
Not His Usual Self



River came in through the door, peeking.

"Come in River, you may come in"

River is a trusted fairy, she's always been there beside me ever since I was small.

I don't know where she came from, neither do I know how I got her. But thank God for her existence

"Let's just say that warning bells rang inside my head hearing you scream, what happened?"

I suddenly remember everything that has happened in my dreams. It felt so surreal yet realistic

"I don't really know, I felt like I'm going crazy, no worries. I can take care of myself. Thank you guys for tending to my needs"

I stood up and gathered the books I took from Madame's library and took off.


I went to the village's market to buy some stuff that I need, basic necessities, nothing extravagant.

"How much is this mam?"

"Oh, 3 gold coins, pretty expensive taste huh darling?" The old woman laughed.

Well, the only thing I bought is a key staff, it's quite small compared to the staff I'm currently owning

"Thank you for purchasing"

The village is a very peaceful and noisy place.

You can barely see any evil doings here.

It's pretty much quite safe to leave your belongings around since people here are very honest.

Besides the fact that we're actually living in a place charmed by ancient mages who have defended this country for so many years.

They vowed to do good deeds until the end of time, that should explain the despise of the dark one.

Contradicting mages is one of the greatest crime you could ever commit, them being the superior amongst mortals who have inhabited these lands, they gained a lot of respect.

But mages are not the only superior creatures who want to rule this place

There are also necromancers.

Necromancers are not originally known as "Evil", but they wrote their own title.

They want people to suffer and die, sending plagues to lands, creating havoc, spreading death.

Once dead, they'll rise their corpses and turn them into their armies

Quite cool yet very evil if you ask me


I went to the other side of the village where you could see children playing with faries.

A cute and fun thing to watch.

Seeing how they flutter their wings, casting their magic, spreading joy to their peers.

This place is Utopia for me.

I have to buy some food for Trina, ugh, almost forgot.


I entered a bakery shop to buy some bread.

The door bells rang as I came in

"What can i get you Raine?"


Dorothy is the baker's daughter, she's been working here ever since she's young. She's gifted with food. She knows how to mix spices to make the recipe more delicious. So they planned to build a bakery shop, although a restaurant is much more preferred and profiting but they said it would be easier if they start from the basics.

"Just the usual, 3 loaves please"

"Order listed"

i chuckled but something is off with this place.

I felt like someone's watching me.

"Here you go, 2 silver coins each"

Giving the payment and packing up, I asked Dorothy

"Hey, did you change something in this place?"

"Uhhh, no? Why?"

"Nothing, something's off, maybe my imagination"

I was about to walk out when a man blocked the exit

"Hey Raine"

"Oh Hey Mr. Levi! Nice meeting you, I was just about to leave!"

"Oh. why so early?!"

I'm suddenly confused... Why would I leave early if my only intention here is to buy some bread

"Oh sir, I just bought some loaves of bread for my friend, and I think she wants me to bring it to her now so I gotta--"

Levi suddenly pushed me back

"Daad! What are you doing?!"

Dorothy shouted.

What's this?

"Your eyes"

A gust of wind so strong blew me off of my spot and I was thrown into dorothy

"Dad! Stop!"

He's not Levi

Casting a spell I said


sending him stumbling down.

"What's happening?"

"I dont know either, but we have to get out of here"


With that spell he casted, all doors and windows are locked

"You girls will die--"


And then he was knocked out.

"What's wrong with your father?"

"I dont know either. He's not his usual self, I have nevet seen him like this before"

It was quite weird yeah, Levi is the kindest man i know, and I dont feel LEVI right when he blocked my path, something's off.

"Tie up your father just to make sure he won't rage again once he wakes up. He's fast asleep"

Helping her tie her own father to the chair. I left, I'll come back to check once I gave this to Trina.
