
The Legendary Rayden

Kaiga_providence · Fantasy
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16 Chs




There was a realm called the Renal Realm, it was the home to the Emperor and the Enforcer of fire. Emperors are the forerunners of the Deities and they have assistants called the enforcers.

Blaze was the Enforcer to the Emperor of fire. He was The third strongest fire user from the tribal house of fire.

The Emperor of fire called blaze's attention.

"Blaze, I have called you her because you have a task to carry out" The Emperor said to Blaze.

"Master, I am all ears, what is this task you want me to carry out?" Blaze asked his master with a curious face.

"Patience, Blaze, you are only needed to test someone" The Emperor said.

"Yes Master, who shall I test" Blaze asked.

"You will go to the new Era and then the silver kingdom and you shall find the Legendary Rayden" The Emperor said.

"Master, I have never heard of her, who is she, and how can I find her in such a big kingdom" Blaze asked.

The Emperor of fire forms a blazing circle made out of fire and then Maki's face appeared on it.

"This is her" The Emperor of fire said as they both look at Maki's face. Blaze was stunned...

"You want me to hunt down a woman, master?" Blaze said in confusion.

"She is not an ordinary woman, she is called the Legendary Rayden because she has powers that no one has seen before" The Emperor of fire said with his thundering male voice.

The Emperor of fire also instructed blaze on the how to Handle things when he finds her, he also told him not to hurt anyone and he should not expose his personality to anybody, and immediately he was done with his task he should leave.

Blaze just stared at his master and then he nodded his head and he teleported out of the Renal realm with his flames and he appeared in the new Era, he then flies in the sky trying to find the silver kingdom.

[Days later, after Maki returned to her parents in the old Era...]

Meanwhile, at the silver kingdom Xenon and Astatine walks into a local restaurant they always visit.

They go in and then the chef welcomes them with two bowls of food. "Hey Xenon and Astatine it has been along time since you last visited" The chef named yuo said with a smile.

"Yes, it has been a long time, we have almost forgotten what food here feels like" Astatine said while Xenon replied with a nod.

"Rayden liked the food here too until she died, I wish I can see her one more time" Yuo said with a said face bowing his head down.

"Wait yuo, Rayden isn't dead, she is alive and healthy" Xenon said to yuo.

"She isn't, but you guys told me thirty years ago that she died in the dark legion war" yuo said to them both.

"She did die, but she reincarnated herself...it's some stuff about about magic, now she has returned to the old Era cus that's where she is from" Astatine said to yuo.

yuo let out a smile and then he rushed into the kitchen to get some food ready for xenon and Astatine.

"Hey Astatine, did you see the way the assistant temple mage took care of those guardians from the Emerald kingdom?" Xenon asked Astatine in a low tone.

"Yes, how could i forget that, and I already know where this conversation is going" Astatine said to Xenon.

"Well, I think we are lacking behind in power, We couldn't even touch lynx when we tried to help Maki, I couldn't even see the attacks of the flame guardian of the Emerald kingdom" Xenon said with a disappointed look on his face.

"And we call ourselves guardians, when everyone is stronger than us even Azina, we need to go back to our training" Astatine said.

"I have been thinking about that too, I can't just watch everyone grow stronger and we remain weak, we should go into intense training from now on" Xenon said smashing his fist together.

soon, they had their meal, they thanked yuo and they left.

Meanwhile, inside the temple, Tunde stands in front of a wide colorful stained glass then he sensed a dense mana.

"I sense a dense mana coming this way, what ever it is, it's not ordinary" Tunde said to himself with a deep frown.

Azina and princess Arora takes a stroll around the kingdom with a chariot.

"The locals are having a good time renovating their buildings..." Azina said to princess Arora to get her lively again because the chariot has been Quiet for minutes now.

Arora nodded, she could not say a word because she misses her father. She could not help her but burst into a silent cry.

Azina notice that the princess was crying and then she asked if anything was wrong,Princess Arora wiped her eyes and blew a little lie.

"I got dust in my eyes, I wasn't crying" She said nervously. Princess Arora was at the age of Eighty.

[Note:Evolved humans can live for about Four hundred years maximum and she was in her teens]

She held azina's hands. Azina became shocked at what was happening.

"Will you guide me, even as my father is no more?" Arora asked Azina in a low tone. "Yes I will" She replied.

Meanwhile, in the old Era, Maki helps her parents around the farm.

"Hey Maki, no one asked about what happened when you returned to you kingdom, did you save your people?" Gora, Maki's mother asked.

"Yes I did and now the new era is now peaceful than before" Maki said with a cheerful smile.

Meanwhile, Blaze finally find a the sliver kingdom, he lands on the gate of the gateway to the silver kingdom with a smile.

"The time has Come" He said as he goes into the kingdom that was busy with moving people. Blaze target was to find Maki, but he didn't know that she wasn't in the silver kingdom or the new Era.

Stay tuned for the next chapter of The Legendary Rayden....


Chapter written by Kaiga_providence...

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