
Chapter 8

In these moments in the 'supernatural' society, many disputes were occurring which have been increasingly intensified, although the situation was involved in this way because the two parties fighting each other had different thoughts besides belonging to different lives

Why different lives?

Well it was because they were the famous Exorcists who were full of disgust towards the 'Devils' who flooded the Kuoh city, they had come to this small city in the hope of eliminating the evil that was currently here

Their first day here they managed to eliminate a lot of 'Wandering Demons', even so there were so many that it was very difficult to achieve it and things were more problematic when the so-called Demon Clans arrived to find out the situation

Due to the bad blood of the Exorcists against the Demons they did not want to have any negotiation or even give them a look, therefore, any action was taken as hostility, this took the situation to a standstill but recently a situation made things different

"Are you saying there are more than ten dead?" Sirzechs who was behind his desk frowned as he asked the person in front of him

"I investigated the case myself, I could find fifteen bodies of men all were human, currently the Exorcists are asking us for an explanation about this situation ..." Grayfia declared his investigations in detail

The more Sirzechs listened, the worse his expression was, he certainly knew about the actions committed by those 'Wandering Demons', the countless times he had sent to solve these problems but they were like cockroaches that reproduce day by day, therefore came to an agreement, as long as they didn't do 'exaggerations' then they wouldn't get involved

Although it sounded unfair, Sirzechs didn't think so because even if they didn't get involved he knew that the Japanese Government had a special police force that could even deal with 'supernatural' people like them

But ... Now receiving the news of having found more than ten mutilated bodies in an alley, this was certainly 'exaggerating', he pondered this before asking anything

"Have the Exorcists said or done anything because of this?" This was his biggest concern so far

Grayfia nodded solemnly "I have received the news that the current Paladin Arthur Augusto asked for the co-operation of three 'Maister', that is a matter of time before they arrive in the city"

Three Maister and a Paladin, just hearing that the atmosphere in the office was somewhat somber, Sirzechs sighed bitterly while Grayfia watched him, she doubted whether to tell him about that 'person' who she could not even feel his presence but after thinking a little she decided not to

Now the most important thing was to solve this chaotic problem that was occurring before this ended up becoming a war which would not be adequate today

But what she didn't know is that this event was involved with the same 'person' whose presence was undetectable, she could only know in the future


Yukio was currently sitting in his room while scanning his surroundings and nodded satisfied to make sure his parents were not at home, because his mother was the owner of a fairly famous company she had a lot of work which often had to leave home, as for his father he always disappeared at noon

But leaving that aside, we can now see Yukio sitting cross-legged on the floor while talking to the system

"Could you explain to me how to use my second ability?"


[To use his 'Fictitious Invocation' ability, the user has to have in his mind and call by naming the existence to which he wishes to invoke, he must understand that once used this ability will have to wait an indefinite period of time to return to use it]

The instructions were very simple, in the beginning, Yukio imagined something more complicated with which he would have to take some time to learn but it was not so, although he was curious about something else

"An indefinite time? This is why?"

[The cooling time of the skill depends only on what existence this is invoking, the more powerful that person is, the more time he will have to wait to reuse this ability, so it is necessary to think carefully to be invoked]

Uh ... This was clearly a great nerfed but it still wasn't very annoying, besides he hadn't even thought about who he should choose to invoke, there was something he needed now so he was thinking carefully

What did he need? ... He needed power, but he did not want to invoke someone powerful and that person did things for him, so things would not work properly because he wanted to be powerful on his own

"Is there anything else I should know before using my ability?" Yukio acted cautiously before this ability because he did not want to be killed or controlled by his invocation.


[Your security will be guaranteed, all being invoked by you will have a soul contract which will prevent you from betraying you and even follow your orders without problems, although you must understand that once you invoke someone that person will be weakened for a time due to the ' Space Hole ', even so, it is only a matter of time before he regains his normal strength]

Yukio nodded, meaning that he understood the situation, it was easy to understand why he was not so dumb as not to do it, even so his mind began to move quickly while he thought about what character he should invoke

Maybe he should bring a person from Naruto's world? He was currently in possession of the 'Chakra' even though he did not have much knowledge about Jutsus or other things in relation to it, although he could buy such knowledge in the store were somewhat expensive ... So why wouldn't he summon someone from Naruto to teach you properly how to use it?

Or you could also invoke someone who manages another type of 'Energy' and learn it to become more powerful, although the first option would mean that he sought the stability of his abilities while the second could be interpreted as seeking to increase his strength but not in a way stable

"Obviously you don't have to think hard, the first option is the most reasonable one," Yukio said to himself while mocking a little

Previously in his world, he had read some times and noticed characters who sought power but always ended up losing due to the instability of their abilities or because they failed to properly understand their power, he obviously did not want to have the same result

With everything solved then he extended his hands to the ground touching him with his palm and a dark circle began to form, it was time to use his second ability for the first time

Fictitious Invocation ...

"Then ... Who will become my Sensei?"

Who do you think he should invoke?

Solatecreators' thoughts