
The Mage and I

Eternia is a princess born to the royal family of Crystalia and Sapphire. She’s the only surviving child of Queen Marcella and King Aurelius’ marriage. Her life is in constant danger given that she’s the only daughter and heir to the Sapphire Throne and the eldest of the Crystalian Empire. On her journey, she meets an ancient warlock named Adrian who’s trapped in a child’s body and forced to “grow up” again. They grow up together. Adrian is sworn to become her protector. Together, they fight off obstacles and solve mysteries as she readies herself to become Queen.

SunnyBae13 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 11: The Snake

The atmosphere in the palace was eerie after the events that took place during the Queen's party. The Palace was supposed to be the safest place in the Kingdom. The barriers were strong and security was tight. The best magicians in Sapphiria and the fiercest knights are the sworn protectors of the palace. How could an ogre enter the palace without being detected? Impossible. Either a guard was slacking off his duties, or a traitor was in the palace. Either way, the King's wrath will have its vengeance. 

Adrian's thoughts meandered through the labyrinth of possibilities, a tangled maze of intrigue and suspicion spun from the threads of his ancient wisdom and jaded cynicism. He mulled over the incident with a detached air, his mind a finely tuned instrument dissecting the motives of those around him. "Plenty would covet the throne, but few possess the audacity to act," he murmured to himself, his voice tinged with a hint of rueful amusement. The queen's involvement seemed improbable, her affection for Eternia a shield against suspicion. Solaris, a staunch ally, stood beyond reproach, leaving only Sapphirepeak in the shadows of doubt. "Gareth Sapphirepeak," he muttered, the name carrying the weight of accusation. "A man with much to gain and little to lose. Perhaps he thought his sons could play the heroes, yet he underestimated the resilience of our young princess." With a knowing nod, Adrian's assessment crystallized a testament to his shrewd insight into the machinations of power. 

He watched as the princess slept peacefully on her bed. Her face was angelic and at peace. Gone were the traces of blood and the stench of that dreadful beast. 

Adrian's muttered words betrayed a mixture of frustration and resignation, his voice a low rumble of discontent. "What am I doing?" he questioned himself, his tone laced with self-reproach. "I should be finding a way to break ties with this child. This bracelet has to come off!" His gaze flickered to the bracelet, a tangible reminder of the bond that bound him to her, before returning to the young girl before him. With a shake of his head, he voiced his incredulity, addressing her directly. "You're lucky I've grown fond of you," he admitted, his admission tinged with a hint of grudging affection. "In less than a century, I'll be rid of you. Until then, I'll help you through this." With deliberate care, he produced a bracelet crafted from a dragon heart, its surface pulsating with a protective spell. Slipping it onto her wrist, he ensured her safety with a solemn promise. "One call and I'll be there," he vowed, his voice carrying the weight of his unwavering loyalty.

Night morphed into dawn as the sun began to rise. Much to the queen's displeasure, Eternia was excused from her lessons because of the incident. Alexa would be confined to her chambers until the culprit was caught. Eternia too. 

"Princess," her nanny, Lady Evangeline knocked. She had a warm smile on her face and in hand an envelope. 

"Lady Evangeline," Eternia greeted, keeping her gaze fixed on her window. She had grown bored after having finished reading a novel. Adrian was nowhere to be found and she was confined to her chambers. 

Evangeline tapped on her shoulder, gaining her attention. She curtsied in respect and showed the envelope with a wide smile. "A letter arrived from House Solaris," Evangeline explained, "It was addressed to you, Princess. The King asked me to hand it to you. I assume the Young Master of that house asked his father to hand this to you."

Eternia brimmed with excitement, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She gladly accepted the letter and held it close to her heart. It was the first time someone—a friend—wrote her a letter. Hastily, she opened the seal of the envelope and pulled out the letter. It smelled like warmth, reminding her of its writer. 

"I shall leave you to it," Evangeline said, giving her privacy. 

She unfolded the parchment, the delicate paper crackled softly from her touch. With a sense of anticipation, she began to read the words written upon it, each letter etched in elegant script, revealing the secrets held within.

Princess Eternia,

I hope this letter reaches you without delay.

I must begin by expressing my gratitude for your actions last night. It was... unexpected, to say the least. Your swift dispatch of the ogre caught us all off guard, reminding us of the strength and determination that reside within you. As heirs to our respective houses, duty compels us to protect you, but it seems you are more than capable of holding your own.

In light of recent events, I feel compelled to offer my apologies. My initial doubts regarding your abilities were unfounded, and for that, I am sorry. It appears I underestimated you, Princess, and for that, I ask for your forgiveness.

It is clear to me now that there is much more to you than meets the eye. Your courage and skill are evident, and I have no doubt you will continue to make history in your own unique way.

Until our next encounter,

Alexander Rayborn Solaris

Eternia found herself smiling and kicking her feet. Who would've thought that Alexander had some warmth hiding beneath his icy exterior? She then recalled the moments after she vanquished that monster—the way Alexander showed warmth subtly by keeping her steady in his arms. Her cheeks warmed up at the thought. 

Meanwhile, Adrian was summoned by the king to the council room in which Theodore, Magnus, and Maximillian, were already present. As Adrian entered the council room, he felt the weight of the situation settle upon his shoulders. The atmosphere was tense, charged with a sense of urgency and concern. The king sat at the head of the table, his expression grave as he surveyed those gathered. Theodore, Magnus, and Maximillian were already deep in discussion, their brows furrowed in concentration.

Adrian approached cautiously, his mind already racing with possibilities. He knew that the events of the previous day could have far-reaching implications, and it was crucial to uncover the truth behind the attack. With his vast knowledge and experience, he was determined to assist in any way he could.

"Your Majesty," Adrian greeted respectfully, bowing his head in acknowledgment. "I am here as you requested. What is the situation?"

The king's initial anger had ebbed away, replaced by a sense of controlled determination. The aura surrounding him, however, remains unchanged. "I'd like you to explain what happened that day," he said firmly, "There is to be a meeting later regarding the matter. I'd like to know how things went from your perspective."

Magnus's words echoed with conviction as he addressed the gathered council members. "Let it be known that everyone present here holds no ill intentions towards the princess," he declared firmly, his gaze sweeping across the assembled individuals. "The true perpetrators of this crime lie beyond these walls, out there in the wider world."

And so Adrian explained everything. As Adrian recounted the events of that fateful day, his voice carried a weight of urgency and concern. He spared no detail, painting a vivid picture of the chaos and danger they had faced. With each word, Magnus, Theodore, and Maximillian listened intently, their expressions ranging from deep contemplation to outright alarm.

Meanwhile, the king sat at the head of the table, his features grave and his gaze piercing as he absorbed every word spoken. His presence lent an air of authority to the proceedings, underscoring the gravity of the situation at hand.

Seated around the table in the dimly lit chamber, King Aurelius, Theodore, Maximillian, Magnus, and Adrian exchanged troubled glances. The weight of their suspicions hung heavy in the air, casting a pall over their discussion.

"We find ourselves in a precarious position," King Aurelius began, his voice measured yet tinged with frustration. "All signs point to Gareth Sapphirepeak, but we lack the evidence to substantiate our suspicions."

Theodore nodded solemnly, his brow furrowed in deep thought. "We cannot risk accusing him without concrete proof," he agreed. "To do so could ignite the flames of war between our houses."

Maximillian's jaw clenched with tension, his fists tightening around the edges of the table. "Yet, we cannot ignore the possibility of treason within our midst," he added, his voice edged with determination.

Magnus sighed heavily, running a hand through his graying hair. "We must proceed with caution," he cautioned. "Without evidence, any accusation we make could be seen as baseless."

Adrian, the youngest among them yet possessed of an ancient wisdom, spoke up, his tone grave. "We must tread carefully, Your Majesty," he urged. "The consequences of a misstep in this matter could be dire."

Silence fell over the chamber as each man grappled with the weight of their predicament. In the absence of proof, they were left with little recourse but to wait and watch, hoping for a breakthrough that would reveal the truth behind the shadows of suspicion.

Aurelius groaned in frustration. The snake was without a doubt Gareth. His failed attempt at painting his children as the heroes of last night's fiasco… Adrian was right about his theory. For sure, the children were innocent. The fear in their eyes last night was genuine. What kind of father risks his own children's life for power? Aurelius pondered. 

"It appears we're at a dead end regarding taking Gareth down," Theodore concluded, "I'm certain he'll pay off someone to admit to the crime. No evidence was left, so we can't make our case."

"The princess' life will be in constant danger here in the palace," said Maximillian, "Why don't you send her to the royal academy for noblewomen? Surely, they can conceal her identity. She'll be safer away from Gareth's clutches."

"That academy only accepts girls of a certain age," Adrian reminded, "Princess Eternia is only seven. The age requirement to attend is fourteen." 

I can't send her back to Crystalia knowing how they treated her there, Aurelius thought deeply, Marcella despises her. In my Kingdom, however, she's at risk of being a pawn. Life as a royal isn't easy; I knew that from the start. Our lives are always at risk just because we're born into this family. I suppose she might as well stay by my side. 

Maximilian asked, "Did anyone write to Queen Marcella regarding this matter? As her mother, she has the right to know, does she not?"

An even darker aura surrounded the king upon hearing those words from his best friend's mouth. His face, no matter how hard he tries to regain control, shows nothing but rage. Whenever they mention her name, he falls into a state of anger, rage, and denial. Knowing him, a tantrum was sure to follow. 

Silence filled the room. Theodore wanted to make a run for it. Magnus wanted to choke Maximillian for his stupidity. Adrian, no matter how calm, was sweating from the tension he felt. 

Finally, Aurelius burst, unleashing his anger at his friend. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he growled at Maximillian, "Do you think that Marcella cares about our child? She practically erased her from her life!"

"Calm down," Maximilian says, his tone dismissive as he gestures with a wave of his hand. He still hadn't grasped the gravity of his misstep. To him, Marcella was more than just Aurelius' previous wife; she was their friend, a connection dating back to childhood. "I thought you moved on. Why are you getting so angry?"

Maximilian's words fanned the flames even more, making Aurelius slam his fists on the table. "Don't start with me, Maximilian," he growled. 

Maximilian stood up, his gaze steady as he walked towards Aurelius to face whatever consequences awaited him. "Or what?" he challenged, his voice tinged with defiance.

Theodore cut in, breaking them apart. "We should end the meeting here," he says, "We're all tired. Let's not engage in something we'll later regret."

Magnus held Aurelius back, nodding in agreement with Theodore. "I agree. We're all tired and saying things we don't mean. We've been working too hard. Maximilian clearly doesn't know what he's saying anymore."

"Why are you taking his side?" Maximilian questioned, "He may be the king, but what good friends are we if we simply go along with everything he wants? And what's wrong with asking if anyone wrote to Marcella? She was our friend as well, not to mention the mother of your child."

"Max, we're really trying to help you here. Will you shut up!" Magnus snapped, "We understand what you mean. But you need to shut up for now."

The argument stretched on, seemingly endless, as Adrian observed from a safe distance. They bickered like children, he mused, a pang of secondhand embarrassment washing over him. How much longer would this ordeal drag on?

Just then, a disruptive interruption broke the tense atmosphere. "Announcing the arrival of the Duke of Sapphirepeak," the pager announced, drawing their attention away from their squabble. Their eyes darted at the door as Gareth made his cold entrance. 

"Your Majesty," Gareth bowed, greeting him. 

"The council meeting isn't for another three hours," Magnus said dismissively, "You should return later."

Gareth's lips curled into a self-satisfied smirk, his eyes glinting with disdain. "And yet you're here," Gareth responded, his voice thinly veiled with contempt. With deliberate defiance, he claimed the vacant seat next to Magnus. "I assume you're discussing the events that transpired yesterday," he says, his gaze sweeping over them with a calculated measure of superiority. "Allow me to enlighten you with my theory."

And so Gareth made his move as they predicted. With cunning and guile, he wove a tapestry of lies, painting the perfect picture for his escape. His story about mercenaries, complete with a coerced witness and a conveniently blamed culprit, is enough to leave him unscathed. House Sapphirepeak remains unharmed yet again despite the Duke's schemes. 

I hate Gareth.

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