
The girl in the school trip

While I was walking to school I wondered who mom was on the phone too.When I got to school the man was there I looked away as I didn't him want to notice me.Then I heard a deep voice say "Hello" I wondered if I should answer and then I replayed "hey.." just in time the bell rang,I walked away slowly hoping he wouldn't try have a conversation with me.I got to my class the teacher was very happy then she announced "we are having a school trip today" all you could hear is children screaming yay in the back.I looked to my right and saw a girl who looked familiar,she also looked like me a lot and that's when I realized that's the girl that the man showed me.I gasped."could it be true?"I thought.At lunch time I went up asked what's her name she replied saying "Hannah rain"I couldn't believe it my name is Anna Rain.I looked at her in the eye to realize she's my twin...