
New Entries

Rovan doing push-ups on one hand in the same pretty dark room:

Paradox and Samos sitting on the bench right side to the table while rabbit and the red skin monkey face guy with a white huge caps turban and golden gebdashium gloves with golden gebdashium Shalwar with no shirt or Kamees.

<The rabbit with red eyes and white hair, and kind of like in his space suit breaks the silence>

"So you want us to fight against Grief, and at this time when he has the power of the fourth petal of the very rose that contained the power of the legendary warriors of the Khurafa World."

<Rabbit jumps of the bench and tries walking towards our, jumping on Rovan and stepping down>

"What's the matter, rabbit's afraid of Grief, going to have some carrots to gain the blood back, that you lost after hearing his name."

"Shut the f*ck up you rat face. I am the only one who knows the consequences of going against him. But you, what do you know about doing some research you muscular dumb f*ck."

<The monkey speaks up>

"Stop it rabbit....The only way we can fight him and by Allah's will defeat him is together, I mean it's only we.....we are the ones in this world of the evil jinns, only we have still secured our faith in God and goodness."

"My goodness....."

The rabbit again jumps on Rovan bothering him this time when while he stays silent and sits back on the bench while arms fold.

<Monkey takes out one of his two large white guns attached to his belt>

"We are gonna defeat him, no matter what."

<A red hair, white skin, green long coat and white Shalwar kamees with yellow muffler digged in the blue vast coat with embroidery enters>

"Hey Asalam O Alaikum! Are you guys done, I might wanna stay in the room for a while."

"Oh! F*ck I saw his face, my day is destroyed....."

<Rovan stands up>

"What's your name Pale!"

"No one asks me my name but I am......the Spiritua!"

<Samos smiles>

"That's a great name."

<The guy with dark character smiles while negativity emerging from his character>

"I like your ummm brown shoes and green long jacket! Looks cool...."

<Rovan says>

"Thanks! I umm.....I know.....what you are up to....can I join...."

<Paradox stands up>

"You know we are gonna risk our lives for this, why you wanna join."


"Sorry.....actually people here don't like me at all, they call me joker and hate me, I don't like this name for me.....I am not a joker.....people also say I practice black magic, after all my power is all due to the practices I did for my spiritual growth."

"We got it! Ummm sure you can join, right guys?"

<Asks monkey while standing up>


<Said Rovan>

"I like him...."

<Said Samos while rabbit hitting his forehead with his hand>

"Alright! Alright! He can come, why not!"

<Rabbit getting his guns out, both white highly advance too and then puts them back in his backpack>

"But what's your name monkey?"

<Says Samos>

"I don't know what a monkey is but my name is Zax!"

<The golden shinny Z sign attached to my gebdahisum made chain is for my name>


<Samos whispers as Rabbit opens up again>

"Yeah! Yeah! Whatever, now listen and I am not even messing around. If we gave to do this, we must bring the blue skin butter scotch and the purple eagily b*stard into this."