
Chapter 5

A couple days later Lucy was sitting in the hospital looking after team Shadow Gear. She was mostly there for Levi but the others were important too.

Lucy remembered when she and Levi g

had just met and Natsu had told her about the novel she was writing.

"Lu- Chan! Where's that novel you're writing? Can I read it? Promise I can be the first to read it kay?"

"Uh okay?"

She had so much energy and always made the people around her smile.

'Who would do this?' Lucy sat there for awhile just thinking.

'It's getting late. I should probably go home before it gets dark.' Lucy thought. She sighed. "Okay."

Lucy was half way home when she noticed it had started to rain. She stopped and looked up at the sky. She felt a strange presence and realized she was being followed, she did try not to make it too obvious she knew she was being followed. It was a strange feeling. She continued to walk. Lucy listened to the footsteps her stalker was making. By the way they were walking and the sound the footsteps were making, Lucy could tell the stalker was taller than herself but only by 1 or 2 inches, they were lightweight and most likely female. The footsteps got louder and she could tell the woman was a lot closer now.

'Okay, you got this.'

Lucy whipped around and attempted to elbow her 'stalker' in the face. She gasped. Lucy's elbow had gone right through the womans head like it was water. She backed up. She felt as if she had stepped on something squishy and looked down. With a looked of disgust she backed away even further when she had saw a beady looking eye sicking out of the groung and staring at her.

'Bleagh. What is that?'

"Drip drop. Yes I am the rain woman. I am the woman who moves with the rain."

"Miss Juvia, are you sure we have the right woman?" The beady eye had come out of the ground and had become a man who was wearing a stripped suit and a Monocle on his right eye. Lucy was impressed. He had a rather charming mustache.

'That's not what I should be worried about right now.' Lucy reached for her keys. "Who are you?"

"Lucy Heartfillia. If I am not mistaken, you are the daughter of Jude Heartfillia." The woman in all blue raised her arm and suddenly Lucy couldn't breathe. She dropped her keys.

"Well, my job is done."

"Why yes it is Miss Juvia."

She still couldn't breath. She couldn't move anymore. And everything went black.


Natsu and Happy were going through Lucy's cabinet looking for fish or any other food that wasn't hidden."Has anyone seen Lucy today? Its getting kinda late."

Gray answered from the living room. "I saw her earlier but it is kinda wierd she hasn't come home yet."

"Yes, I'm getting worried also. But I'm sure she's fine. Just give her time." Erza could reassure anybody that things were okay just by her being in the room. But Natsu was still worried. It had obviously shown beacuse Happy interupted his thoughts.

"Natsu? Hey Natsu!" Natsu looked up. "She'll be fine. Anyway, can't you find the food with your nose?"

Natsu stood frozen for a minute staring at Happy before he flashed him a grin and said, "Oh yeah you're right!"


Everyone was in the guild hall partying and drinking as usual but Lucy hadnt returned to the guild either. 'Maybe we just missed her on the way here.' Natsu thought. 'Yeah. That has to be it.' But something deep inside told him different and he started to feel as if he was in a vehicle.

Everyone went home after the partying amd drinking was over. But Natsu didn't go home. He went straight to Lucy's house. He knew he should've went as soon as he had that negative feeling, but he didnt want Happy to worry.

"Natsu what are we doing at Lucy's house?" Happy was concerned. Natsu could hear it in his voice.

"We're just going to make sure she got home okay. The hospital definitely would've kicked her out already." Natsu said with confidence. Though, he was mostly saying it to comfort himself. He walked up to the door and turned the handle. It was locked as always. Lucy knew it couldn't keep her guild mates out but, she locked the door anyway just as a precaution. Natsu and Happy flew up to a window and went inside.

It was dark and no one was there.

'Lucy's still not here.' Natsu sighed and continued to search the house. He heard a voice from the other room. "Lucy?" Natsu walked into the next room to find Happy in the middle with his ears down. "Natsu where do you think Lucy is?" His voice was trembling and he started to sniffle.

"*sniff* Okay." Natsu laid down and Happy fell asleep almost immediatly. It took Natsu a little longer than usual but eventually he fell asleep.