Isaac is a quirk-less boy in a world where 80% of the given population has a supernatural ability called a quirk. Upon doing something extremely dangerous, he finds out that the very destiny he originally had planned for himself, ends up being a lot more complicated than he thought...
Maxwell grinned brightly, before snapping his fingers loudly, sending the book in his direction and away from Raymond.
"Since I possess authority over these rules, I'll be able to openly alter and manipulate them even without the full extent of my power and authority."
A small, glowing feather quilt manifested into Maxwell's hands, and he pressed it against the worn pages of the artifact.
"This artifact dates back to the previous epoch, I'm wondering how someone like you would be able to attain it."
He sneered, as he began to write onto the paper. Suddenly, a heavy blow was dealt to the side of Maxwell's head, sending him stumbling back and looking towards his attacker.
Aizawa stepped out of the fog, carrying a set of small papers in his hands; the notes belonging to the Nightshades.
"Damn it, I suppose he's using this as a distraction to send the Nightshades to Maxwell's location."
Multiple gunshots rang out in the smoke, whipping past Aizawa and hitting Maxwell on his arms and legs. The bullets didn't have an effect as usual, but it was a feasible distraction.
Carter ran out of the dog and grabbed a piece of fallen debris, shuffling it aside and freeing a young boy yelling for his mother, before taking the child
out of the mess to help Cattleya with evacuation.
Shinso darted out of the fog and shot at Maxwell with the rest of his ammunition, the impact of his bullets having the same effect of insects landing and leaving his skin at rapid and annoying rates.
"You little shit!"
Maxwell growled. He suddenly stepped forward at nearly impossible speeds, before dealing a critical blow to Shinso with one hit, a powerful punch in the gut that sent him back into the market stall which was previously engulfed with raging flames.
I watched in terror as my companion laid motionless, unable to speak or make any crucial movements. Blood leaked from the open scars on his body and his indigo eyes slowly shut as he fell unconscious.
"That damn bastard!"
The Apocalypse sigil on my forehead began to glow a bright red as illusory red tendrils protruded from my fingers, eyes and ears, or pretty much every hole in my body.
At this rate, I would surely lose control from the overflowing emotions within my body. Maxwell looked at me and grinned with pride.
"At this rate, you might join your friend, Apocalypse."
His words only seemed to carve the picture of my anger even more, until it would finally erupt. Even in the midst of my emotional outburst, I knew it would desensitize my ideal philosophy. Ever since I killed and resurrected Anthony yesterday my entire perspective on things was changed. I felt extremely disgusted with my actions, but I also couldn't help but feel a pint of intrigue.
I had no idea what abilities and destruction the Apocalypse path would unleash, but I figured I had to fully understand it if I was going to use my abilities to defeat this corrupted True God in a vessel body.
The crimson tendrils began to engulf my body similar to what Maxwell had happened to him, but I suddenly snapped and all the tendrils engulfed my body, tightly constructing around and phasing in and out of existence, swimming around my body and seeping into my stomach and organs..
"I have authority over all authorities and characteristics for the next hour."
This meant that Maxwell would gain authority over the Apocalypse. When Raymond, who was at the level of an angel, attempted to do so, he faced spiritual, emotional and physical backlash. Is a True God gained authority over the Apocalypse, who knows what the effects would be.
The sigil on my forehead began to formate in front of me, and all the power seemed to replicate itself within the sigil, my Order 8 characteristics conspiring and formulating within its symbolism and characteristics.
The same sigil appeared on Maxwell's forehead. The only thing I knew regarding Aaron's abilities was him hiding his houses inside appearance using Order 3 abilities. This would mean it has some aspects of the Concealment path that Raymond gained authority over briefly in the library.
I turned to Raymond and asked;
"Do the Patience and Concealment paths intertwine or are connected in any conceptual way?"
Raymond nodded as he watched the scene with curiosity.
"They do in some aspects. Since Maxwell garnered authority over all nearby paths to a certain degree, this would mean he had the dual-routeway control."
That was exactly what I needed to happen. In Raymond's mind domain he openly gave me the authority over depravity so I could use my Apocalypse abilities inside his area. Just because Maxwell has authority doesn't mean it can be replicated to an extent.
"You used your abilities to copy Damien's identity, do it again; but with me! Like you did in your mind-scape!"
Raymond raised an eyebrow, snapping his fingers and conjuring up a copy of myself, who had the exact same characteristics, identity, abilities and emotions as he. And that insatiable desire to kill Maxwell and free Aaron, which I was struggling to hold back.
"Now replicate yourself, and your authority!"
Suddenly, rayond's pupils dilated as if he knew exactly what I was planning; creating a persona that became a Great Ancient One with a greatly diminished power since I'm an Order 8 and raymond is an Order 2.
"As you wish, Apocalypse."
Raymond's copy soon appeared in front of mine. "I" reached my hand out, and took "Raymond's" grip tightly. Suddenly, the both of "us" started to glow, and all of the authorities present; when the Luma and Nova authorities present in the Nightshades started to spiral around "us".
Suddenly, all of the attention and power in the area shrank back. The copies of us dissipated into the air and left the 5 of us alone.
"Apocalypse, no."
I immediately recognized the Umbridge's voice call out within me.
"You'll awaken "him", you'll become the Apocalypse, you'll fulfill the thing you so much desire not to!"
"Then what should I do? Maxwell is a True God! We have little options left to even scrape a little of his power off."
I thought to myself, as if The Umbidge could hear me think to myself and reply. In my mind, the picture of the cloaked entity resounded in my mind. But strangely, nothing else appeared besides their fleeting image, their picture, their appearance.
It was as if they had taken over my mind to either use me as a vessel or unleash some other broad intention I was completely unaware of. They stuck out their right hand and rose it over their head, manifesting the blood moon, dyed with the same bloody glow as the Apocalypse sigil that Maxwell now garnered partial authority over.
"I have seen infinite probabilities, infinite choices made and infinite outcomes. You may win infinite times, but you may also lose infinite times, Apocalypse. Fate and destiny are all the same, and at the level of a deity, it's something you can control."
The crimson moon's radiant light then expanded vastly, until the fleeting image of The Umbridge disappeared, leaving me and my own thoughts back into my head. My thoughts suddenly turned chaotic as Maxwell held more and more authority over the Apocalypse authority, characteristics and symbolism within its own image.
"I'm not a True God, but fate is still something I can control."
I turned to look towards Raymond, who watched Maxwell utilize and control the authorities via the manipulated rule-book. His eyes were reminiscent of deep pools of water when it was dark out, as if his eyes lost all semblance of emotion or feeling.
"Raymond, we weren't able to create a Great Ancient One because fate didn't bestow its blessing! We weren't destined to make a Great Ancient One, not until a lot later!"
"Then how the hell do you anticipate a way to counter and nullify this deity's power?"
He asked, looking towards me.
Suddenly, a nightshade leaped out from the smoke and started to hammer Maxwell with attacks. Maxwell didn't pay much attention, as he simply clenched his fist, causing the Nightshades body to collapse in on itself, flesh compressing layer after layer, ribs snapping, his skull caved in and fell hollow to the ground.
The symbol engraved on the Nightshades mask was immediately ripped from it, before entering Maxwell's body, and being devoured.
"The Nova differential properties given within the mask were simple to devour because so many people utilized it. He's only using the symbolism of the path and not completely absorbing it because I might just be the only person alive who still wields it!"
"Help me..."
Aaron's voice sounded again through the thick, Illusory black tendril armor. Even after multiple authorities were given to Maxwell, Aaron was able to still cling into his sense of self because his Order 3 characteristics were digested!
"Raymond, give me Depravity."
He narrowed his eyes, the black wings on his back flapping with curiosity. I knew he was about to ask why, so I already answered his question.
"He has partial authority, you have partial authority, I have partial authority. If you give me more Depravity characteristics, I'll have more control than he does!"
"I wish it was that simple, Apocalypse."
Raymond replied in a solemn tone, crossing his arms whilst still hovering. The depravity authority he envisioned from the mind-scape descended down into reality, the illusory brand floating in the air above the kingdom.
"I know this sounds dangerous, but you'll have to trust me."
I suddenly reached out my hand towards Raymond, who took it. His green eyes suddenly widened as if he knew what my plan already was. And like that, I was tossed into the air and sent propelling towards the divine symbol in the air, its pressuring and dominant aura raiding more powerfully and scarily the closer I got to it.
"He most likely stuck a fearful aura to the authority itself, that bastard."
The Apocalypse sigil on my forehead was suddenly layered over with the Depravity sigil, they morphed and combined shortly to become one singular symbolism and authority. I now had more authority over Depravity, and with it mixed with the Apocalypse authority, I could now harness one ability, one that will either destroy Maxwell or destroy me.
I fell back down to the ground, but was quickly caught by Raymond who then put me down and looked at me with an indifferent yet playful expression.
"I figured it was time now, do it."
"But do you allow it?"
The Umbridge appeared in my mind again and nodded slowly in approval.
"Yes, Apocalypse."
I knelt down and touched the rocky and charred ground beneath my feet. The earth below me then started to shake heavily as the crimson red and ink black pillars shot up from the ground, extending to an infinite height. The illusory image of the throne appeared behind me, and all of the authority of the Apocalypse was conspired into existence, appearing as a massive sigil in the sky, which was filled with dark clouds and crimson, burning lightning.
Maxwell glared up at the symbol and grinned, reaching out his fur covered right arm. The sigil of Apocalypse only glowed brighter, until it seemed like the entirety of the kingdom was shrouded in a veil of dark red light.
Maxwell stumbled back and held his eyes which were now hurt from the sudden, overwhelming sensation. The pillars around the environment started to shake and crack. Illusory red and black binds the thickness of a strand of hair held Maxwell by his arms and legs, constraining any movement.
The overwhelming authority of the Apocalypse started to strain his body exponentially. The sigil on his body, which was already semi-transparent and glowing with a dark red, started to dim and ebb away.
Aizawa, who was now helping Shinso up, was watching the scene in shock and awe. The same for Cattleya and Demetrius, who watched with fear and widened eyes.
I approached Maxwell and looked him in the eyes with an indifferent expression.
"I know you're hurt, Maxwell."
I reached by hand out and laid it onto Maxwell's forehead, closing my eyes. I transported us upwards into my own domain.
When I reopened my eyes, there was nothing. It looked similar to Raymond's mind-space, except it was just that inscrutable whiteness that engulfed everything.
I looked around and noticed that Maxwell was nowhere to be seen, and I was instantly overtaken with a major sense of dread and fear.
I murmured, looking around the white void with a concerned expression on my face. Suddenly, I heard laughter behind me, laughter that sounded like it was coming from all over the place, and that it was an old man's laughter.
I instantly turned around, and my eyes widened when I saw a bar, 3 stools and a few bottles of alcohol. Sitting on the 3 stools were Aaron, Maxwell, and Isaiah. They laughed, drank shots and danced to the music that was muffled, just like their voices.
"Is this a dream? Or is this reality?"
I thought to myself. Suddenly, a warm hand touched my shoulder, but it also gave shivers through my entire body. The hands were long with untrimmed fingernails, and the entire limb was composed of shadows and the void; The Umbridge.
"It's neither, Apocalypse. This is the afterlife, Maxwell's afterlife, Aaron's afterlife, Isaiah's afterlife."
I turned around to look at him, puzzled. I gulped hard before speaking.
"Am I dead?"
They shook their head solemnly, before pointing towards the 3 men who didn't notice me. The 3 men who had connections, who suffered, faced all the hardships, conflict and hatred of the world. The men who lied, deceived, stole, cried, laughed, and most of all, were human.
I watched the scene, and I could feel the tears jerking at the corners of my eyes as I watched them have fun together, talk together, dance to the music, and just enjoy themselves.
"It's sad, really. That I'm destined to destroy the world, to destroy...this."
My voice was low and shaky as I gestured towards the men, looking up into the wormhole-like eyes of The Umbridge. They stared back down at me and took a few steps back before speaking.
"I'm completely aware of your pain, Apocalypse. Didn't Crodio tell you he found that kind of thing wondrous and beautiful?"
I was taken aback by the question, but I nodded slowly, thinking back to his world and the ashes of the rose. I took the ashes out of my pocket and held them in my hand, glaring down at them with sadness and despair in my eyes, and some pity.
"Right now, I'm telling you to find the beauty in things that you don't think are. This may sound awfully redundant, but think of it like that rose in your hands, or its remains. Tell me, what do you see?"
I stared back down at the rose and sighed.
"Ashes, just ashes."
Suddenly, the very ashes of the rose started to move and shift around in the air, before turning into a charred rose covered in harmless, red flames.
"Now, what do you see?"
I looked back up at the entity whilst holding the newly constructed rose in my hands, feeling the invisible heat in my grip.
"A rose, burnt for sure, but also kind of pretty..."
They nodded slowly, and reached their hand out again, something inside me was telling me they were expecting me to take it. I slowly reached by hand out and felt the shadows of their grip launch into my own being, but I didn't mind it to an extent. The Umbridge then spoke in a solemn voice.
"Good, child."
They then disappeared.