
The truth

I ran away quickly not knowing what to say.School wasn't finished but I decided to go home.I ran into moms office,she looked at me like what's wrong."Do I have a twin" I exclaimed.She wasn't creppy laughing she wasn't frowning nor was she smiling she looked scared if she said something.She picked up the phone and said "it's time" and hung up.I asked her what that meant she said "go get changed and meet me in the living room" I done as she said and when I got to the living room the man was there with Hannah I froze"Anna come sit down"I sat down to hear what they had to say "well Anna you see...Hannah is your twin..." I had no words Hannah look as shocked as I did I wanted to question it but I didn't know what to say.."who's the man" I quickly said "well you see Anna that's your dad" mom quietly said.I couldn't believe it one minute it was normal the next it all change and that's my story about my long lost twin...the end??
