
The answers “no”

Once I woke up I screamed.Mom rushed in while saying "WHO DID WHERE ARE THEY"I gave her the look as in nothings wrong."why did you scream Anna I was doing work" I thought for why I screamed and remembered that the guy in my dream"mom.."said Anna "yes" replied mom,not knowing what to say I quickly said "do I have a twin" mom paused her smile turned to a nervous laugh which creeped me out,she didn't responded I asked again "mom do I have a twin" she wasn't smiling nor was she nervous laughing she was frowning I asked her what's wrong and she acted happy again saying "why would you think you have a twin silly" looking to the side not giving eye contact.I decided not to answer as I didn't want to tell her about the man.I then quickly replied "I was just wondering"mom still didn't give eye contact she walked out and said "come to breakfast in a few minutes"I wondered if all of it was true but mom would tell me right?I got ready and headed down the stairs.On the way down I past moms office while hearing her on the phone "I think she found out" she said angrily.It was on speaker and in the background was a mans voice.I opened the door and mom paused and hung up "I didn't question as she looked scared if I said something I said "I'll be going now..bye" she quickly answered "bye have a good day"