
Chapter 7

Yukio was currently touring the rooftops under the moonlight, this time he did not intend to seek a battle but rather find out something for which he was curious

Although it was strange, a temporary alteration caused so many disasters which for some strange reason there were people who should not exist in this world, in addition to that strange event where Shuri was not really exiled by the Clan and it turns out that he was being protected was something outside of your expectations

With that in mind, he knew that he would have to keep his mind off what he had everything under control, for he realized that apparently the 'future' that he knew would happen might not be as predictable as he expected it to be


Meme was lying in her bed, she had had a good day in her new business and was very happy, although it was a great risk to spend all her savings on opening a candy store turned out to be a good idea, at first she imagined that as it was his first day he would not get many clients but who expected the children to be like canines whose smell could detect candy from long distances

She couldn't help laughing in a low voice while snuggling hugging her pillow, it was impossible not to do it because she was so happy that she could now spend even more time at home and spend time with her daughter while getting the money to live quietly

Although she wasn't stupid enough to think that her shop would give her so much money, at least it would be enough to feed herself after all, would her customers be overdone?

That is a no !, unless all the children in the world stop liking sweets which are impossible

"But ..." Meme who was acting like a girl smiling from ear to ear then remembered something "Why would the famous company 'Blue Sky Desing & Colorfull Art Himura' kindly accept my request?"

She knew that her request was absolutely very silly in the eyes of that famous company, although she only went there to try her luck after all she sent the same request to several companies and although some agreed to comply with the deal they tried to charge a large amount of money

But ... Why did 'Blue Sky Desing & Colorfull Art Himura' even make him a 25% discount? ... It was so strange! ...

Knock Knock...

"Uh?" Meme felt that she had heard some sounds and she turned her head to look at the door, she decided to wait a few seconds but nothing happened and she felt something strange in this situation but she then chose to ignore it while lying down ready to go to sleep

Knock Knock...


A chill assaulted Meme as her legs weakened unconsciously, even her lips were trembling she felt too stiff at this time she was not stupid that sound ... No doubt it could not be an illusion and she was scared from what happened you see her previous

She had realized that she witnessed something that everyone would call 'supernatural', from that moment she even started to believe in ghosts and many other things but she was afraid, afraid that someone would come for her because she had witnessed a world which seemed to be hidden from all civilians like her

Knock Knock...

Meme bit her lips and she got up from her bed while her eyes showed panic, she wanted to run out the door and go to her daughter's room, she had been witness of something she categorized as 'paranormal', so so much she knew that at some point someone might come to 'silence her' that's why she had been so scared, she prepared to run away to look for her daughter and escape at this moment

Just when she was about to take a step, her gaze became full of horror when she saw that in the window of her room a silhouette was present, her heart skipped a beat and she was about to scream until she heard a voice

"If you really scream you will bring me problems, could you open the window now? It would be a shame to break it"

"Hey?" Meme who almost screamed but stopped when she thought she had heard this voice before and soon noticed that the person outside was someone of short stature "Yukio-san?"

"Could you just open the window?" Instead of answering Yukio, he was exasperated, although he could enter the house it was quite annoying to force his entry when he could simply ask the owner 'kindly', didn't he?

Meme felt something silly and quickly opened the window, Yukio entered while sighing and took off his mask leaving it on the small table at night then casually took a seat in Meme's bed, if good his actions were so ... Shameless?

Even so Meme said nothing and sighed in relief when she noticed that it was this person who had saved her before, she felt that he was not bad and as long as she did nothing wrong then this little dangerous child would not do anything harmful to her

"This ... Can I know if you need me for something?" Meme decided to ask softly while taking a seat in a nearby chair, she was curious why this boy was looking for her

"Need?" Yukio muttered before shaking his head "Instead of calling it 'need', I just want to ask you something, do you live alone?"

"Uh ..." Meme felt that question was odd but still she decided to be honest. "No, I actually live with my daughter, she ... Well, she is six years old, possibly the same age."

Yukio did not refute that and did not want to correct this woman after all her age was seven or not six but it was annoying to talk about it "I understand, have you been living in this city for a long time?"

"Um, yes, I came to this city three years ago after ..." Up to this point Meme had a change of expression and stopped, she probably didn't want to say her next sentences

Yukio noticed her hesitation and just made a gesture of stopping, just wanted information that would make her understand if she knew about the 'temporary alteration' or not, she wasn't interested in knowing beyond her superficial life "One last thing...What do you think of what you saw last time?"

Meme stiffened and her fingers moved a little shaking as she then down her head a little "Whats? ... Uh, I don't remember anything interesting that happened before, did something important happen?"

Yukio smiled when he noticed this woman understand the meaning of his words, although he clearly 'threatened' her, he was not going to do anything wrong, it was just to know if this woman would not go and tell others things, after all, he was showing her face which would be a big problem

But he could not do anything, although he was not a cold murderer and the idea of ​​killing her was not really acceptable after all she was innocent and above all ... Would he really have the courage to kill her?

"Something wrong?" Meme realized that Yukio was shaking his head as if he were thinking about something and felt something curious

"It's nothing, I should go for now ..."

Meme nodded and noticed how Yukio got up ready to go, she suddenly remembered something and opened her drawer and then pulled out some kind of candy while smiling "Take, this is ... Can you take it as my payment for 'that'? No I have a lot of money but once I have it I will make sure to pay it to you ... "

Yukio raised an eyebrow at her "Didn't you say you didn't remember anything about 'that?"

Meme looked away as she whistled "I don't understand your question, I just said 'that' but I didn't mean that 'that'"

"Nice way to confuse people ..." Yukio could only smile ironically and take the candy, he wanted to say something but he noticed a presence was at that moment when the door of the room opened

Meme was tense and scared right away when she turned around to look at her little daughter who had entered while she was carrying a blue stuffed dinosaur "Mami?"

"A-ah ... Erio-chan, what are you doing awake at this hour?" Meme acted very rigidly, she did not know what actions Yukio could take in this situation

But Erio was different she looked inside the room and then tilted her head "Can I sleep with you?"

Meme felt it was weird, why didn't her daughter notice Yukio? Then she turned around and was surprised, Yukio was not standing there and that reminded him that this child was 'supernatural' so he was not very exaggerated

Also noticing that Yukio did not take any action against Erio she sighed with relief while patting her big chest "Come, let's sleep together with my little one"

Erio Towa smiled and immediately she jumped towards the bed, Meme followed her and lay down while thinking about the things of today, she snuggled next to her daughter and for some reason unconsciously she looked back and her eyes widened

Yukio was coming down from the ceiling like an expert ninja who was very trained in espionage, he took his mask and smiled before he left, his actions were funny and if Yukio were a few years older anyone would think he was escaping the scene of adultery

Meme laughed softly because this boy before her was so strange and so funny, besides ... It was cute!


Yukio decided to go directly home, he was paying full attention to his surroundings while feeling the near presences to avoid any confrontation against supernatural beings, he even ordered the system to scan the environment for greater security

He was somewhat satisfied with today's event, although he did not get many responses from Meme at least he realized that she did not seem to know anything about the 'Temporary Alteration', but that was logical after all something related to Time or Space would not be noticed by normal people even Yukio wondered if he noticed that kind of effect

While he was thinking about it, he stepped through an alley and suddenly stopped when he heard some sounds of collisions and bloody screams, he immediately thought that these were vagrant demons but when he felt the presences he realized that they were human

"A robbery? ... No, because of the screams and sounds of collisions it seems more like a group fight than a robbery ... Oh, a gang?" Yukio felt somewhat interested, in his previous life he never witnessed a gang battle and also lost nothing by looking at a few seconds

He quickly jumped to the other side of the roof while squat staring at the place


Inside the alley, you could see a large group of people surrounding seven people who held some sticks, metal tubes, and knives in their hands, although these seven people had wounds and some cuts in their bodies but remained erect

Four of them were men while the remaining three were women, their clothes clearly showed that they were criminals

Instead, the other group was composed of fifteen people who held knives and metal tubes, there was even one of them who had a gun in his hands while laughing

"Are you asking for forgiveness and when I order you to bring me the two men who made the mistake you choose to defend them? I certainly do not understand what kind of thinking you have and call yourself the leader of a gang, did you not see the picture? an order from me in my own territory? What idiot ... "The man holding the gun spoke mockingly while the fifteen people around gave a cold smile

Even so, the woman who was holding a knife and she was in front of the six people clenched her teeth in anger. "Although I will not be a good leader, I will never give my allies just to give you respect, at first I came honestly to apologize for the previous actions but now I regret even thinking that you deserved my words! "

"Really? What a pity to hear that, but you know what? Even if you're not a good leader, no doubt if you're an excellent beauty" The man smiled and pointed his gun at the woman while making a somewhat strange expression

"What do you mean?" The woman frowned, she could feel that this man was going to say something rather unpleasant

"Oh come on, how about you work for me? If so, I can let your allies go and pretend this never happened."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course, I wouldn't lie to you, you just have to work for me and I'll do my part of the deal, what do you say?"

The woman was silent, at that time each of the six people around her tried to tell her that it was not necessary and that they were prepared for whatever came, yet the woman rejected them before staring at the man

"... I accept ... I will work for you, but ... You have to let them go right now"

"Sure" The man smiled and gestured to his subordinates, each of them opened a path for the six people "Go ahead, you can go now"

The six people looked at each other and did not move, they wanted to stay with their leader, even so the woman persuaded them she assured them that she would return soon and not to worry, even if they did not want the six left

When the six disappeared in the distance the man who was holding the gun looked at the woman and lifted the corner of her lips "My part of the deal is done, how about you start your work now?"

"My job?" The woman asked while waiting for the answer, it was at that moment that she observed that the man was taking a seat next to a garbage container and then made a gesture to his subordinates

"Oh right, I didn't tell you what the job was ... Well, the job is easy, you just have to use your body to satisfy my subordinates and make them happy, that's all, don't you think it's easy?"

The words were spoken by the man-made this woman tense and took a few steps back, she did not expect this, although she thought that this man could sexually abuse her and was mentally preparing for that it never came to her mind that this man would make his subordinates rape her in a group

"You are despicable!" She roared as she raised her knife ready to fight for her life along with her pride against these men, her hands were shaking while her legs felt loose she was sure they would possibly humiliate her and then kill her, if something was happy it was that at least his allies had gone before

But she remembered that little girl she was taking care of recently ... She felt sad for leaving her like that, while she thought about what she had been moving her knife frantically although she managed to hurt some of them soon surrounded her and started beating her

It had to be said that receiving blows from different directions while holding you was really very difficult to dodge soon she could only watch as they broke her clothes and pressed her against the wall, she knew it ... She was about to suffer the worst humiliation and when her tear-filled wet eyes met the smile-filled expression of that man felt so much anger inside her

But her strength was insufficient ... She could only wait for her destiny

"At least ... I know I will die before" She said to herself and was about to bite her tongue to at least not witness her tragic life

Swoosh! Swoosh!




Suddenly she stopped when she heard cries full of regrets while a hot liquid spread through her bare butt, because she was on her back she did not notice the scene but noticing that the person holding her released her she waved her hand touching his butt while then looking at his hand to notice that it was stained with blood

With panic she turned around just to be very perplexed and scared, there behind her the man who was about to rape her was lying on the floor screaming while his penis had been cut, it wasn't just the bodies that had been thrown around the head was missing

"Ah - Ahhh!" She collapsed on the floor while crawling backward, although a few moments ago she had already killed and even seen the death of some of her friends but witnessing this the scare was because she did not know what was happening


At that moment the sound of a shot resounded in the alley and that got her out of her thoughts, it was when she looked in the direction where the man to see him lying on the floor while shouting in pain holding his right leg

"Do you want revenge?"

And the devil-like whisper suddenly came to the ear of the woman who felt she was under the pressure of a demon


Yukio had seen everything from the roof, although he did not want to get involved he got upset when this man sent his subordinates to try to rape this woman, although he was not a hero it was unbearable to look at a woman being humiliated therefore immediately acted

Mainly he wanted to kill them all and then leave, but an idea came to his mind when he remembered his previous words ... He had no friends, no one to talk to, much less share his moments ... But what if he did friendship with this woman who has such a hateful look?

The people who are influenced by hate are easy to manipulate, he would just have to play some cards and soon he would get a trustworthy person under his wing, he also had a Devil Fruit and could give it to her and then use it for some plans futures

With that in mind, he decided to help her and that is why he was now in this situation

"Do you want revenge?" Yukio repeated the same phrase again while he was there he appeared before the woman and showed that man's gun in his hands

Although his actions were very clear and anyone could understand them, the woman stared at him, or rather observing the white mask which only showed Yukio's gray eyes


"You can take revenge ... It just chooses it now or leaves it, it's your decision"

The woman was silent and watched the gun and then looked away at the man lying on the floor screaming, she did not know what to do but remember what this man had instructed his subordinates and what she was about to spend tears ran down his face

She was not a virgin, but she was not an easy woman either and without a doubt being raped was not acceptable to anyone, she felt so disgusted even if she was almost raped, her hands shook as she took the gun

Rising she wobbled but in the end, she reached the man as she pointed at him, her hands were trembling which made it difficult to point, even though the man who watched her actions began to scream

"N-no! Don't wait! Don't kill me ... I'm sorry, it was a joke, right? It was just a joke, I wouldn't let them do anything to you, download it if that lowers me ... I'll take care to compensate you am..."


He didn't even speak when the sound of the shot reverberated in the alley, the man immediately screamed in pain as he looked at his bloody shoulder


Bang! Bang! Bang! Click!

The sounds of shots were heard repeatedly and soon the sound of the empty click was heard, the woman collapsed on the floor as her consciousness moved away

Yukio who watched the scene picked up the gun keeping it in the inventory and took the woman in his arms disappearing from the place, he knew that soon the police would come to find out why it was necessary to leave


An hour ago since what happened and now Yukio was standing near a small house while the woman ... No, Hinata was standing in the dead looking at the strange person

"... Thank you" Hinata pronounced the words that her heartfelt at this moment and turned around to go home, Yukio watched as she entered and then simply walked away from the place

He had just planned to have a talk today, but fate played different things, Hinata was the leader of a local gang and she had no family, it was an excellent option to take her as a friend and teammate, Yukio knew that the 'Chakra' it existed in all human beings and even if it didn't exist within Hinata he would look for some way to integrate it into his body and if that didn't work then he would give it the Devil Fruit, but before that he wanted to try to check the system store to find something that would work as a contract or a necklace of slavery, he was not so stupid as to empower someone without knowing if they would betray him later

While he was thinking about it and heading home, Hinata who was peeping out the window until Yukio left couldn't help collapsing on the floor while covering his face and tears falling from his eyes

She felt really hurt, both physically and emotionally and of course, she was tempted by the 'devil', but she didn't blame Yukio either, it was because he saved her and even gave her the chance to avenge that despicable man

She wiped her tears and watched the moon which lit up the window, she remembered what that person named Yukio had just told her

"If you are unsatisfied and tired of being despised, what if you join me? Although I cannot give you world domination at least I will give you what others cannot ... Power to make your decisions yourself"

Although those words sounded very vague, she had witnessed how Yukio jumped on the rooftops like those ninjas she watched in her childhood on television, she did not know what to think and could only postpone these thoughts because at that time a few steps came from the hall


"Hikage-chan ..."