
The Legendary Rayden

Kaiga_providence · Fantasía
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16 Chs



The next day... After the battle of guardians.Xenon sits on the top of the silver kingdom palace. Xenon sits There with a sad face just looking forward.

Suddenly a hand was laid on xenon's shoulder... Xenon heart raced as he turns around to see a familiar face... It was no one but Maki.

Why were scared?" Maki asked.

"Oh it's you, I thought it was someone else" Xenon said to Maki. 3

"Well it has been so long more than thirty years" Maki said to Xenon with a smile.

"Yeah..." Xenon said with a cold expression.

"What's with the cold expression, why are you so pale today, are you angry about something" Maki asked Xenon.

Maki holds Xenon in his hand... "While I was down in the old Era, I really missed this kingdom and also you" Maki said.

"Rayden, you need to know something"

"we can no longer be together anymore, while you were dead... Um... Well,i and azina are now together now" Xenon said.

"wait, you mean it" Maki asked.

"yes I do, I'm sorry that you have to know like this" Xenon apologized to Maki.

"Yes, it's ok, don't worry, I have to go meet the temple" Maki said.

" Are you sure you are OK?" Xenon asked Maki Maki replied him with a low tone and then she left to the temple to meet tunde for her training.

Soon she arrives at the temple yard and then tunde comes out through the temple door.

"you are here now, then let's begin with soul mana control, controlling your mana and turning it into strength" Tunde said.

"Oh really, but when I fought lynx, for once I gained pure soul mana and I want you to help me control it" Maki said to Tunde.

"All right, but it is not easy to control pure mana is absolute tranquility, but now let's see the extent of you mana" Tunde said.

Tunde was trying to challenge Maki to a duel indirectly, Maki got in her stance. Tunde Puts his left hand behind his back and he draws I'd right hand forward making a hand sign for Maki to come to him.

Maki charges up her mana and then within two seconds, Maki was already in the air about to kick Tunde.

Tunde easily diverts her foot with his outstretched arm. Maki goes to the ground but she quickly grabs the ground and then she lands on the ground perfectly, she was tring to avoid a fall then she gets on her stance again.

she goes towards Tunde again but this time she charged to Tunde with a punch, Tunde quickly tries to block her attack but Maki was tring to trick him into falling in her trap.

Maki changes her attack from a punch to a kick. Maki goes down and tries to kick Tunde's legs to sweep him off the ground.

But her plan did not work, Tunde's legs were planted firmly on the ground and his legs felt like pure metal.

Maki jumped backward to power up her mana. A blue aura surrounded her body and then she charges towards Tunde just to attack him recklessly.

Maki punches Tunde, but he was too quick, he anticipated all her moves, reading her like a book.

Maki got frustrated and then she calms her mana. Maki eventually gave up.

"All right mage, teach me the art of pure mana" Maki said.

"First step is meditation, you have to your center of peace and then start form there, let us go to a more quiet location" Tunde said with a smile raising his index finger and pointing it toward Maki.

They left the temple and then they went to a more quiet place, it was the ocean dividing the silver kingdom from the golden kingdom.

So they arrived at the beach and the both sat on two large boulders. Tunde instructed Maki to close her eyes and think of nothing more than inner peace that way she could activate her pure soul mana once more.

Maki started with a mana breathing exercise for about two minutes and then she her mana comes out forming a little Pure aura around her skin

"that's good, keep it going don't lose that focus" Tunde said cheering maki on.

Then suddenly maki's aura grew to the point that it covered the whole beach. Her aura shined to the point that you could see it from space.

within a few seconds, all her aura disappeared into thin air.

Maki held her head closing her eyes moaning. Because of her too much mana she released at that one moment her head started spinning. Tunde held her to balance her up too her feet and soon they left the beach back to the temple.

Their training for the day was over but Tunde insisted that Maki should join him another day. Maki agreed immediately. That they should meet another day from now.

But Maki was missing her parents so she has to go meet them and she told Tunde another time they should come to train again.

"I really enjoyed trading by you, I'll try to come another time but now I have to go back to my parents" Maki said to Tunde and then she leaves.

Tunde waved a good by to Maki then Maki waved him back.

After she was gone the elder mage came out through the temple door wit a smile.

"She is perfect you know" The elder mage said.

"Elder, what are you talking about?" Tunde asked the elder mage.

"For a wife silly, I you are a grown man now, what you need now is to raise a family and start a life" The elder said.

"Wait you are not suggesting that she should be my wife" Tunde asked.

"It's your choice, and I also saw the way you were staring at her in the forest, you have some attraction to her and you can't deny it because I know" The elder said to Tunde with a little smile.

Tunde's face soon became pink and then he let out a little smile and he went into the temple.

Maki tells her companions of her leave to the old Era, she promised them that she would return in due time but it will take a while.

Maki left the palace and then the silver kingdom and then she left the new Era and went back to the old Era.

She arrives at her parents house. Yatsu and Gora were most delighted to see her again after some amount of days.Maki Hugs her parents with a huge smile and then they all go into the house.


It seems that Xenon and Maki were in love in Maki's before life now Xenon is with azina, What a story 😂😘

Author's words:I want you apologize for my grammatical mistakes and errors please bear with me as I improve...

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