
The Legend of the Kyubi

This is a direct translation of my original story [La Leyenda del Kyubi] uploaded on this page. Translated with [MT] and slightly edited with Grammarly ************************************* An unknown past, with only fragments of his old life, a young soul is reborn in the world that I so much desire with the aim of fulfilling his dream but an accident will change everything. What changes will his presence in this world bring? How many destinies will change because of him? That's for you to find out... ************************************* Disclaimer: I don't own the original work "Naruto", or any of its characters. ************************************* If you liked the story, you can support me through pa treon with the following link. https://www.pa treon.com/GenoXX

GenoXX · Cómic
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839 Chs

Extra 15: Dragon & Dragon Maids (3)

"Meh, we broke up two days ago because I found him flirting with other spirit women" - replied Aquarius while frowning as he remembered Scorpius - "He tried to get us back together, but I already lost my patience with his attitude, even Leo wasn't as annoying as he was"

"I'm sorry, but I already have a partner" - Kurama replied while shaking his head.

"You mean the dragon next to you?" - Aquarius asked while looking closely at Tohru, who was blushing - "Hmm, she's pretty, but I have something that she doesn't have, and that is that if you choose me, you also have Lucy"

"What!" - Lucy exclaimed with a red face as she felt her body temperature rising - "No!"

"Relax, I'm just kidding, I would never do something like that" - replied Aquarius calmly as she looked to the side.

"Your expression doesn't say that" - Lucy said as she looked annoyed at her old friend.

"Tch, just kidding, ok?" - Aquarius said as he gave her a little smack on the forehead with his finger.

"Stop attacking me!" - Lucy exclaimed as she started yelling at Aquarius, who was honestly ignoring everything her "master" was saying.

Tohru just looked at this confused because she never thought she'd see a manifestation of the Zodiac in physical form, though she quickly shook her head.

"Anyway, what did you call me for?" - Aquarius asked as he looked at Lucy with a frown - "Because I'm sure it wasn't to introduce me to this handsome man."

"Stop acting like a bitch" - Lucy snorted, only to scream when she felt her whole body being drenched - "Why are you doing that!"

"First, for calling me a bitch, second, for Fanservice" - replied Aquarius calmly.

"You have a point, it's a good Fanservice" - Tohru said as she saw how Lucy's already seductive clothes, were much more "arousing" now that they were attached to her delicious and well-proportioned body.

Lucy blushed as she noticed how not only Kurama was watching her carefully, but all the men in the vicinity.

"Okay, I think that's enough" - Kurama said as he snapped his fingers, only for a strange smokescreen to appear around the blonde girl.

When it appeared, not only was she dry, but she was now wearing slightly more conservative clothing, though she was still showing off her overall beauty.

"T-Thanks" - Lucy murmured as she noticed how her new clothes weren't too bad, that is, her skirt was slightly longer and now came down to her knees along with a blouse that fit her body, but didn't constrict her.

"I could tell you were about to cry, and I honestly couldn't allow it" - Kurama replied calmly while nodding - "It's fine to be proud of your body, but you should think a little before dressing. With these clothes you're much more presentable, and you don't show yourself as a simple object."

Lucy blushed slightly before nodding weakly.

Aquarius smiled when he saw this, only to return to his normal expression because he honestly didn't want Lucy to realize how much she cared for her.

Kurama noticed this, but didn't say anything about it, while Tohru was looking at Kurama with a new perspective.

"I didn't think you'd be a gentleman" - Aquarius said while coughing to try to calm down.

"I have to be, more so when I have a huge family" - replied Kurama calmly while taking out a few pictures in which he was standing next to a huge group number of women and children.

Lucy did not know what to say to this because, by the appearance of the women and children, it was obvious that he was their husband and the father of the children.

Aquarius didn't know what to say either, but his expression changed when he saw Kaguya.

"I see you know the Otsutsuki here too" - said Kurama noticing the drastic change in the woman.

"Your wife is one of that cursed clan?" - Tohru asked in surprise as she frowned.

"Yes, although you don't have to worry, we already took care of them" - replied Kurama calmly while shrugging his shoulders - "We sealed it in a pocket dimension as a preventive method, as for why we haven't killed them, it's because not everyone in that clan are bastards who wish to devour the vitality of the different worlds."

Tohru said nothing, after all, she couldn't be so hypocritical to say that they were better off dead, when her faction had caused hundreds, if not thousands of far more serious problems.

Aquarius looked curiously at Kurama as she thought about his words, after all, she had heard from [Spirit King] himself, how he, along with the [Dragon Gods], had fought a member of the Otsutsuki clan and barely managed to kill him.

"Leaving that aside, I'd like to know where we are" - Kurama said as he looked at Aquarius.

"I guess you're from another dimension" - said Aquarius as she pondered - "You're in the [Realm of Magic], currently in [Earth Land]."

"[Earth Land]?" - Tohru repeated with a frown - "If I remember correctly, this was the place where one of the many wars between the Chaos and Order factions occurred, at least that explains why the dragons of this world created something like magic [Dragon Slayer]"

"You know Igneel?" - Natsu asked as he looked at the dragon girl.

"In the slightest, so it's possible he may have been from the [Harmony Faction]" - Tohru replied as she started to think - "I'd have to ask Elma if she knows about him, though I couldn't tell you for sure."

"I just wish I could see my father" - Natsu muttered regretfully.

Lucy, for her part, was surprised that the words about how the pink-haired boy had been raised by a dragon, were true.

"Anyway, it was nice to meet you guys, but I need to go back home to tell our king that the Otsutsuki threat, is now gone" - said Aquarius as she gave Lucy a glance before leaving.

"Anyway, what will you guys do now?" - Natsu asked simply.

"We have no idea, but I guess we'll have to find a place to live" - said Kurama as he watched Tohru nodded.

"Do you guys happen to have a way to get back to your home?" - Lucy asked with concern.

"Not me, at least not until I accomplish whatever it is I have to do in this place" - replied Kurama with a frown.

"As for me, I don't plan to leave until I repay him for saving me" - Tohru said as she averted her gaze.

"Saving your life?" - Lucy asked curiously.

"W-Well, I was fighting against a god" - said Tohru while telling everything that had happened, surprising Natsu and Lucy, who couldn't believe their ears.

The stories of the two people in front of them, were becoming more and more fantastic, but after everything that had happened, it was obvious that they were not lying.

"If so, why don't you come with us to [Fairy Tail]?" - Lucy asked as she cocked her head to the side - "I mean, if you're going to be here for an unknown amount of time, you'd better have something to do."

"You have a point, you're smarter than I thought" - said Tohru while looking at the girl's breasts.

"Just because I have big breasts, and I'm blonde, doesn't mean I'm an idiot!" - Lucy exclaimed with a red face.

"Liar ~" - said Happy, who was still floating around, only to fly away when Lucy punched him in the face.

"Happy!" - Natsu exclaimed as he ran to where his friend had fallen - "Are you okay?"

"Yeah" - muttered Happy as he shook his head to shake away the confusion he felt.

"You have a good fist" - said Kurama as he stroked his chin.

"Anyway, what's your skill?" - Tohru asked as she looked at the girl, then at the pink-haired boy.

"I am a [Celestial Mage], my specialty is you use my keys to summon spirits" - replied Lucy calmly as she explained a little better how to use these objects - "In the case of Aquarius, she is one of the 12 golden keys. As for Natsu, he's a [Dragon Slayer], an ancestral magic, I think."

"Think so?" - Kurama asked in surprise.

"It's an ancient magic and one that not many people know about, so I have no idea if it's true or not" - replied Lucy while scratching her cheek.

"Well, let's leave that for another time, now I want to see what this [Fairy Tail] you are talking about is like" - said Kurama while shrugging his shoulders.

"Ok!" - Lucy exclaimed excitedly, at least with this, she wouldn't be the only one to join the guild - "Natsu!"

"What?" - Natsu asked as he grabbed Happy and put him on his shoulder - "Do you need something, Luigi?"

"That my name isn't Luigi!" - Lucy exclaimed with her face red in anger - "Why the fuck can't you say my name right!"

"I didn't call you correctly, perhaps?" - Natsu asked in surprise as he started to think - "Luciana?"

"No!" - Lucy exclaimed angrily.

"Lucifer?" - Natsu asked again.

"That's not even a feminine name, plus it sounds like it's straight out of hell!" - Lucy exclaimed angrily as she prepared to take a punch at the boy.


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 15(18) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

GenoXXcreators' thoughts