
The man hated by death

Lucas is an average 16 year old but in a world with super powers and divine gifts he only has the minor ability to see when people are about to die but not until 30 seconds before but is cursed by the god of death even with no one to love him no family or friends and not even getting the sweet embrace of death how will he live

Brand22 · Fantasy
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Prologue and regrets

Everyday millions of humans live there never changing lives because that is the way of the human to be perfect to endure and keep to the same practices started from the begging of are evolution as predators we never change we just adapt to be seem better as a way to survive but deep down we are still those idiotic caveman.

well enough with the bullshit I don't care anymore I wish it never lead to this maybe if the world was different I would have different options if only the world never changed in the new world with the old people idiots and morons lead to believe in this new world they would be saviors of the masses that are being crushed because the can't be strong and I was obvious apart of the 90% that was born with a ability that can't be used to fight be still having to be taught among "saviors" the way to be a fighter.

The world is still corrupt the only difference is the corrupt have the power to suppress the masses hero and villains its just a fight between people who think you should either be in a corporation or use your ability by yourself I hate it all having to be taught that I should praise on and hate the other when they all use there ability to do whatever they want.

you may ask that if I have a problem with the world what will I do and that is nothing this isn't an origin story or a villain arc I know that I am useless and that I will live the rest of my life in suffering because of being born weak.

If only my parents were still alive and we did not get in that crash it is probably punishment for how i used this useless ability out all of the useful abilities my ability is to tell when and how a person will die 30 seconds before it happens back when I was innocent full of life I used this ability to help others stop them from walking there solve a few accidents with my useless ability I probably only saved 30 or 40 people but death sure knows how to keep a grudge.

I was cursed with the worst thing for me the rich and greedy would probably see it as a blessing but I see it for what it is every night since the day they died I see them the 2 goddesses that refuse to look me in the face and offer me my reunion and dream.

Perhaps if this was the first time somebody would care but what is this the 2,000 something time I did this it never works i have done it all used magical items other people's abilities and monsters but it never works no mater what i eventually regrow what's missing and the best that can happen is that I enter a comma but even that doesn't last for more than a couple of weeks well maybe i am finally forgiven.

"oh it's mister suicide"

"yeah that gloomy person is at it again"

"when will he ever learn"

"what else does he got in life"

those morons I can hear every word but what does it matter it'll take about 3 hours before my body regenerates might as well sleep.

"Lucas what the fuck, are you doing you fucking retard now I got to care your dumbass back to the nurses offices till you regenerate why do you keep doing this knowing it won't work, just stop" said Olivia the most popular and attractive girl.

"so you aren't going to fucking respond to the person having to deal with your shit" "let me rest here I will be able to walk in 30 minutes"

"no can do we have a special class today and Mr. David said to make sure to bring you because it's important that all superpowered students hear this even the suicidal one who can only tell when someone is about to die"

"Fine do me a favor and carry me there " "what am I your maid just rest for a few minutes and i will use my ability to teleport us there and I already have permission to do so" 

mother fucker let's just hurry and get this over with i don't want to spend another second with this dumb bitch hopefully it is not another responsible powers use or super drug talk.

"let's go I can stand now" "okay asshole".