
The Legend of the Kyubi

This is a direct translation of my original story [La Leyenda del Kyubi] uploaded on this page. Translated with [MT] and slightly edited with Grammarly ************************************* An unknown past, with only fragments of his old life, a young soul is reborn in the world that I so much desire with the aim of fulfilling his dream but an accident will change everything. What changes will his presence in this world bring? How many destinies will change because of him? That's for you to find out... ************************************* Disclaimer: I don't own the original work "Naruto", or any of its characters. ************************************* If you liked the story, you can support me through pa treon with the following link. https://www.pa treon.com/GenoXX

GenoXX · Cómic
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839 Chs

Extra 15: Dragon & Dragon Maids (4)

"Welcome, to [Fairy Tail]!" - Natsu exclaimed with a huge smile as he threw open the guild door with a bang.

Those present looked in the direction of the door, only to be surprised because they never thought they would see a pretty girl accompanying their idiot friend, but what made the men click their tongues, was that next to them, stood a handsome white-haired man.

"Huh? Flaming brain, who are they?" - asked a half-naked black-haired boy - "Are they here to ask for a mission, by chance? And why does that girl have a lizard tail?"

"Lizard?!" - Tohru exclaimed angrily as her expression darkened.

The half-naked boy quickly flinched, terrified as he could feel the dark aura surrounding this strange woman.

"Listen to me, you low-budget little exotic dancer, it's not lizard, but dragon!" - Tohru roared as her face changed shape to a much more savage one as she spat fire - "You heard that right! Dragon!"

"D-Dragon?" - The half-naked boy asked in confusion, only to look at Natsu - "Hey, is she like you?"

"No, she's a real dragon" - replied Natsu as he shrugged his shoulders.

The guild fell absolutely silent, only to let out a huge laugh, as if they had heard the best joke of their lives.

Tohru frowned before transforming into his dragon form, and in the process causing the building to start shattering.

"What the fuck is going on!" - exclaimed an older man of short stature, only to yelp in surprise when he saw how a huge scaly head, stared at him silently - "Why the fuck is there a dragon in my guild!"

Tohru quickly returned to his human form, not caring that the building was only being supported by his massive figure.

"My guild!" - exclaimed the short man as he cried - "Who will pay for this crap!"

But before he could say anything else, he noticed how everything went back to the way it was before Tohru transformed.

"Temporary control?" - The short man asked in surprise, only to look closely at the furious girl - "Was it [Take Over] magic, perhaps?"

"[Take Over]?" - Tohru asked with a frown - "I want to assume it's a magic to shapeshift to another type of existence."

"Exactly, you could say it's sealing a creature inside you, so you can use the form of that species" - replied the short old man, only to frown because he didn't think this was possible, after all, dragons had disappeared many years ago, so many that it's impossible to remember the exact date."

"I'M A DRAGON!" - Tohru roared in fury as her reptilian pupils.

Tohru was about to transform again, but calmed down when she felt a hand on her shoulder - "Hmph!"

"Ok, I want to know who you are, and what you want" - said the short man as he looked at the newcomers.

Those present had stopped partying, and were now silent, waiting for the group to say what they wanted.

"Luigi wants to join the guild" - Natsu said calmly, only to groan in pain when he felt the girl's fist, impacting the back of his neck - "Why are you hitting me!"

"Because you don't know my name! My name isn't Luigi, Lucifer, Lusamine, or Lumine!" - Lucy roared as she pointed in the direction of the pink-haired boy - "My name, it's Lucy! L-U-C-Y!"

"Ok, I get your point, Luce" - said Natsu as he snorted disdainfully.

Lucy's eyebrow twitched slightly before she sighed because she knew this would be the closest he would get to her real name.

"I see, well, congratulations on joining [Fairy Tail]" - the short man replied - "Mira-chan!"

"I heard everything, no need to shout, Master" - said a pretty girl with white hair and shapely figure.

"Kya ~! Mirajane-san!" - Lucy exclaimed excitedly - "I'm your fan!"

"Uh, thank you?" - Mirajane said with a slightly forced smile.

"Ahem! I'm sorry, I just never thought I'd see you so soon to come to [Fairy Tail]" - said Lucy with a slight blush over her cheeks - "Could I ask you some questions?"

"Sure, but first, welcome to [Fairy Tail]" - said Mirajane as she pulled out a strange stamp - "Tell me, where do you want the mark, and what color?"

While Lucy was talking to Mirajane, Makarov, the guild master of [Fairy Tail], looked at Kurama and his companion, and asked them to follow him.

The two interdimensional travelers, nodded and followed the old man.

When they reached the old man's office, they calmly sat down in front of his desk and waited for them to speak.

"Are you coming from another dimension?" - Makarov asked as he got straight to the point.

"Interesting, how did you come to that conclusion?" - Tohru asked calmly as she folded her arms.

"It's easy to deduce, after all, the dragons of this dimension, became extinct centuries ago, leaving only one dragon flying around the world, although if I'm honest, I wish that dragon had become extinct along with the others" - replied Makarov, surprising Tohru, after all, no matter how weak a dragon was, they were still creatures loved by the world with their enormous resistance to the elements and life force.

"I want to guess that that dragon is extremely dangerous" - Kurama said while squinting his eyes.

"Its name is Acnalogia, the black dragon of the apocalypse, a creature that only knows chaos and destruction" - replied Makarov, not noticing how Tohru frowned because in his faction, there was no one with that name, not even in the low ranks - "This dragon, has been responsible for annihilating hundreds of civilizations over the last centuries"

"I'd like to know more about it" - Tohru said while frowning.

"There are a few books about him in the library, I can hand them over to you after this conversation is over" - Makarov replied calmly as he turned his gaze to the white-haired man - "From your lack of interest, as well as draconic features, I would like to assume that you are a normal human."

Kurama didn't respond with words, he just released his white ears and ten majestic tails that now wagged behind him.

"I am a Ten-tailed Kitsune" - Kurama replied calmly - "A Jubi".

"You're a Jubi!" - Tohru exclaimed in surprise because she wasn't expecting this revelation. She only thought Kurama was a Kyubi Kitsune like all the others, but now she understood that he was much stronger than she first thought.

"What's so surprising about him being a Jubi, or whatever?" - Makarov asked with a frown.

"I'll give you some context, the Jubi, are creatures capable of absorbing the vitality of the world and the species that inhabit it, to concentrate them into what my clan knows as the fruit of knowledge" - Tohru replied as he looked closely at the white-haired man - "But you don't look like a Jubi, after all, they are creatures produced by the chakra tree that do not have an ego, or a defined personality because it would be counterproductive for them to not wish to absorb the vitality of the world in which they are planted."

"It's a long story" - mused Kurama calmly.

"I have time, we both do, after all, we are immortal" - said Tohru as she folded her arms.

"Yes, but it's not something I have to reveal, much less to a person I just met" - replied Kurama while pointing at Makarov, who for the first time understood that those two were not as close as he thought.

He quickly grabbed the bridge of his nose, and looked at the duo in front of him - "Let's see, let me get this straight, I have in front of me, a dragon and an apocalyptic beast equal or superior to Acnalogia."

"Dragon of the Chaotic Faction" - corrected Tohru with a small smile - "Their princess to speak more clearly."

"I'm too old for all this shit" - muttered Makarov as he walked over to a piece of furniture and pulled out a bottle of alcohol he had saved for moments like this - "Want some?"

"Sure" - nodded Tohru as she shrugged her shoulders. She would never say no to a good drink.

"Sorry, normal alcohol doesn't do much for me" - said Kurama as he shook his head - "That's why I always bring my personal alcohol, distilled from the best toads in my dimension, and enhanced by the sacred spring water"

"Toads? You know what, let's just pretend I haven't heard anything and take it easy" - Makarov said because something told him that he would be in a lot more trouble than necessary if he received more information than necessary.

"Do you mind if I have some of your alcohol?" - Tohru asked as saliva began to drip from her mouth because she could smell the aroma and potency of the white-haired man's drink.

"You can take as much as you want, I always carry enough to hold out for hundreds of years" - Kurama replied calmly as he shrugged - "And if I'm short, I can always create more with my skill."

"Thank you very much!" - Tohru exclaimed with a huge smile as she picked up a bottle of sake, and drank it without a second thought.


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 15(19) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

GenoXXcreators' thoughts