
The man hated by death

Lucas is an average 16 year old but in a world with super powers and divine gifts he only has the minor ability to see when people are about to die but not until 30 seconds before but is cursed by the god of death even with no one to love him no family or friends and not even getting the sweet embrace of death how will he live

Brand22 · Fantasía
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Well what do we have here Mr. suicide and Olivia

what are they doing here together

you didn't hear he attempted to do his specialty again

oh I wish I could hurt myself and get to spend a day with her

what the fuck are they talking about Like I would want to spend another minute with this bitch well not like it matters their just faceless nobodies to me I just want to sleep but I have this fucking thing to get over with where is mister David.

hey Mr. David how are you doing and is that Ms. Phoenix said Olivia 

what one of the 10 legendary beast the 10 strongest people alive each named after a beast

oh that bitch is here the one with the power to create flames that can even be abled to heal most wounds one of the Six heroic beast because of course the other 4 were just or more powerful but were villains but was the one who gave me my nickname and experimented on me to see the cause of my immortality if she could replicate it for the rich 

Hello everyone today I have a guest Ms. Phoenix one of the top 5 strongest heroes

hello everyone I'm miss phoenix

hey Oliva who the fuck are the are the 10 legendary beast

they are the strongest humans each named after mythical creatures there are in order Dragon, Basilisk, Chimera, Behemoth, Leviathan, Kraken, Phoenix, Banshee, Fairy, Golem each name signifies there strengths and how they have reached a level a normal human can't

cool thanks but I don't need a history lesson

So what if they are strong I don't give a fuck they are just people named after legends believing they will actually become Gods even now she doesn't look at us as pupils or humans she only sees future heroes and people to mold to be her subordinates so she is trying to measure the worth of each person.

I know that the world has changed but this never does there will always be pieces of shit hiding behind the mask of kindness and justice but using it to complement their self righteousness and hypocrisy I might not be strong but i at least stand by my morals.

"well let's get this over with quickly and head back to class " Mr. David that asshole said

well let's go ahead and explain it to y'all you future heroes are as you are at the age of growth for heroes you all need to be careful and look over your powers for the next few years because from now until around the age 18 you will start to notice how your abilities will grow and evolve

what do you mean evolve said Oliva

well as you know when people are born they are a given a ability witch as off now we don't know how they are chosen for each person but when given this random ability your body has to spend 16 years to adapt to it and make it yours but at the age of 16 when your body masters what it was given it starts to morph your ability to make it not something that was randomly given but is truly yours

wow that's cool

so does that makes us more powerful

so I can be stronger

calm down everybody this isn't something like a power boast but it can be beneficial like my ability was the ability to control flames but after the transformation of my ability I was able to heal others with my flames, but let me give you some examples Oliva might be able to turn her teleportation ability into a spatial warping ability or might just be able to improve her accuracy on destination and reach of her ability and Lex the number one student ability to create force fields might become stronger or become able to make objects out of them

cool if that's all then I'm out

Lucas the fuck are you doing Ms. Phoenix was still giving her lecture

shut the fuck up Olevia I'm leaving

oh so you are the rumored Lucas the suicide man aka the zombie

so you know of me I assumed I wasn't exactly on the priority list for the "top ten".

How would I as a healer not know about a man with such fast healing Capabilities that he couldn't even kill himself.

oh so are you one of those who wanted to test me out see if they could crack immortality or find ways to kill others with lesser healing factors I mean most of them gave up so it was no problem

haha no your just a pretty hot topic in the superhero world about what will happen to you ability because as it is now your ability in and out of combat is useless you can be a sidekick or porter for some superhero you'd be pretty useful nobody would have to worry and nobody would since your family is dead.

nah I'm probably going to a regular university might become a lawyer put those who can't use their abilities properly in jail I'm sure you know what I'm talking about you also went to jail as a teen for drunk driving right.

well that was a while a go when a was a young girl 

sorry miss didn't mean to make you flustered I'm just talking about people like that in general, well I got to get going I'm pretty sure heroic rules and regulations is my next class bye.