"Suscitat mortuos" What's with these visions? ...... "Suscitat mortuos" Centuries have passed when the Kingdom fell, mages were scattered, dead was risen. Their sacrifice created a big impact on the necromancer's imprisonment. Weakness... Find out how Raine solved what's going on. Knowing she had a sister. Knowing she's no ordinary mage.
"I have never seen this before." This stone has alluring properties. Dangerous to mortals. I have to report this to Madame Levoir for confirmation.
Madame Levoir is my proctor, she teaches me everything I know, she's quite older than me, ans I treat her more than just a proctor. She's like a mother to me, such a motherly figure
"Madame Levoir! Look what I found!" giving her the stone I found near the enchanted shed at the middle of the forest.
"What is that?" confused and quite surprised, that's her reaction.
She inspected the stone with uncertainty
"I felt like I have seen this before. I don't know where though"
Now I'm confused, "You have seen this before? It seems like a normal gem to me"
Hey eyes widen as if remembering something
"Wait here Raine, I'm just gonna check something"
Leaving me confused, she went upstairs. Her office is quite huge honestly, her second floor that looks like a veranda, so magical. Her vast collection of books lined up in tall shelves. You could tell that she's such a bookworm
I followed her upstairs and looked for books that's quite interesting.
But then...
The book glowing from the far end of the room, so.... so... beautiful.
"I can't find the book anywhere, it must be here. Raine?"
"Yeah" My eyes still fixed on the glowing book as I approach it
"What are you--" Madame Levoir suddenly rushes to the end of the room and took the glowing book
"You must not touch things that are very peculiar Raine, that kind of curiosity might lead you to your demise. Stop that"
"Oh, I'm sorry I didnt know" looking at the book she's holding right now, the glow's not there anymore
"Why was that book glowing earlier?" She stopped for a minute but continued scanning the book after
"This is not an ordinary stone, this stone is not supposed to be-- where did you get it again?" She asked without looking at me. Eyes fixated on the stone
"At the enchanted shed in the middle of the forest, what is that supposed to be?"
She seemed to be in reverie so I took the chance to inspect the book she was holding.
The book is open, "Ressurection stone"
"So that's a ressurection stone?" I asked taking my eyes off of the book and glancing at my proctor
"It seems to be. This stone has been lost for centuries, I didnt even think that it would just be found by a juvenile mage at the enchanted shed" Still looking amazed and admired, I still dont get what she's saying
"What's with the ressurection stone? Why is it lost for centuries?" still looking as confused she leans in and whispered, Cronte wants it.
I'm in my room right now, the stone is now in Madame Levoir's possession. I've gathered books regarding what happened back then but nothing tackles anything about the ressurection stone and Cronte
My head hurts now honestly, I am such a curious person and I think that doesnt help me right now. I'm just digging my own grave... Deeper... and deeper
I didnt know when but I suddenly fell asleep
("TAKE HER!!! TAKE HER!!" where am I?
"PLEASE TAKE CARE OF HER! GO NOW!" A baby crying, carried by a little girl. They're brought by a horseman
"Let's go now princess, we must go before they arrive"
She was carried up the horse and they ran away. Galloping deeper into the forest.
The scene faded right in front of me and I'm taken to...
The shed....
"Princess, promise Daddy that you'll stay here ok? Never let anyone harm your sister? Okay? Here.... Take these."
A man gave the girl two stones
"Never give it to anyone ok? Never"
Then he went into his horse, and rode back
I hear the girl sobbing, hugging her sister tight
"I won't let anyone harm you"
I suddenly hear dark whispers.... Then suddenly...
The girl screamed)
"Wha- What happened?"
"You were having a nightmare" eyes still blurry, I looked around and found out that the books I've gathered is now organized and piled in my nightstand.
"Trina? Why are you here in my room?"
"You screamed so loud, of course I had to check!"
"What exactly happened?" My head suddenly hurts.
"Are you okay?"
"I-i-i am fine, can you get me some medicine please?"
She gave me a Feverfew.... A herbal medicine..
I kept forgetting that she's a Nature mage
"Now tell me, what did you see?"
"I saw---"
Someone came in the door