
The Legendary F Rank

Haru was the best mage in the Japanese army. Building up a amazing reputation before deciding to give up his life in the military and settle down. His plans were cut short as he found himself in the body of a baby. He taught himself magic again from scratch before finding himself in a dire situation whilst on his first school trip causing him to give up on magic and take on the art of Chinese cultivation. His master was a soul fragment of an ancient cultivator who placed his soul inside of a golden ring in the shape of a dragons body. What kind of mysteries did this ring hold? And who was this cultivator who saved Haru from the brink of death?

Zero_Things · Fantasía
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382 Chs

Snow Day!

Chapter 8: Snow Day!

Haru left the main entrance with the huge black demon wolf following close behind him.

"I should probably think of a name for you, shouldn't I?" He thought it over in his head for a second. "I'm not too good with names. I'm just going to call you Wolfy." The black wolf whimpered in disagreement.

"Well, you better get used to it. That is your name whether you like it or not." Wolfy let out a little bark, agreeing to it, when suddenly a red cross formed on the wolf's head surrounded by a star-shaped magic array.

"Hmm. What is that? Have you accepted me as your owner?" He questioned and Wolfy replied with a bark before licking his face. Haru then wiped the saliva from his face.

"Great. Now I will smell like a dog for the rest of the day. Please don't do that again." The wolf barked once again in agreement.

Haru walked to the main courtyard with Wolfy following even closer behind him. He stopped for a second and looked over to the girl's dormitory.

"It should be... There." He spotted a window slightly opened and made a mental note of it.

"Wolfy. Stay right here and don't attack anyone no matter what." He said before Wolfy whined and then sat down.

"That's a good girl." He patted her head before channeling mana around his body. 


His body slowly started to lift up off the ground. Moving was as simple as directing the mana spiraling around him. He slowly floated up towards the window.

Haru peeked through the window to see Mia lying down on her bed with her back to the window. He tapped on the window a few times to get her attention. She jumped as soon as she heard the first one and quickly turned around with her sword pointed towards him.

"It's just me." Haru put his hands in the air jokingly to show that he wasn't a threat.

"What are you doing here! I don't want to talk to you. Go away!" Mia shouted back at him.

"I'm here to check on you. And I have something to ask you so you can either open the window or I will let myself in." Mia didn't reply, so he decided to let himself in.

[Space Warp] He opened up a spatial rift connecting to the other side of the window and went through it.

"What's up with you? Did I make a mistake when healing you?" He asked before putting his hand on her shoulder. As he reached out toward her she turned around with excitement.

"What? You were the one who healed me!? The teacher said I wasn't even injured in the first place! Not even High tier magic can heal that well!" She asked whilst grabbing on to Haru's arm.

"I'm not letting go before you tell me how you did it! I thought I imagined the whole thing!" She shouted whilst looking up at Haru.

"Fine... What if I told you there was magic even stronger than high tier magic, would you believe me?" She stood for a moment thinking about what had had just told her. 

She then let go of his arm before responding.

"Well... That seems to be the only explanation for it. So yeah, I do believe you. Please teach it to me." Mia said as she bowed her head towards him.

"Wait. What are you doing? Stop that." He said in response to her bow.

"Not until you say you will teach me!" 

'What a little brat. She has probably never been told no, even once in her life, because she does things like this to force people.' Haru thought before agreeing to teach her.

"Fine, but you're going to have to listen to everything I say. And also, I have a question to ask you." Haru sat down on the edge of the bed and patted it next to him for Mia to come and sit beside him.

"What is it?" She asked before sitting down. Haru looked down at Mia's wrist to see the lux.

"Why did you want to risk your life for a lux?" He sighed and looked up to her face. She hesitated for a second before reluctantly replying.

"It... It was my mother's. She was always fighting and during the war, she was injured so she had no choice but to retire, but after I was born her condition got worse and worse. That is why I want to be able to heal her." Her face was covered in tears as she tried to wipe them away. Haru put his arm around her to comfort her.

Meanwhile, there was a commotion going on outside.

"Who left this filthy dog here!" A man with blonde hair, wearing a blue suit and surrounded by three bodyguards, walked up to Wolfy and began to shout at her.

"Get out of the way, you filthy mutt. You are blocking the way." Wolfy turned her head to look at them before continuing to lick her paws.

One of the security guards stepped forward and used a wind spell to try to move her. [Grazing Wind] The magic had no effect on Wolfy as she laid down, starting to get tired of waiting for Haru to return.

"What a disobedient beast. I bet the owner of this damn thing is just as equally disgusting. Truly a beast fitting for a peasant." The man began to laugh to himself before launching a fire attack towards Wolfy.

It also had no effect on her as demonic beasts came from a world full of flames. A fire of this size wouldn't even be able to singe a single hair on her tail. Wolfy yawned as she rolled onto her side as a way to insult the man's magic power.

"You! A filthy mongrel dares to insult me!?" The man reached for his neck, pulling out a set of military dog tags and threw them into the air.

"Open Gate!" He yelled, calling forth a magical beast kept inside of it.

A huge brown bear came out in a flash of light and landed on the floor in front of Wolfy. The bear was easily three times her size, but it didn't even make Wolfy look at him.

The bear began to growl as a form of intimidation. Then the man raised his hand and pointed towards the bear.

"You! Beast! Kill that god damned dog for me!" The bear looked towards the man and then back at Wolfy and then charged towards her on all fours.

Wolfy didn't even stand up as she waved her paw towards the bear, slicing its arms, legs, and head off in one go.

"How dare you! Don't think that I don't have a way to deal with you! You filthy demon beast! I should have known that a creature as filthy as you wouldn't have any magic power!"

[Summon Holy Sword] 

The man reached his arm into the air as a stream of light appeared from the sky and landed into the palm of his hand. The light vanished into the air, but in its place was now a long golden sword.

He slashed the sword towards Wolfy, sending a beam of light towards her. Wolfy looked distressed, but she was ordered to stay exactly where she was told to and not to attack anyone. She closed her eyes before howling out in pain as her tail was sliced in two.

Haru looked up after hearing a cry of pain.

"Wolfy!" He stood up and ran towards the window to see what was happening down below. Mia stood up, also confused by what was going on.

"What is going on?" She asked nervously.

"Do you want to see some magic that is even stronger than high tier magic?" Haru asked her whilst taking off his jacket and handing it to her.

"Magic even stronger than high tier? You mean military tier? Yeah!" She said excitedly before taking his jacket.

[Space Warp] 

A spatial rift opened up in front of them and Haru walked through, pushing Mia through before he walked through himself.

"What was that!?" Mia asked as they appeared in the courtyard behind the four men.

"I will tell you about it later." Haru responded and then rolled up his sleeves, looking towards the men furiously.

"Now die, you filthy beast!" The man raised his sword above his head.

[Time Lock] The man was suddenly unable to move. His body was frozen in time. The only thing he could do is watch what was happening around him.

"Now who is this filthy beast you are planning on killing?" Haru walked towards the man while using gravity magic to suppress him even more.

Wolfy saw Haru and lowered her head, whimpering as she picked up her tail in her mouth.

"You doing okay, Wolfy?" She slightly shook her head before dropping the piece of her tail on the floor.

[Healing Spirit]

Haru held his hand towards Wolfy reconnecting her tail. She sat down and then howled out as a thank you.

He then held his Lux towards her and activated the storage space, putting her inside. He didn't really expect it to work, but to his surprise, she vanished from where she was sitting. His Lux began to flash blue as a response to it being activated.

"You who are you!? Release the defense secretary at once!" One of the bodyguards stepped forwards and aimed a gun towards him.

[Shadow Step] 

Haru appeared behind him in a flash whilst strengthening himself with magic and then with one hand he slammed the first bodyguard's head into the ground knocking him unconscious immediately.

The other two bodyguards activated their Lux's and stood in a defensive formation.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" A loud yell of anger echoed throughout the courtyard as the blonde man known as the Defence Secretary charged towards Haru with his sword above his head.

"I don't have time for this." Haru sighed. 

[/!!!@~##~;|\] he muttered to himself in a language unknown to anyone present. It was even unknown to Haru, but he knew just this one phrase.

There was a loud crash as a beam of lightning struck the sword the man was holding. The sword instantly vaporized and the man looked back towards Haru as his protective shield slowly cracked into pieces.

He fell backward in shock. The sky became dark, as thunder clouds made their way above the school. The air became cold as the ground started to freeze over and snow began to fall from the sky.

All four of the men were slowly engulfed by ice while they screamed in pain. Their screams came to a halt as the clouds floated away just a few seconds later.

As soon as the cloud left the sky, the ground became covered with a couple inches of snow and the men had all become statues of ice.

"D... Did you just do that!?" Mia stuttered out. Haru laughed to himself before walking over to her.

"Sure, and you will be able to do that one day too." He replied before hundreds of students came rushing out of the buildings

"Woooo! Snow Day! Classes are cancelled!!!"

"I should probably think about my surroundings before freezing everything nearby..." Haru muttered as the yard was flooded with students.