
Chapter 10: A damsel in distress


The day she longed for finally came. A simple day with her friends. As a special treat, even Adrian was present! This surely is a day she will forever treasure. 

"You've grown, Your Grace," greeted Christopher with a jolly smile. He sure was surprised to see the child he met two years ago had blossomed into a prodigy in archery. 

"You as well, Young Master Christopher," she smiled, "You're much taller than before. I'm surprised you made it to the queen's party." 

"Well, Mother insisted that we attend," Christopher explained, "I am to return to the academy tomorrow, though. I'm afraid that today's the only day I'll get to see you."

"Then I shall treasure our time together even more!" she responded warmly. Turning to Zachary, she remarked, "You've grown as well, Young Master Zachary. You're much taller now!"

"And you've become even more radiant, Princess," Zachary replied, gracefully kissing her hand. "Please, call me Zach. No need for formalities when we're among friends."

"Then you may call me Eternia," she replied, her smile widening.

Christopher interjected with a cheerful grin, "And you can call me Chris."

Meanwhile, Adrian observed the exchange with a keen eye. Smooth moves, kid, he thought to himself. Sapphirepeak has certainly trained his son well.

"Are we shooting arrows or what?" Alexander interrupted impatiently, his tone curt. His father's words lingered in his mind, urging him to seek friendship with the princess for the sake of their house's reputation. To make an enemy of the crown isn't wise, he reminded himself. Despite the jovial atmosphere, he couldn't shake off his distrust towards the enigmatic foreign princess.

"Alright. Alright," said the brothers in unison, nodding to each other before they proceeded to engage in a match of archery. Christopher, as expected, demonstrated his mastery, effortlessly claiming first place with precise shots that hit the mark with unwavering accuracy. Alexander followed closely behind, his skill evident as he secured second place with steady aim and controlled technique.

Eternia, the youngest among them, surprised all with her remarkable talent and determination. Despite her tender age, she displayed a natural instinct and eagerness to learn, earning herself a third place in the match.

However, the biggest surprise came when Zachary, usually skilled in various endeavors, faltered and ended up in last place. His arrows missed the mark by wide margins, betraying a lack of focus and composure that was uncharacteristic of him.

The outcome of the match left them all with a mixture of surprise, amusement, and a newfound respect for each other's abilities.

"You impress me, Princess," Zachary complimented, "You are a natural at archery. We must do this again sometime."

Eternia concealed her blush with a nod of agreement, unable to contain the warmth that spread across her cheeks. Engaging in another match with them sounded delightful; it had been the most enjoyable experience she'd had in a long while. 

Even Alexander couldn't help but offer praise for Eternia's skills. "You're something, I guess," he remarked, his tone begrudgingly admiring. Those words were enough to elicit a smile from Eternia, filling her heart with joy.

Christopher's face lit up with excitement as he suggested another activity. "Why don't we spar with our swords?" he proposed eagerly. "Everyone has them, right? A friendly match wouldn't hurt."

However, Alexander shook his head in disapproval. "I must disagree, Chris," he objected firmly. "Swords are too dangerous. What if you accidentally strike the princess? The King would have your head served on a silver platter, and your house would be ruined."

He had a point, but Christopher wasn't one to give up easily. "We'll be extra careful," he assured them, determination shining in his eyes.

Eternia chimed in, suggesting an alternative. "Adrian can practice healing magic, so we can have a match," she proposed, pointing to her sworn protector.

Adrian's expression turned stern as he shook his head. As much as he'd like to refuse, he knew he had to obey her request, begrudgingly accepting the role assigned to him.

"I will take on Zachary, and you can take on Xander," declared Chris confidently.

With that decided, Christopher and Zachary moved to the sparring area, their swords clashing with resounding echoes. Each movement was precise and calculated, a testament to their training and skill.

With swift strikes and agile footwork, Christopher gradually gained the upper hand, his movements fluid and confident. Zachary fought valiantly, but Christopher's mastery proved to be too much to overcome.

In a final flurry of strikes, Christopher delivered a decisive blow, disarming Zachary and emerging as the victor of their friendly match. With a grin of triumph, he offered his hand to Zachary in sportsmanlike acknowledgment of his opponent's efforts.

Meanwhile, Alexander and Eternia observed from the sidelines, their eyes following the swift movements of their friends as they clashed in friendly combat.

Eternia applauded, giving praise to Christopher and Zachary. "That was excellent!" she cheered, "You truly are amazing, Young Master Chris! You were also great, Young Master Zach! I admire your skills as a swordsman." Her words made the brothers smile. They greatly appreciated her praises. 

"It's your turn now, Eternia," said Zachary, pointing at Alexander, who was already at the sparring area.

Alexander's intense gaze sent a shiver down Eternia's spine, his eyes seeming to pierce through her very soul.

Undeterred by Alexander's intimidating demeanor, Eternia stepped forward, her determination unwavering. She approached the weapon rack and retrieved her sword, a magnificent blade crafted especially for her. A gift from her father in recognition of her prowess in swordsmanship, the blade was a marvel to behold. Fashioned from magic crystal and iron, forged with dragon fire and heart, it was a weapon of unparalleled strength and lethality, capable of vanquishing even the mightiest of monsters with a single strike.

Alexander gestured for Eternia to make the first move, and without hesitation, she launched into action. The clash of their blades echoed throughout the training grounds as they engaged in a mesmerizing display of swordsmanship. Eternia's movements were fluid and precise, a testament to the rigorous training she had undergone under Magnus Azure's tutelage. She fought with a fierce determination, her every strike calculated and strategic.

As the battle raged on, it became evident to all observers that Eternia was a force to be reckoned with. Her skill with the sword surpassed expectations, catching even Alexander off guard. Despite his initial confidence, he soon found himself hard-pressed to keep up with her relentless assault. The match stretched on longer than anticipated, each combatant refusing to yield an inch.

In a breathtaking display of skill, Eternia gained the upper hand, her blade poised to deliver the final blow. Victory seemed within her grasp, her opponents watching in awe at her prowess. But in a cruel twist of fate, she stumbled at the last moment, her footing faltering on the hem of her dress. It was all the opening Alexander needed.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Alexander seized the opportunity, delivering a decisive strike that caught Eternia off guard. In an instant, the tables were turned, and victory slipped from Eternia's grasp. Despite the disappointment of defeat, she rose to her feet with grace, her pride wounded but her spirit unbroken.

As Alexander stood victorious, a sense of smug satisfaction played across his features. Though he concealed it well, there was a hint of admiration in his gaze as he extended a hand to help Eternia to her feet. In that fleeting moment, amidst the rivalry and competition, a fraction of respect was earned, a silent acknowledgment of Eternia's skill and determination.

Eternia accepted Alexander's hand, her pride wounded but her spirit unbroken. Despite the sting of defeat, she held her head high, her resolve undiminished. With a nod of thanks to Alexander, she silently vowed to redouble her efforts and emerge even stronger from this setback.

The brothers applauded.

"That was an insane match," commented Zachary, "Even I saw a glimmer of fear in Xander's eyes."

"Shut up," Alexander dismissed, glaring at him. He then turned to Eternia with a genuine smile of acknowledgment. "I don't say this often so listen well," he says, "You're not as bad as I thought. Your skills in archery and swordsmanship are respectable. For that, you have my respect, Princess Eternia." 

Eternia blushed immensely at his compliment. "Thank you, Young Master Alexander. You honor me," she says, looking down at their still-intertwined hands. "Can you please release my hand now?"

It was Alexander's turn to blush. Immediately, he released her hand upon realization. "Apologies," he said looking away. 

Laughter and chatter filled the air as they whiled away the day, delving into topics ranging from history to alchemy, their conversation flowing freely. Time seemed to slip away effortlessly in the company of cherished friends until the fading light signaled the approaching dusk. Suddenly, their jovial atmosphere was shattered by the thunderous roar of an undetected monster, its presence announced with chilling clarity: an ogre, and a formidable one at that.

Instinctively, Alexander pushed Eternia behind him, shielding her with its body. "Stay back," he says, keeping her close. He looked at his friends, signaling them to surround Eternia. "Don't let the monster get to her," he commanded, raising his sword. 

"I'm not a damsel," Eternia objected, "I can very much protect myself. You saw what I'm capable of, didn't you?"

Christopher shook his head in disapproval. "I'm afraid I have to side with Xander on this one, Eternia. You're the crown jewel and we must do what we can to protect you," he said firmly. He then shifted his gaze at the mage, saying, "Will you be able to create a barrier around it?"

Adrian nodded, his brow furrowing in concentration as he began to weave his protective spells. "I can contain it within a barrier, but I fear I can't hold it for long," he explained, the strain evident in his voice as he tapped into his dwindling reservoir of power. Once a formidable warlock, Adrian's strength had waned over the years of his captivity in the tower. Though still potent, the demands of maintaining barriers around the palace and other tasks threatened to exhaust his remaining energy. "Princess," he called, struggling to keep the ogre in place, "You must strike it now!"

"What?" the trio said in unison. 

"No!" objected Christopher, "It isn't safe! The ogre might kill her!"

"The ogre will kill all of you if you don't let her through this instant!" Adrian said, "You have to let her through before the barrier breaks! Now!" Adrian soon gave out after waiting and the ogre broke free, threatening the life of all four children. Shit, he thought furiously, They should've listened when they had a chance! I'm all out of power!

"Protect the princess!" Christopher's command rang out as he launched himself at the towering ogre. Despite his considerable skill, his strikes seemed to have little effect on the monstrous creature. Each blow landed with force, yet the ogre appeared unfazed, its thick hide deflecting the onslaught. Desperation etched across his features, Christopher faltered, his confidence waning as fatigue set in. "Why won't it fall?" he gasped, frustration evident in his voice as he struggled to comprehend the creature's resilience. 

"You fool!" Adrian shouted, "Your swords are merely toys! Do you really think that those tiny blades could harm a monster such as this? Only Eternia can strike it down!"

Determined to protect the princess, all three boys charged at the beast with their swords, their resolve unwavering in the face of danger. Despite the odds stacked against them, they pressed on, their blades flashing in the dim light as they struck at the monstrous creature. However, in a moment of misfortune, the ogre managed to seize Zachary by his foot, its grip tight and unyielding.

With the ogre poised to devour him, Eternia sprang into action, her courage driving her forward. With a swift and decisive motion, she leaped over Christopher's back and brought her blade down upon the creature's neck, severing its head in a single stroke. As the monstrous form fell, Eternia continued her assault, delivering precise strikes that rent the ogre's body asunder. Blood sprayed forth, drenching both Eternia and Zachary in its sickening warmth.

The sight of the mangled beast and the stench of its blood filled the air, sending shivers down their spines. Yet, amidst the horror, there was a sense of triumph in Eternia's actions. With her blade held high, she stood as a beacon of strength and defiance, a testament to her bravery in the face of danger.

Eternia, still catching her breath and feeling the weight of her sword in her small hands, stumbled forward, her legs nearly giving out beneath her. Just as she felt herself about to fall, she was caught by Alexander, whose arms wrapped around her gently yet firmly, steadying her.

"Careful there, Princess," Alexander said coolly, his tone softening slightly as he helped her regain her balance.

Eternia nodded, her heart still pounding from the adrenaline of battle. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Alexander nodded in acknowledgment, his expression unreadable. For a moment, they simply stood there in silence, the only sound the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze.

Finally, Alexander spoke, his voice gruff yet oddly gentle. "You did well out there," he admitted, his gaze flickering briefly to meet hers before returning to the ground.

Eternia's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected praise. "Thank you," she said again, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"You saved us," Christopher acknowledged, "We were wrong to stop you. I apologize. Had we listened to the mage, the ogre would've been vanquished far sooner, and your life would've never been put at risk like that. My sincerest apologies, Eternia."

Adrian glared at them, still furious. "Next time, would you just do as I say?"

"Yes, your powerfulness," the trio said in unison, a hint of humor in their tone. 

The scene intensified as a squadron of knights, accompanied by the King, Magnus, Theodore, Maximilian, and Gareth, hurried towards them. Concern etched on their faces, Aurelius hastened to his daughter's side, swiftly assessing her for any signs of injury. Maximilian mirrored his actions, attending to Alexander, while Gareth turned his attention to his two sons, ensuring their safety amidst the chaos.

The King's voice thundered with wrath as he demanded, "What happened?" His fury was palpable, his eyes ablaze with anger. His only daughter, the princess, had just endured a terrifying ordeal, her innocence tarnished by the blood of a beast. Furthermore, noble children, including his own, had narrowly escaped harm. The palace's formidable barrier, bolstered by Adrian's unparalleled magic, should have rendered such attacks impossible. Yet, despite their defenses, an intruder had breached their sanctum. There could be no other explanation—treachery lurked within their very walls, a betrayal that threatened the safety of his kingdom. Knowing that Adrian was bound to Eternia, he couldn't be the suspect. 

"An ogre breached our barrier, Your Majesty," explained Adrian, "Somehow, it came through undetected which should've been impossible."

"Are you hurt?" Gareth asked his boys. 

"None of us are thanks to Princess Eternia," Alexander answered in their stead, "The Princess was surprisingly skilled in combat and swordsmanship. She was the one who vanquished the beast and saved us."

Gareth's steely gaze darkened with disappointment, his thoughts swirling with incredulity. This was not the tale he had anticipated. How could a mere child, a little girl, emerge victorious against such a formidable foe? The revelation stirred a bitter sense of failure within him, a gnawing realization that his own sons had been outmatched by a girl scarcely out of infancy. They should have been her protectors, her saviors, not the ones in need of rescue. Though a storm of anger raged within him, Gareth masked his emotions behind a facade of composure. "I'm glad everyone is safe," he forced himself to say, his words laden with a thinly veiled veneer of civility.

"The incident shall be investigated thoroughly and every mage and knight in the palace shall be questioned. This is an act of betrayal and an attempt to endanger the heir and noble children. This crime is treason. Kill whoever's necessary and find out which rat brought that beast into the palace," Aurelius ordered Magnus and Theodore. He then shifted to Adrian, commanding, "Take the princess to her chambers and never leave her side. I imagine you must be exhausted, but dangers are still near."

"I understand, Your Majesty," Adrian bowed, obeying the king. 

Aurelius then faced Maximillian and Gareth with a stern expression. "The party is over," he said, "Take your children home. I assume they need to rest after the torment they endured today. I shall see you tomorrow at the council chamber where we will discuss the incident in full detail."

"Yes, Your Majesty," both Dukes bowed in deference, their expressions reflecting a mixture of reverence and apprehension. As they watched the King vanish into the depths of the palace alongside his squadron, a somber silence fell over them. Aurelius was not known for his tyranny or cruelty, but there existed within him a shadowed aspect, a side capable of ruthless determination. He was no saint, after all. And in the wake of this incident, with the looming specter of betrayal hanging over them, it was clear that countless lives would be imperiled in the unfolding turmoil.

I, the author, ship Alexander and Eternia.

SunnyBae13creators' thoughts