as everyone minus Bolin and Kota started to clap as Varrick began to bow.

Bolin scratched his head, "It looked like you were just sitting on a pillow." he said dumbly as Asami gasped and then slapped her forehead at what he just blurted out. She wasn't the only one as the crowd also gasped at him.

Kota groaned, the first few seconds, just in the first few seconds!

Varrick raised his head looking displeased as he stalked towards Bolin and then got right up to his face. "Are you saying that I wasn't levitating?" he asked in voice that seemed to dare Bolin to repeat what he said.

Suddenly feeling nervous Bolin gulped at the look on his face and then softly said, "Umm no."

What happened next though surprised him as Varrick turned to face his crowd with an aggravated face. "Well why didn't anyone tell me that? Now I feel like an idiot!" he said while slapping his forehead, "Swami you're fired!" he finished by pointing to an older man with a beard who glared at Bolin before getting up and leaving in what was strangely a backwards walk.

Suddenly Varrick slapped Bolin's hand and grabbed it, "I like you kid, you're a straight shooter just like me. Miss Sato, he's with you?" he spoke a bit fast as he pointed at Asami who just nodded.

"So you brought your tiger shark with you to do business huh? Now that's gutsy ha ha ha." he said while pulling Bolin along, "Get over here and pop a squat, Zhu Li get some tea for my guests." he said as the woman called Zhu Li went to get tea.

"Thank you for meeting with me." Asami said politely as Kota and Bolin flanked her sides, "As you know future industries are looking for a partner to handle our shipping."

"Sure but first you gotta check out my new venture. Moving pictures, Zhu Li do the thing!" he said, making Zhu Li shove the tea tray at Bolin while she started up the film.

"You're gonna love this!" Varrick said while making Asami sit down so she wasn't blocking the view.

Suddenly a picture of an ostrich horse running on a field was shown. The film kept showing the ostrich horse running for a few seconds before Varrick blocked the screen.

"Was that mind blowing or what!?" he asked eagerly.

"Yeah that was pretty cool." Bolin said, being impressed.

Suddenly Varrick had an angry face, "Well forget about it, that's the past so shut it off Zhu Li!" he shouted as she did just that.

"Now imagine watching this instead, Ginger come here and do your poses." Varrick said calling out a very attractive red haired woman with red lipstick. She took off her coat revealing she was wearing a lovely dress beneath as she struck a few poses that left Bolin and Kota with a piece of drool hanging from their mouths.

Asami elbowed her boyfriend promptly in the ribs. Kota sent her a sorry look.

"Spectacular and we'll tell a story, they'll be action, romance and some funny stuff for the kids you know whatever. Thanks Ginger, go rest your hams." Varrick said while taking a seat between Bolin and Asami.

"So how about that Tiger Shark? We're going to do big business with these movers as I call them." he asked Bolin while nudging him.

"Umm okay but I'm just concentrating on getting future industries back on track, if we could hammer out a deal." Asami began only to be halted.

"Stop." Varrick said holding his hand in a stop gesture before he was suddenly face to face with her and looking like he was trying to have a staring contest, "Look me in the eye and don't you dare blink." he seemed to demand.

Asami was weirded out but she wasn't one to just take a glare so she glared right back.

"WE GOT A DEAL!" Varrick suddenly yelled at Asami's face causing her to fall on her back in surprise as he stood up and Zhu Li quickly helped Asami up.

"We'll hammer out the details at the royal feast tonight." He said while shaking Asami's hand, "Now who wants a rocket boat ride!?" he asked everyone else who all raised their hands and then followed after him as he walked out leaving Bolin, Kota, and Asami behind.

"Is that how business normally goes?" Bolin asked dumbly as the whole ordeal seemed weird.

"I have seen a few things... that was a new one though." Kota stated as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

Instead of answering Asami hugged Bolin and then ruffled his hair, "You are a natural assistant." she said cheerfully at the successful mission.

Kota gave her a dull look, "What about me?"

Asami just locked arms with him, "Sorry honey, it's just not your game." She said with a teasing smile.

"You're right," Kota said, "It's in bed..."

'At the Festival Dinner Party'

The party was being held in a large dining pavilion with lanterns hanging from the ceiling. Korra and her family sat at the raised table, while Katara and her children sat at one table. On another table, Kota had baby Rohan in his arms, he sat with Asami and his siblings while Varrick and Ginger with the two brothers sat at another, with a few other people at other tables.

Kota looked to see Mako who was observing Korra who seemed to be talking between her father and uncle.

"Hey guys," Kota called for the group, "Looks like someone wants to sit with his girlfriend." The siblings as well as Asami looked at Mako and started to laugh as they saw how miserable the firebender was.

Kota later handed his baby brother Rohan to Asami. He smiled as Asami was playing with the baby and then looked at Jinora and Ikki who gave him a wide smile.

"What is it, girls," Kota asked his sisters.

"Koko! When are you and Asami gonna get married? How many kids are you two gonna have? Can we name them? How long will it take for us to be aunts and uncles?" Ikki asked a series of questions that made Kota laugh and Asami briefly blushed.

"Slow your roll, Ikki. One question at a time..." Kota said.

Before Kota could say anymore, Unalaq rose from his seat, gathering everyone's attention, "As your chief it is my honor to speak at this festival." he spoke, "Which was founded to bring our tribes together and restore the ancient balance between our world and that of the spirits. But, I am saddened to see what it has become. A cheap carnival that celebrates greedy and trivial humans. I fear that time is fast approaching when the north can't stand idly by while our southern brothers slip into total spiritual decay."

This got looks from Tonraq.

"Angry spirits are already attacking ships in your waters. I only hope we are not too late to change course." Unalaq finished as he sat down.

The crowd murmured at this.

Varrick stood up and clasped his hands, "Chief Unalaq everybody! Always great to have him in town. Now, let's have some fun with Wacky Wushu's dancing otter penguins!" he announced as a funny clown water bender started to do a routine with 3 penguins.


Korra, Mako, and Bolin are together and Mako is feeding Korra cotton candy and feeds some to Mako much to Bolin's annoyance as he's eating a balled food off a stick and he turns away to see Desna and Eska alone and so Bolin clears his throat.

"Wish me luck. I'm making a move!" Bolin said, nudging his older brother and starting to dash off.

"Good luck." Mako said.

"Those two have always creeped me out. They smell like a grandma's attic." Korra said.

Bolin arrives near Desna and Eska.

"Hey, Eska! I'm Bolin. A friend of Korra's! Wow, I'm just loving these robes." Bolin said but Eksa hisses at him making the Earthbender back off. "So, you're from the North, right? Cool, like you know, that's my favorite direction." Bolin said.

"I think he's trying to establish some kind of bond with you based on your geographic point of origin." Desna said in a monotone voice.

"Perhaps it will be interesting to spend time with a person, whose ways are so rough and uncultured." Eska said in the same monotone voice. "You amuse me. I'll make you mine." Eska said.

"You mean like a boyfriend or like a slave...?" Bolin asked.

"Yes. Win me prizes." Eska said, grabbing Bolin's collar and drags him away with her while Desna follows.

Kota was with Asami as she saw Mako kiss Korra on the lips. He later looked to Asami and saw she had a sad look.

"Come on." Kota said, reaching for Asami's hand, "You and I have better things to do."

Asami smiled and grabbed his hands as they walked away.


Kota and Asami were in the downtown area of the Southern Water Tribe and Kota was taking her to the place where Lin gave birth to him. It led to them being in front of a popular restaurant in the tribe.

"So, you were born in a restaurant?" Asami asked with an amused expression.

"Well, this used to be a healing hut, but when Korra was found to be the new Avatar, Grandma had to relocate the hut far away," Kota explained, "Speaking of restaurants, I'm hungry."

"Me too," Asami said, wrapping her arms around his bicep as the two go in for some food.

'Late At Night'

Kota awoke to the sound of howling.

"Ah, what the hell?" Kota asked as he rubbed his eyes and got out of bed. He grabbed his jacket and threw it on as he headed out of the hut, "Hey keep it down I'm trying to get some sleep here!" he shouted as Mako and Bolin were awake too.

Suddenly a purple wisp creature charged at Korra and sent her flying.

"Korra!" Kota shouted as he rushed forward.

Mako jumped and sent some fireballs at the yellow eyed creature as Bolin made an earth line to block off the creature from Korra.

Kota powered up and increased his speed, "Back off!" And slugged the creature with a strong punch, sending it reeling back a few feet but still stood on its feet.

Kota later transformed into his spiritual state or as he called it, his Guardian Mode.

"Back off." the voice of both the spirit and Kota were heard as he lifted the spirit and slammed it into the ground, once, twice, trice and then released it into the air. He later did a flying kick, causing it to scream in pain as it was sent flying away from them.

The spirit easily recovered and slapped Kota into an icy wall with its tail.

"Ahh!" Kota shouted as he collided with the wall, "Okay, that hurt quite a bit." He growled as a silver hue of power coursed around him.

Mako and Bolin were the next victims of the spirit as they were sent down hill with a tail swipe. Tenzin, Tonraq, and Senna came out as they helped the boys up.

Korra leaped at the beast with a fire kick and shot two fireballs at it, all of which the spirit dodged and was right on top of her.

She rolled out of the way as Kota and Tonraq came past her, riding their respected elements and started to encase the spirit in a medley of earth and ice as they landed in a bit of distance from it.

"Tonraq! Burst from the bottom, I'll get the top!" Kota shouted as he raised a giant pillar of earth from the mountain side and the elder water bender nodded as he made an ice spire erupt from the body of the icy earth cage.

Kota sent his pillar slamming down on the spirit, hoping to damage it. It was quiet for a moment, but a screech sounded out as the spirit came out unharmed as he grabbed both of them and Korra, sending them flying.

Korra landed near the festival as Tonraq hit the side of his hut. Kota, he landed in the same spot as before.

"Okay, once was enough, but twice?!" Kota shouted with a wince, "Oh there will be payback!" the teen shouted as he kicked up and headed back into the fray.

The Air bending master landed near the spirit, "Spirit, why are you angry at us?" Tenzin asked pleadingly, "What have we done to offend you?" the spirit paused as it looked at Tenzin, right before it screeched and smacked him into a charging Kota.

"This is getting annoying!" Kota shouted as he pushed Tenzin off of him and stood up. He was about to go help, but saw Korra rising into the air via air bending as her eyes were now glowing white.

"Kota, let her do this." Tenzin said as he got up.

Kota who was still in his guardian form turned to his father, "You nuts?! I'm helping!" he shouted as he was not going to let this guy get away with sending him flying!

He ran down as Korra ascended and rained fireballs down on the spirit, only for it to whip out at her and snag her, throwing her into a pile of crates.

Kota started to charge at the vengeful spirit.

However it proved useless as the spirit saw him coming and before he could react grabbed his wrist with the tail and threw him away where he ended up crashing into Korra knocking them both down.

"Uhhh." Korra said from beneath Kota after getting her head cleared from the crash.

"Korra?" Kota said as he got off her to see the dark spirit walking towards them.

"Yeah?" she answered.

"You got any ideas cause I got nothing left for how to beat this thing?" He said a bit nervously as he saw so far that the dark spirit was immune to bending to some degree and punching it didn't do anything either besides annoy it.

Korra said nothing as she and Kota took a stance prepared to keep fighting despite how useless it seemed.

However as the spirit approached them and prepared to attack once again, water suddenly began to circulate it and spin around it like circular rings.

"Um, that's new." The Guardian of Earth muttered as the spirit seemed to have stopped completely and both Kota and Korra dropped their stances to see who was doing this.

Unalaq was winding his arms in calm circular motions as the spirit continued to calm itself and dissipate into gold particles.

"Go in peace." The chief said peacefully.

"Korra." Kota said as he transformed into his normal form and ran to her, "Are you okay?" he asked in concern as the brunette nodded. Tenzin rushed over to check on her.

"Korra." Her father said as he put a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Tenzin asked a few paces away.

Korra stuffed her shoulder at her father's hand and approached her uncle, "How did you control that spirit when no one else could?" she asked

"As your father could tell you, I've spent my life studying the spirits and learning their ways. All of this knowledge is lost in the south. But I could teach you everything I know." He said as he placed his hand on his chest.

"Chief Unalaq." Tenzin spoke up, "Clearly you are very knowledgeable, but Korra still has much to learn about airbending and I hope that going to the Air Temples will help her connect with the past Avatars." He tried to reason.

Korra clenched her fists and threw them in the air in exasperation.

"The Air Temples will teach her nothing besides air bending." Unalaq stated, "Only I can give her the spiritual training she needs to be a complete Avatar."

Tonraq pointed his finger at his brother, "I told you that will not happen."

"Hey, I can make my own decisions!" Korra exploded, "I'm not some kid anymore! I'm taking some charge in my life now. Airbending is going slow, I could use the change of pace and this is it! So I'm done listening to you guys and I'm done letting you constantly control my every move." She started with some frost as she turned to her uncle, "Uncle has shown that he can teach me this, so I'm going to do it." She stated firmly.

"Korra, please..." her father tried to say.

"No Dad, this is something I have to do."

"Korra, we've come so far together." Tenzin tried to say as Korra looked at him.

"I need a break, Tenzin, I just need this. I'm not backing out from you, but, this will do me some good. That's what I think." She said to him in a soft yet firm tone.

Tenzin closed his eyes and bowed his head to her, "I understand. When you feel you are ready to continue our training, you know where to find me." He said in a soft tone.


It's now morning and Tenzin starts loading things on Oogi and Pema, Ikki, and Meelo are seated. Kota was with Asami, the two were hugging with each other, "It sucks that you can't come with me." Kota said.

"I know," Asami said, "But, I'll take care of Shorty for you."

"I know you will," Kota said, the two later closed in for a kiss.

"Love you, Koko," Asami said.

"Love you too, Klutz," Kota said back.

He later joined his siblings and Pema.

"Aww looks like Koko is gonna miss Asami," Pema teased the earthbender.

"Very funny, Pema," Kota sarcastically retorted to his stepmother.

"I think you forgot a couple of things." A voice said and Tenzin turns to see Katara with Bumi and Kya at her side.

"Mother, I think I need some time alone with my family." Tenzin said.

"THIS is your family, Tenzin. When you get to be my age, you'll be thankful for the time you had with your siblings. Besides, I think it's important that you all visit your father's home together." Katara said.

"C'mon! It'll be fun!" Bumi said.

"I'm dying to see that laid back, Vacation Tenzin I've heard so much about." Kya said and Tenzin sighs.

"Alright, hop on." Tenzin said and he hugs Katara. "I love you, Mom." Tenzin said and then got on Oogi's head. "See you soon." Tenzin said and Bumi is having trouble getting on but Kota earthbends a column for his uncle to get on the bison.

"Tenzin, wait." Korra said.

"Yes?" Tenzin asked.

"I have something to say. I..." Korra was cut off.

"Don't apologize. Maybe I was holding you back." Tenzin said.

"No, that's not it. I'm sorry for hurting you last night. I just feel like I have to deal with dark spirits and save them from what despair they're going through. After I finish training under Unalaq, I'll come back to you and continue my Airbending training." Korra said.

"I am happy to hear that. I'm still uncertain about your choice, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I hope things will go well for you." Tenzin said.

"Thank you, Tenzin." Korra said.

"Good luck, Korra." Tenzin said as he had Oogi fly away.

Korra and Mako watch the bison fly off.

"Do you think I did the right thing?" Korra asked.

"I don't know. Sorry. I'm not very good at this Avatar counseling thing." Mako said.

"Well, I was talking about clearing the air about Tenzin." Korra said.

"Oh, well, yeah! You're not mad?" Mako asked.

"Not as much. I was still upset, but I was glad to be honest with Tenzin. I just need my father to understand." Korra said.

Just then Unalaq arrives.

"I know this was a hard decision, Korra, but it was the right one. Now, it's time to put it behind you and begin your new training. I have great plans for you." Unalaq said.